

Save method

This method of the XmlDocument class enables you to save the XML data in the XmlDocument to a disk file or a stream object.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

A technology that enables a web server to transmit encrypted data over an HTTP connection.

security account

A Windows user login or system account that provides the identity and permissions that the Windows service will run under.

security policies

Policies that are used to determine what permissions apply to particular code groups and users. They are typically set outside the application itself, and can be set by either a custom administration tool provided with the application or a standard tool on the platform, such as .NET’s caspol.exe utility.

SelectCommand property

A property of the ADO.NET DataAdapter class that holds the SQL statement (or stored procedure name) that will be used when retrieving data from the database during a Fill operation. You must specify the query to be used for the SelectCommand manually. Visual Studio .NET can then automatically generate the queries that will be used for the corresponding InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and DeleteCommand properties.

SelectNodes method

This method of the XmlNode base class enables you to identify a group of nodes in an XmlDocument by applying XPath pattern matching expressions.

SelectSingleNode method

This method of the XmlNode base class enables you to identify the first matching node in an XmlDocument by applying XPath pattern matching expressions.


The process of creating a representation of an object and its state that can be transferred across the network from one component to the other.

Server Explorer

A window in the Visual Studio .NET IDE that enables you to view information about the operating system and other programs that that are running on your network servers. You can view information about Windows services, SQL Server, and operating system performance counters.

server-activated object

A remote object that is instantiated on the server only when a method call is received. If a server-activated object is created as a SingleCall object, then it is deactivated as soon as the method call is completed. A server-activated object that is created as a Singleton object will remain in server memory for an indefinite period of time, and a single instance of the object can service requests from many different callers.

Service Control Manager

Shows you a list of all services installed on the computer. For each service, you can see the name, description, current status (Started, Paused, or Stopped), startup type (Automatic—starts automatically on boot, or Manual), and the identity that the service logs on as. By using the menus and toolbar buttons, you can issue commands to start, stop, pause, continue, or restart the selected service. You can also view a Properties dialog box that enables you to change configuration options for a service.

ServiceBase class

The .NET Framework class that all Windows service applications must inherit from. It is a member of the System.ServiceProcess namespace.

ServiceController class

This class provides properties and methods that enable you to create .NET applications that programmatically control and send custom commands to a Windows service. It is a member of the System.ServiceProcess namespace.

ServiceControllerStatus enumeration

This property of the ServiceController class enables your application to test the state of a Windows service. Valid settings: StartPending, Running, StopPending, Stopped, PausePending, Paused, ContinuePending.

serviced component

A component that is hosted by COM+ Component services or .NET Enterprise Services. Running the component in this environment provides infrastructure services that improve application performance and scalability, as well as provide security and transaction management features.

ServicedComponent base class

All .NET components that will run under Windows Component Services must inherit from the System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponent base class.

ServiceInstaller class

The ServiceInstaller class and the ServiceProcessInstaller class provide properties and methods that enable you to install a Windows service application. They are members of the System.ServiceProcess namespace.

ServiceProcessInstaller class

The ServiceInstaller class and the ServiceProcessInstaller class provide properties and methods that enable you to install a Windows service application. They are members of the System.ServiceProcess namespace.

SetAbort method

A method of the System.EnterpriseServices.ContextUtil class. When this method is called during a method call (usually in a error handler), it sets the object’s transaction “vote” to roll back the transaction.

SetComplete method

A method of the System.EnterpriseServices.ContextUtil class. When this method is called at the end of a successful method call, it sets the object’s transaction “vote” to commit the transaction.

setup project

A Visual Studio .NET project template that enables you to create setup files and Windows Installer files (.msi) to install your applications.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

A standardized XML format that is used to exchange method calls and associated data between Web services. The SOAP standard is maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium and therefore is neither vendor nor platform specific.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) formatter

The .NET Remoting infrastructure uses this formatter to write information in a standardized XML format that can be understood by many applications. This XML format contains the information about the method calls and data that are passed between remote components.

SingleCall object

A server-activated object that is deactivated as soon as a single method call is completed.

Singleton object

A server-activated object that will remain in server memory for an indefinite period of time. A single instance of the object can service requests from many different callers.


A command-line utility program provided with Visual Studio .NET. It enables you to create the public key/private key pair that is used when your assemblies are compiled and assigned a strong name.

SOAP extension

Classes that you create with your own application-specific processing. Your custom code will run each time a SOAP message is received or sent by a Web service. Your application-specific code can be used to alter the standard SOAP message, or to perform encryption, or message logging, or any other custom processing you require.

SoapDocumentMethod attribute

An attribute that can be applied to an XML Web service method or a method of a proxy class; this attribute indicates that the method expects document-based SOAP messages.

SoapExtension base class

A class in the System.Web.Services.Protocols namespace. SOAP extensions enable you to run custom code each time a SOAP message is processed. To create a SOAP extension, you must create a class that inherits from SoapExtension and override the methods of the base class.

SoapExtensionAttribute class

This class provides a means to mark a Web method, so that the specified SOAP extension will be run when the method is invoked.

SoapHeader class

The .NET Framework class that enables you to create custom header fields that can send application-specific information along with the SOAP message.

SoapHeader attribute

An attribute that can be applied to an XML Web service method or a method of a proxy class; this attribute indicates that the method can process a specific SOAP header.

SoapRpcMethod attribute

An attribute that can be applied to an XML Web service method or a method of a proxy class; this attribute indicates that the method expects RPC-based SOAP messages.

Sort property

A property of the ADO.NET DataView class that enables you to set the sort order for the rows included in the DataView.

SqlCommand.Parameters collection

The ADO.NET collection containing Parameter objects, each of which hold information about a parameter that is sent to a stored procedure.

SqlConnection class

The ADO.NET class enabling you to create a connection to databases such as Microsoft SQL Server 7 or SQL Server 2000 by using a native protocol.

SqlDataAdapter class

The ADO.NET class enabling you to connect to a data source and execute a query to return records and fill a DataSet. If the user makes changes to the data in the DataSet, the DataAdapter is also responsible for sending the appropriate insert, update, and delete statements to the database.

SqlDataReader class

The ADO.NET class enabling you to process a forward-only, read-only resultset that is returned from a database query.

SqlError object

The ADO.NET object containing one error message that has been returned from the database server. Error objects are accessed through the Exception object’s Errors collection.

SqlException object

The ADO.NET object representing a specific type of exception that is thrown when an error occurs during database access.

SqlParameter object

The ADO.NET object that holds information about a parameter that is passed to a stored procedure.

SqlTransaction object

The ADO.NET object ensuring that two or more database commands are executed successfully before the changes are committed permanently to the database. If any of the commands fail, all intermediate results are rolled back.

stack walk

A stack walk is a process that examines each of the procedures that are currently pending during application execution. When evaluating permissions for a given piece of code, the CLR examines the permissions granted to the current stack frame, and then starts traveling upward on the call stack, examining the permissions granted at successively higher levels of the call stack, for all method calls currently executing. In most cases, if a permission is not granted at all higher levels of the call stack, the permission is not considered to be in effect, even if it has been granted to the currently executing code.

static discovery

A type of discovery in which the client has prior knowledge of a specific URL for the Web service. It is an alternative to dynamic discovery, in which the client must search all the directories on the web server until it locates an available XML Web service.

stored procedure

Any Structured Query Language (SQL) statement or set of statements that are pre-compiled and saved on the database server along with the database definition. The Microsoft SQL Server database uses its own programming language, called Transact-SQL (or T-SQL for short), to write these queries.


An acronym used by Microsoft to help you remember the common types of security threats: Spoofing identity, Tampering with data, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, Elevation of privilege.

strong name

Uniquely identifies an assembly by using a combination of the name, version number, and culture information, along with a public key and a digital signature.

strongly typed DataSet

Also referred to simply as a typed DataSet, this is an object whose definition is provided at design time and expressed in the form of an XML Schema Definition (XSD) document. Visual Studio .NET will also generate a class in your project that expresses the definition in terms of object properties, methods, and events.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

A standard language for writing queries to access data in relational databases. It is a nonproprietary standard defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

symmetric cryptography

A type of cryptography that uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. This is used in traditional encryption algorithms.

System.Data namespace

The .NET Framework namespace containing all of the classes that provide database access.

System.Data.OleDb namespace

The .NET Framework namespace containing classes that perform database access by using OLEDB providers. Use these classes with databases such as Access, Oracle, DB2, or older versions of Microsoft SQL Server (version 6.5 or earlier).

System.Data.SqlClient namespace

The .NET Framework namespace containing classes that perform database access by using native SQL Server protocols. Use these classes with Microsoft SQL Server version 7 or SQL Server 2000.

System.Diagnostics namespace

The .NET Framework namespace containing classes that enable you to add tracing to your applications.

System.EnterpriseServices namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that includes classes enabling you to create .NET components that will run under Windows Component Services.


The .NET Framework class that .NET remoting objects must inherit from in order to use .NET Remoting’s proxy/stub architecture.

System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that provides classes enabling you to create .NET components that can interoperate with COM components.


The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to create components that can communicate with remote components.

System.Security namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to add security features to your applications.

System.Security.Cryptography namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to work with several types of encryption mechanisms in your applications.

System.Security.Permissions namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to apply and verify permissions in your applications.

System.Security.Policy namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to apply and verify security policies in your applications.

System.Security.Principal namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to manage role-based security in your applications.

System.ServiceProcess namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes (including ServiceBase, ServiceController, ServiceInstaller, and ServiceProcessInstaller) enabling you to create and control Windows service applications.


The .NET Framework assembly that must be referenced when you are creating an XML Web service.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeader class

The .NET Framework class that enables you to create custom header fields that can send application-specific information along with the SOAP message.

System.Web.Services.WebService class

The .NET Framework class that all classes in an XML Web service must inherit from.

System.XML namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to work with XML data files.

System.Xml.Xpath namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to use XPath pattern matching expressions to locate nodes in XML data files.

System.Xml.Xsl namespace

The .NET Framework namespace that contains classes enabling you to perform XSL transformations on XML data files.

MCAD/MCSD(c) Visual Basic. NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
MCAD/MCSD: Visual Basic .NET XML Web Services and Server Components Study Guide
ISBN: 0782141935
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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