5.2 The c:import Action


5.2 The <c:import> Action

The <jsp:include> action lets you encapsulate functionality in one JSP page and include it in another; for example, you could include company headers and footers, like this:

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">  <html>    ...    <body>       <  jsp:include  page='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyHeader.jsp'/>       <%-- Page content goes here--%>       <  jsp:include  page='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyFooter.jsp'/>    </body> </html> 

The preceding JSP page includes JSP files specified with context-relative URLs that reside in a /WEB-INF/jsp/company directory. [2] You can also specify request parameters for included files with the <jsp:param> action, like this:

[2] Files stored under WEB-INF cannot be directly accessed by users.

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">  <html>    ...    <body>       <  jsp:include  page='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyHeader.jsp'>          <  jsp:param  name='user'                    value='<%=session.getAttribute("userName")%>'/>       </jsp:include>       <%-- Page content goes here--%>       <jsp:include page='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyFooter.jsp'/>    </body> </html> 

In the preceding code fragment, companyHeader.jsp is passed a request parameter named user that references a user name stored in session scope.

As handy as the <jsp:include> action is, its capabilities are limited; for example, it cannot import external resources or resources stored in foreign contexts. The JSTL <c:import> action can do all those things and more. Table 5.2 lists the features supported by <jsp:include> and <c:import>.

Table 5.2. <jsp:include> vs. <c:import>




Access resources in the same Web application



Access resources in a foreign context [a]



Access external resources



Provide a performance boost option



Store imported content in a scoped variable



Specify a character encoding for the imported resource



Support the JSTL Expression Language



[a] This feature is not supported by all JSP containers.

You can use <c:import> instead of <jsp:include> to import resources in the same Web application; for example, you could import company headers and footers like this:

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">  <html>    ...    <body>       <  c:import  url='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyHeader.jsp'/>       <%-- Page content goes here--%>       <  c:import  url='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyFooter.jsp'/>    </body> </html> 

JSTL also provides a <c:param> action that you can use just like <jsp:param>; for example, the code fragment listed on page 202 could be rewritten like this:

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">  <html>    ...    <body>       <  c:import  url='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyHeader.jsp'>          <  c:param  name='user'                  value='${sessionScope.userName}'/>       </c:import>       <%-- Page content goes here--%>       <  c:import  url='/WEB-INF/jsp/company/companyFooter.jsp'/>    </body> </html> 

The <c:import> action applies URL rewriting as necessary to maintain sessions if cookies are disabled on the client. The <c:import> action has two syntaxes; here's one of them: [3]

[3] Items in brackets are optional. See "<c:import>" on page  486 for a more complete description of <c:import> syntax.

  <c:import url [context] [charEncoding] [var] [scope]>   <c:param> actions   </c:import>  

The url attribute is similar to the <jsp:include> action's page attribute ”both attributes specify a URL, either context-relative or page-relative ”whose content is included in the JSP page in which the respective actions reside. But the URL specified with the <c:import> url attribute can also represent an external resource or a resource that resides in a foreign context.

To access an external resource, you simply specify an absolute URL for the url attribute. To access a resource in a foreign context, you must specify a value for the context attribute that represents a context path for the foreign context in conjunction with the url attribute, which represents a context-relative path to the resource. For example, from another Web application in the same website, you could import test_2.jsp shown in Figure 5-1 on page 199 like this:

 <c:import url='/jsp/test_2.jsp' context='/core-jstl'/> 

See "Accessing External Resources" on page 210 for an example of importing external resources and "Accessing Resources in Foreign Contexts" on page 215 for an example of importing resources from a foreign context.

The charEncoding attribute specifies a character encoding, such as UTF-8 , that <c:import> uses to decode characters that it imports; [4] for example, you could specify a character encoding of Shift_JIS to import a URL whose content is in Japanese like this:

[4] See "Unicode and Charsets" on page  260 for more information about character encodings.

 <c:import url='http://www.tcvb.or.jp/jp/index-j.htm'  charEncoding  ='Shift_JIS'/> 

By default, the <c:import> action writes the content of the URL that it imports to the current JspWriter ; however, if you specify the var attribute, <c:import> will create a scoped variable whose name is specified with that attribute. That scoped variable references a string that contains the content that <c:import> imports. By default, <c:import> stores that scoped variable in page scope, but you can specify the scope attribute to store it in page, request, session, or application scope.

You can also use <c:import> with this syntax:

  <c:import url [context] [charEncoding] varReader>   body content that uses the varReader scoped variable:   <c:param> actions not allowed   </c:import>  

The preceding syntax is the same as the first syntax, except that the var and scope attributes are replaced by a varReader attribute and <c:param> actions are disallowed in the body of the <c:import> action. The varReader attribute specifies the name of a reader that references the imported content. That reader is only accessible in the body of the <c:import> action, and because it must be available immediately after the <c:import> start tag, <c:param> actions are not allowed in the body of the <c:import> action. This syntax is provided for efficiency because the imported content is not stored in a string but instead is accessed directly with a reader. Figure 5-2 shows a JSP page that uses <c:import> with the preceding syntax to display the content of a URL.

Figure 5-2. Using <c:import> with a Reader


The JSP page shown in Figure 5-2 uses a custom action nested in the body of a <c:import> action. That custom action uses a reader created by <c:import> to directly access the content of a URL. That JSP page is listed in Listing 5.1.

The preceding JSP page uses <c:import> to read the content of another JSP page named someContent.jsp , which resides in the same directory as the preceding JSP page. The varReader attribute is specified so that <c:import> will create a reader and store it in page scope. The custom action ”<core-jstl:displayUrlContent> ”uses the reader to display the imported content. Notice that the custom action has a reader attribute that specifies the name of the reader. That attribute's value must be the same as the value specified for the enclosing <c:import> action's varReader attribute.

Listing 5.1 Using a Custom Action That Uses the Optional Reader Created by <c:import>
 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html>    <head>       <title>         Using the Reader Created by &lt;c:import&gt;       </title>    </head>    <body>       <%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/jstl/core' prefix='c' %>  <%@ taglib uri='WEB-INF/core-jstl.tld' prefix='core-jstl' %>  <c:import url='someContent.jsp' varReader='reader'>  <core-jstl:displayUrlContent reader='reader'/>  </c:import>    </body> </html> 

The JSP page imported by the preceding JSP page is listed in Listing 5.2.

Listing 5.2 someContent.jsp

The tag handler for the <core-jstl:displayUrlContent> custom action is listed in Listing 5.3.

The preceding tag handler's doStartTag method invokes the PageContext.findAttribute method to locate the reader created by an enclosing <c:import> action to read each character and write it to the current JspWriter .


Unlike other JSTL actions, such as the iteration, SQL, and internationalization actions, the URL actions do not expose any classes or interfaces.

Listing 5.3 WEB-INF/classes/tags/DisplayUrlAction.java
 package tags; import java.io.Reader; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; public class DisplayUrlAction extends TagSupport {    private String readerName;    public void setReader(String readerName) {       this.readerName = readerName;    }    public int doStartTag() throws JspException {       int character;  Reader reader = (Reader)   pageContext.findAttribute(readerName);  if(reader == null) {          throw new JspException("You can only use this action " +                                 "in the body of a "  +                                 "&lt;c:import&gt; "  +                                 "action that exposes a reader ");       }       try {  while((character = reader.read()) != -1)   pageContext.getOut().print((char)character);  }       catch(java.io.IOException ex) {          throw new JspException(ex.getMessage());       }       return SKIP_BODY;    } } 

If the <c:import> tag handler's class had been exposed, the preceding tag handler could check to make sure that it had an <c:import> ancestor action and could also obtain a reference to the reader that the enclosing <c:import> action created. However, because the URL actions do not expose any classes or interfaces, you must explicitly pass the tag handler the name of the reader created by its enclosing <c:import> action and the tag handler must also check to make sure that the reader is not null .


Core JSTL[c] Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library
Core JSTL[c] Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library
ISBN: 131001531
Year: 2005
Pages: 124

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