

DA, see Data agent

DAC, see Device access code

DAG, see Directed acyclic graph


agent (DA), 207

collector application, screenshot of, 549

decrypted, 457

forwarding mechanism, 211

link layer, 391

loss, network congestion and, 116

-medium rate packet, 318

path, protocol translators in, 219

rate oscillation, 115

transfer, bidirectional, 470


high-speed, 33

rates, 228


architectures, 371

cache, 364

distributed, 354

heterogeneous, 409

Home Location Register, 247

initiation of mobile access to, 462


change in, 352

hierarchical organization of, 368

management system (DBMS), 456, 521

mobile, 459, 460

PC-based, 526

queries, 437

UPT global, 204

VLR, 371

Database systems, WAP-enabled transaction processing model for mobile, 455–467

background, 456–459

mobility applications, 459–461

sample application, 463–464

simulation results, 464–466

WAP-enabled transaction model, 461–463

DBI, see Perl Database Interface

DBMS, see Database management system

DCF, see Distributed coordination function

Decoding strategies, 346

DECT, see Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications


answer-signal, 490

-based metrics, 487

call-release, 490

classes, GPRS, 87

postdialing, 490

Denial-of-service attack, 67


computers, handheld devices vs., 503

cordless, 308

follow-me, 207

PCs, dial-up rates of, 4

Web browsers, digital certificates deployed on, 63


-based rerouting, 270

-sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV), 390

Developer trust services, 506


access code (DAC), 314, 316

addressing, 314

authentication, 332

movement, pattern of, 420

DHCP, see Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Dialogue Expressway 2000 E-Mailconnector, 191

Dial-up modems, 220

DICOM, see Digital Imaging and Communications

Differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK), 7

Differentiated Services (DiffServ), 153, 213

code point (DSCP), 212

protocol, 157

DiffServ, see Differentiated Services

Digital cell phone transmission, interception of, 56

Digital certificates, 63, 503

Digital content delivery, 25

Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT), 7, 401, 445

Digital Imaging and Communications (DICOM), 533

Digital signatures, 190

Digital speech signals, transmission of, 36

Digital wireless communication, introduction of, 155

Dijkstra's algorithm, 388

Directed acyclic graph (DAG), 389

Direct routing call model, 160

Direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum, 12, 229, 231

Discrete Cosine Transform, 106


decay, randomness associated with, 339

learning, Web-based, 26

vector information, distribution of, 389

Distributed antennas, 446

Distributed coordination function (DCF), 231

Distributed database, 354, 376

Distributed radio system (DRS), 446

DNS, see Domain name service

Doctor, remote, 512

DOD reference model, 199


-independent algorithms, 249

name service (DNS), 386

-specific heuristics, 256

Downlink, buffering required in base station for, 288

Download manager, 543

DQPSK, see Differential quadrature phase shift keying

Drift velocity, 356

DRS, see Distributed radio system

DSCP, see DiffServ code point

DSDV, see Destination-sequenced distance vector routing

DSR, see Dynamic Source Routing

DS spread spectrum, see Direct sequence spread spectrum

DST algorithm, see Dynamic spanning tree algorithm

Dynamic channel assignment, 336

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 161

Dynamic link characteristics, 115

Dynamic per-host routing, 211

Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), 389

Dynamic spanning tree (DST) algorithm, 390

Wireless Internet Handbook. Technologies, Standards and Applications
Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards, and Applications (Internet and Communications)
ISBN: 0849315026
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 239 © 2008-2017.
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