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icons in message boxes, 68, 70
Id property, 374
identity column, 470, 478
IDTExtensibility2 interface, 248–49, 250, 259
If...Then statements, 90
If...Then...Else statements, 74–75
determining which code will execute, 270
inside a Select Case statement, 77
for validation, 198
IgnoreBlank property, 188
IgnoreReadOnly Recommended parameter, 130
IIS (Internet Information Server), 533
Image control, 410
Immediate window, 45, 140
Implements keyword, 260
Import External Data feature, 530
Import method, 555
Import XML dialog box, 552
imported data, storing, 150
ImportRange procedure, 297
ImportXml method, 555
inactive sheet tabs, 231
inactive worksheet, referencing, 167
InCellDropdown property, 188
InchesToPoints method, 155
index number of an array element, 64, 66
Index property
of CommandBar object, 367
of CommandBarControl object, 20
of PivotCache object, 353
indexes on database tables, 470
infinite loop, preventing, 267
information, entering, 419–31
information box, displaying, 188
information icon in a message box, 70
Information Rights Management (IRM) capabilities, 7
Initial Catalog keyword, 485
Initial Load Behavior drop-down box, 253
Initialize event, 311
InitializeChart procedure, 329
in-process components, 248
input boxes, 71–72
InputBox function, 71, 121
InputBox method, 121–23
InputMessage property, 188
input/output parameter to a stored procedure, 490
Input/Output statements, 295
InputTitle property, 188
Ins key, 127
Insert button, 53
Insert Function dialog box, 21
Insert key, 127
Insert menu, 45
Insert Procedure dialog box, 100
insert row, 9, 541
Insert statement, 471, 478
InsertRowRange property, 541
installation program, building, 261
Installed property of AddIn object, 245
instantiating an object, 301
INSTR function, 204
integer, month corresponding to, 214
Integer data type, 59, 62
Integrated Security keyword, 486
IntelliSense, 50, 454
interactive Web pages, 534–35
interactive Web-based worksheets, 525–27
interactive worksheet data on a Web page, 520
adding with Web Components, 534–35
options for worksheets, 526
INTERCEPT function, 4
interest rate, 210
interface, 18–21, 304
Interior object, 234
interior of a cell, 233
Interior property
of a cell, 234
of Range object, 236
International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), 197
as a data source, 527–32
interacting with, 519
publishing results, 533–37
Internet Assistant VBA add-in, 240
Internet Explorer, hidden instance of, 532
Internet Information Server (IIS), 533
Internet solutions, 537
Intersect method, 124
intersection of two ranges, 124
Interval argument of DateDiff function, 216
intrinsic constants, 59
invalid data message, displaying, 188
investments, 211, 212
IPMT worksheet function, 209
IRM (Information Rights Management), 7
IS family of functions, 194
Is Nothing test, 302
Is Null expression, 474
ISBLANK function, 194
ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers), 197
IsConnected property, 353
IsEmpty function, 296
ISERR function, 194
ISERROR function, 194
IsExportable property, 553
ISLOGICAL function, 194
ISNA function, 194
ISNONTEXT function, 194
ISNUMBER function, 194
isolation feature of an EXE component, 248
ISREF function, 194
ISTEXT function, 193, 194
IsValid procedure, 317
Italic property, 232
ITC (Microsoft Internet Transfer Control), 536
Item method
of Collection object, 315
of PivotCaches collection, 352
of PivotTables collection, 349
Item property
accessing Chart objects in Charts collection, 327
of AddIns collection, 244
of CommandBarControls collection, 372
of CommandBars collection, 366
of Errors collection, 486
of Fields collection, 494
of Parameters collection, 489
items, selecting, 409, 413
iteration loops, 77–79
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