

permission sets

Permissions that are grouped together for easier administration, if an application requires various types of permissions. The .NET Framework provides some built-in permission sets: Execute, Everything, FullTrust, Internet, LocalIntranet, and Nothing.


Capabilities that can be granted to applications, such as file and disk access, and access to other system resources.

Platform Invoke

A capability of the .NET Framework to make API calls directly to the Windows system DLLs (or other unmanaged code). Also known as PInvoke.

port number

Specifies an endpoint for communications coming into a server. Port numbers 0 through 1023 are reserved for common applications (for example, web browsers use port 80 by convention). You can specify any port number (up to 65,535) when you register a channel. Be careful that you are not trying to use a port that is already in use by another application running on the same computer.

Principal object

An object that contains an Identity object as well as information about the roles for which the user with that identity is authorized. Principal types are GenericPrincipal (not a Windows user), WindowsPrincipal (valid Windows user), and CustomPrincipal.

processing instruction

Part of XML markup that enables you to place application-specific processing instructions in-line with XML data. The syntax for a processing instruction uses the <? processing instruction ?> delimiters.

proxy class

When creating an application that consumes XML Web services in Visual Studio .NET, code for a proxy class is automatically generated when you reference an XML Web service. You can instantiate objects from the class and make calls on them in the same way as any other local class. By using the proxy class, you do not have to worry about the underlying details of creating the SOAP message and connecting to the Web service.

proxy object

A stand-in for the remote object, this shows the client the same interface as the remote object and enables the client code to make method calls as though it were calling a local object.

ReadXml method

This method of the DataSet class reads the data and schema (if a schema is available) into a DataSet from an XML data file.

ReadXmlSchema method

This method of the DataSet class reads the XSD schema, but no data, into a DataSet from an XML data file.


A utility that enables you to register an assembly in the Registry for use by COM objects.

RegistrationHelper class

This class in the System.EnterpriseServices namespace provides the same functionality as the regsvcs.exe utility through a programmatic interface. This means that you can create your own install application or extend the administration tool of your application to support installing components.

regression testing

A type of testing that is done when changes or additions are made to your application. In addition to testing the code that was actually changed or is new, regression testing tests all of the previously tested parts of the application to make sure the new code has not inadvertently caused an error to occur in another part of the system.


A command-line utility program that is provided with Visual Studio .NET that enables you to register a .NET assembly so that it can be used with Windows Component Services or accessed by COM components. It will then generate a COM type library as if you ran tlbexp.exe on the assembly.

RejectChanges method

A method of the ADO.NET DataSet, DataTable, and DataRow classes. This method cancels any user changes and resets all values of the object to the original values, as they were when the data was retrieved from the database or the last time that AcceptChanges was called.

Release configuration

Visual Studio .NET enables you to choose either a Debug or Release build for your application. The Release configuration removes the debugging information from your executable and improves performance somewhat. Use the Release build to create a final version that will be distributed to your users.


A group of user identities that are granted permission to access code and system resources, usually based on the job role in the organization.

role-based security

See CLR role-based security and .NET Enterprise role-based security.

role-based security permissions

The set of permissions that are granted to a user because that user is a member of a specific group or role.

RowFilter property

A property of the ADO.NET DataView class that enables you to set matching criteria for individual field values in the view. Only those rows that contain data matching the criteria will be accessible through the DataView.

RowStateFilter property

A property of the ADO.NET DataView class that enables you to filter the DataView based on one of the DataRow.RowState values—either Added, Deleted, Detached, Modified, or Unchanged.

RPC encoding

A type of encoding that uses general rules from the SOAP specification and generates a format of XML with an element whose tag name matches the method name. Nested inside that element are additional elements matching the parameter names for the method. The SOAP specification does not require that these parameters appear in any particular order. An application that is receiving the SOAP request must be able to handle these variations in formatting.

runtime debugger (Cordbg.exe)

A command-line utility provided by the .NET Framework that enables you to debug .NET Framework applications when Visual Studio .NET is not available.

MCAD/MCSD(c) Visual Basic. NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
MCAD/MCSD: Visual Basic .NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
ISBN: 0782141935
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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