
 < Day Day Up > 


Package Management, 351–53


See also applications

adding/removing, 43–44, 351–53

desktops, 39

development, 42

recommended, 43

Red Hat Linux, 525–77

selecting, during installation process, 39–44

servers, 41

software, 27–29

system, 42

Paint Bucket tool (GIMP), 301–2

paint programs, 119–25

GNOME, 170–72

Image Magick, 122–25

Paint, 119–22

Paint tool (GIMP), 302, 303

Partition Information, 164, 165

partitioning, disk, 29–33

Partition Magic, 33


resizing, 33

root, 30

swap, 30

passwd command, 441


changing, 441

expiration of, 144–45

guidelines for, 142

root, 36–37, 143, 441–42

superuser, 143

path statement, 414

PC hardware, 517–23

PDAs (personal digital assistants), 338

Pencil tool (GIMP), 302, 303

personal digital assistants (PDAs), 338

photographs, digital, 349–51

Pico, 478–79

ping command, 412, 416–17

POP3 (Post Office Protocol), 97, 154, 312, 321

Power Control, 157–58

power off, 157

PowerPoint. See Microsoft PowerPoint

preferences, 67

desktop, 75–80

e-mail, 97–101

setting, 80–81

Web browser, 93–97

presentation software

Impress, 241–62

PowerPoint, 242

printers, 492–96

Print Screen button, 169–70

ProFTPD, 383–84

Programming, 67

protocols, 153–54

DHCP, 84–85, 154

e-mail, 97–98, 312, 321

HTTP, 154, 360–61, 363

POP3, 97, 154, 312, 321

SMTP, 97, 154, 312, 321

TCP/IP, 488

proxy servers, 95–96

ps command, 412, 413

PureFTPD, 384–85

pwd command, 438

 < Day Day Up > 

Moving From Windows to Linux
Moving From Windows To Linux (Charles River Media Networking/Security)
ISBN: 1584502800
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 247
Authors: Chuck Easttom © 2008-2017.
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