
CharsetDecoder java.nio.charset

Java 1.4

A CharsetDecoder is a "decoding engine" that converts a sequence of bytes into a sequence of characters based on the encoding of some charset. Obtain a CharsetDecoder from the Charset that represents the charset to be decoded. If you have a complete sequence of bytes to be decoded in a ByteBuffer you can pass that buffer to the one-argument version of decode( ) . This convenience method decodes the bytes and stores the resulting characters into a newly allocated CharBuffer , resetting and flushing the decoder as necessary. It throws an exception if there are problems with the bytes to be decoded.

Typically, however, the three-argument version of decode( ) is used in a multistep decoding process:

  1. Call the reset( ) method, unless this is the first time the CharsetDecoder has been used.

  2. Call the three-argument version of decode( ) one or more times. The third argument should be true on, and only on, the last invocation of the method. The first argument to decode( ) is a ByteBuffer that contains bytes to be decoded. The second argument is a CharBuffer into which the resulting characters are stored. The return value of the method is a CoderResult object that specifies the state of the ongoing the decoding operation. The possible CoderResult return values are detailed below. In a typical case, however, decode( ) returns after it has decoded all of the bytes in the input buffer. In this case, you would then typically fill the input buffer with more bytes to be decoded, and read characters from the output buffer, calling its compact( ) method to make room for more. If an unexpected problem arises in the CharsetDecoder implementation, decode( ) throws a CoderMalfunctionError .

  3. Pass the output CharBuffer to the flush( ) method to allow any remaining characters to be output.

The decode( ) method returns a CoderResult that indicates the state of the decoding operation. If the return value is CoderResult.UNDERFLOW , then it means that decode( ) returned because all bytes from the input buffer have been read, and more input is required. If the return value is CoderResult.OVERFLOW , then it means that decode( ) returned because the output CharBuffer is full, and no more characters can be decoded into it. Otherwise, the reurn value is a CoderResult whose isError( ) method returns true . There are two basic types of decoding errors. If isMalformed( ) returns true then the input included bytes that are not legal for the charset. These bytes start at the position of the input buffer, and continue for length( ) bytes. Otherwise, if isUnmappable( ) returns true , then the input bytes include a character for which there is no representation in Unicode. The relevant bytes start at the position of the input buffer and continue for length( ) bytes.

By default a CharsetDecoder reports all malformed input and unmappable character errors by returning a CoderResult object as described above. This behavior can be altered , however, by passing a CodingErrorAction to onMalformedInput( ) and onUnmappableCharacter( ) . (Query the current action for these types of errors with malformedInputAction( ) and unmappableCharacterAction( ) .) CodingErrorAction defines three constants that represent the three possible actions. The default action is REPORT . The action IGNORE tells the CharsetDecoder to ignore (i.e. skip) malformed input and unmappable charaters. The REPLACE action tells the CharsetDecoder to replace malformed input and unmappable characters with the replacement string. This replacement string can be set with replaceWith( ) , and can be queried with replacement( ) .

averageCharsPerByte( ) and maxCharsPerByte( ) return the average and maximum number of characters that are produced by this decoder per decoded byte. These values can be used to help you choose the size of the CharBuffer to allocate for decoding.

CharsetDecoder is not a thread-safe class. Only one thread should use an instance at a time.

CharsetDecoder is an abstract class. Implementors defining new charsets will need to subclass CharsetDecoder and define the abstract decodeLoop( ) method, which is invoked by decode( ) .

 public abstract class  CharsetDecoder  {  // Protected Constructors  protected  CharsetDecoder  (Charset  cs  ,       float  averageCharsPerByte  , float  maxCharsPerByte  );  // Public Instance Methods  public final float  averageCharsPerByte  ( );        public final Charset  charset  ( );        public final java.nio.CharBuffer  decode  (java.nio.ByteBuffer  in  )          throws CharacterCodingException;        public final CoderResult  decode  (java.nio.ByteBuffer  in  , java.nio.         CharBuffer  out  , boolean  endOfInput  );        public Charset  detectedCharset  ( );        public final CoderResult  flush  (java.nio.CharBuffer  out  );        public boolean  isAutoDetecting  ( );  constant  public boolean  isCharsetDetected  ( );        public CodingErrorAction  malformedInputAction  ( );        public final float  maxCharsPerByte  ( );        public final CharsetDecoder  onMalformedInput  (CodingErrorAction  newAction  );      public final CharsetDecoder  onUnmappableCharacter  (CodingErrorAction  newAction  );        public final String  replacement  ( );        public final CharsetDecoder  replaceWith  (String  newReplacement  );        public final CharsetDecoder  reset  ( );        public CodingErrorAction  unmappableCharacterAction  ( );  // Protected Instance Methods  protected abstract CoderResult  decodeLoop  (java.         nio.ByteBuffer  in  , java.nio.CharBuffer  out  );        protected CoderResult  implFlush  (java.nio.CharBuffer  out  );        protected void  implOnMalformedInput  (CodingErrorAction  newAction  );  empty  protected void  implOnUnmappableCharacter  (CodingErrorAction  newAction  );  empty  protected void  implReplaceWith  (String  newReplacement  );  empty  protected void  implReset  ( );  empty  } 

Passed To ) , java.nio.channels.Channels.newReader( )

Returned By

Charset.newDecoder( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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