
BigDecimal java.math

Java 1.1 serializable comparable

This subclass of java.lang.Number represents a floating-point number of arbitrary size and precision. Because it uses a decimal rather than binary floating-point representation, it is not subject to the rounding errors that the float and double types are. This makes BigDecimal well-suited to financial and similar applications.

BigDecimal provides add( ) , subtract( ) , multiply( ) , and divide( ) methods to support basic arithmetic. In Java 5.0, this class has been expanded to define many more methods , including pow( ) for exponentiation. Many of the new methods use a MathContext to specify the desired precision of the result and the RoundingMode to be used to achieve that precision.

BigDecimal extends Number and implements the Comparable interface. The compareTo( ) method compares the value of two BigDecimal objects and returns -1, 0, or 1 to indicate the result of the comparison. Use this method in place of the < , <= , > , and >= operators that you'd use with float and double values.

A BigDecimal object is represented as an integer of arbitrary size and an integer scale that specifies the number of decimal places in the value. When working with BigDecimal values, you can explicitly specify the precision (i.e., the number of decimal places) you are interested in. Also, whenever a BigDecimal method can discard precision (e.g., in a division operation), you are required to specify what sort of rounding should be performed on the digit to the left of the discarded digit or digits. The eight constants defined by this class specify the available rounding modes. In Java 5.0, however, the preferred way to specify a rounding mode is with the enumerated type RoundingMode .

Figure 11-1. java.math.BigDecimal

 public class  BigDecimal  extends Number implements Comparable<BigDecimal> {  // Public Constructors  public  BigDecimal  (BigInteger  val  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (int  val  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (long  val  );        public  BigDecimal  (String  val  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (char[ ]  in  );        public  BigDecimal  (double  val  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (long  val  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (int  val  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (double  val  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (String  val  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (char[ ]  in  , MathContext  mc  );        public  BigDecimal  (BigInteger  unscaledVal  , int  scale  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (BigInteger  val  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (BigInteger  unscaledVal  , int  scale  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (char[ ]  in  , int  offset  , int  len  );  5.0  public  BigDecimal  (char[ ]  in  , int  offset  , int  len  , MathContext  mc  );  // Public Constants   5.0  public static final BigDecimal  ONE  ;        public static final int  ROUND_CEILING  ;  =2  public static final int  ROUND_DOWN  ;  =1  public static final int  ROUND_FLOOR  ;  =3  public static final int  ROUND_HALF_DOWN  ;  =5  public static final int  ROUND_HALF_EVEN  ;  =6  public static final int  ROUND_HALF_UP  ;  =4  public static final int  ROUND_UNNECESSARY  ;  =7  public static final int  ROUND_UP  ;  =0   5.0  public static final BigDecimal  TEN  ;  5.0  public static final BigDecimal  ZERO  ;  // Public Class Methods  public static BigDecimal  valueOf  (long  val  );  5.0  public static BigDecimal  valueOf  (double  val  );        public static BigDecimal  valueOf  (long  unscaledVal  , int  scale  );  // Public Instance Methods  public BigDecimal  abs  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  abs  (MathContext  mc  );        public BigDecimal  add  (BigDecimal  augend  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  add  (BigDecimal  augend  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public byte  byteValueExact  ( );        public int  compareTo  (BigDecimal  val  );  Implements:  Comparable  5.0  public BigDecimal  divide  (BigDecimal  divisor  );        public BigDecimal  divide  (BigDecimal  divisor  , int  roundingMode  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  divide  (BigDecimal  divisor  , RoundingMode  roundingMode  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  divide  (BigDecimal  divisor  , MathContext  mc  );        public BigDecimal  divide  (BigDecimal  divisor  , int  scale  , int  roundingMode  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  divide  (BigDecimal  divisor  , int  scale  , RoundingMode  roundingMode  );  5.0  public BigDecimal[ ]  divideAndRemainder  (BigDecimal  divisor  );  5.0  public BigDecimal[ ]  divideAndRemainder  (BigDecimal  divisor  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  divideToIntegralValue  (BigDecimal  divisor  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  divideToIntegralValue  (BigDecimal  divisor  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public int  intValueExact  ( );  5.0  public long  longValueExact  ( );        public BigDecimal  max  (BigDecimal  val  );        public BigDecimal  min  (BigDecimal  val  );        public BigDecimal  movePointLeft  (int  n  );        public BigDecimal  movePointRight  (int  n  );        public BigDecimal  multiply  (BigDecimal  multiplicand  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  multiply  (BigDecimal  multiplicand  , MathContext  mc  );        public BigDecimal  negate  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  negate  (MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  plus  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  plus  (MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  pow  (int  n  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  pow  (int  n  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public int  precision  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  remainder  (BigDecimal  divisor  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  remainder  (BigDecimal  divisor  , MathContext  mc  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  round  (MathContext  mc  );        public int  scale  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  scaleByPowerOfTen  (int  n  );        public BigDecimal  setScale  (int  newScale  );        public BigDecimal  setScale  (int  newScale  , int  roundingMode  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  setScale  (int  newScale  , RoundingMode  roundingMode  );  5.0  public short  shortValueExact  ( );        public int  signum  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  stripTrailingZeros  ( );        public BigDecimal  subtract  (BigDecimal  subtrahend  );  5.0  public BigDecimal  subtract  (BigDecimal  subtrahend  , MathContext  mc  );        public BigInteger  toBigInteger  ( );  5.0  public BigInteger  toBigIntegerExact  ( );  5.0  public String  toEngineeringString  ( );  5.0  public String  toPlainString  ( );  5.0  public BigDecimal  ulp  ( );  1.2  public BigInteger  unscaledValue  ( );  // Methods Implementing Comparable  public int  compareTo  (BigDecimal  val  );  // Public Methods Overriding Number  public double  doubleValue  ( );        public float  floatValue  ( );        public int  intValue  ( );        public long  longValue  ( );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  x  );        public int  hashCode  ( );        public String  toString  ( );   } 

Passed To

javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory.{newDuration( ) , newXMLGregorianCalendar( ) , newXMLGregorianCalendarTime( )} , javax.xml.datatype.Duration.multiply( ) , javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar.{setFractionalSecond( ) , setTime( )}

Returned By

java.util.Scanner.nextBigDecimal( ) , javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar.getFractionalSecond( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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