
BigInteger java.math

Java 1.1 serializable comparable

This subclass of java.lang.Number represents integers that can be arbitrarily large (i.e., integers that are not limited to the 64 bits available with the long data type). BigInteger defines methods that duplicate the functionality of the standard Java arithmetic and bit-manipulation operators. The compareTo( ) method compares two BigInteger objects and returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the result of the comparison. The gcd( ) , modPow( ) , modInverse( ) , and isProbablePrime( ) methods perform advanced operations and are used primarily in cryptographic and related algorithms.

Figure 11-2. java.math.BigInteger

 public class  BigInteger  extends Number implements Comparable<BigInteger> {  // Public Constructors  public  BigInteger  (byte[ ]  val  );        public  BigInteger  (String  val  );        public  BigInteger  (String  val  , int  radix  );        public  BigInteger  (int  signum  , byte[ ]  magnitude  );        public  BigInteger  (int  numBits  , java.util.Random  rnd  );        public  BigInteger  (int  bitLength  , int  certainty  , java.util.Random  rnd  );  // Public Constants   1.2  public static final BigInteger  ONE  ;  5.0  public static final BigInteger  TEN  ;  1.2  public static final BigInteger  ZERO  ;  // Public Class Methods   1.4  public static BigInteger  probablePrime  (int  bitLength  , java.util.Random  rnd  );        public static BigInteger  valueOf  (long  val  );  // Public Instance Methods  public BigInteger  abs  ( );        public BigInteger  add  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  and  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  andNot  (BigInteger  val  );        public int  bitCount  ( );        public int  bitLength  ( );        public BigInteger  clearBit  (int  n  );        public int  compareTo  (BigInteger  val  );  Implements:  Comparable      public BigInteger  divide  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger[ ]  divideAndRemainder  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  flipBit  (int  n  );        public BigInteger  gcd  (BigInteger  val  );        public int  getLowestSetBit  ( );        public boolean  isProbablePrime  (int  certainty  );        public BigInteger  max  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  min  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  mod  (BigInteger  m  );        public BigInteger  modInverse  (BigInteger  m  );        public BigInteger  modPow  (BigInteger  exponent  , BigInteger  m  );        public BigInteger  multiply  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  negate  ( );  5.0  public BigInteger  nextProbablePrime  ( );        public BigInteger  not  ( );        public BigInteger  or  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  pow  (int  exponent  );        public BigInteger  remainder  (BigInteger  val  );        public BigInteger  setBit  (int  n  );        public BigInteger  shiftLeft  (int  n  );        public BigInteger  shiftRight  (int  n  );        public int  signum  ( );        public BigInteger  subtract  (BigInteger  val  );        public boolean  testBit  (int  n  );        public byte[ ]  toByteArray  ( );        public String  toString  (int  radix  );        public BigInteger  xor  (BigInteger  val  );  // Methods Implementing Comparable  public int  compareTo  (BigInteger  val  );  // Public Methods Overriding Number  public double  doubleValue  ( );        public float  floatValue  ( );        public int  intValue  ( );        public long  longValue  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  x  );        public int  hashCode  ( );        public String  toString  ( );   } 

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Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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