
The technical reviewers for this book included Greg Stein, Jim Whitehead, Yaron Goland, Geoff Clemm, Brian Korver, Elias Sinderson, Andrew Sieja, and Terence Spies. I would never have gotten started without Greg and Jim in particular and their planning and early involvement. Kevin Dick, Andrew McGregor, and Terence Spies also advised me on what material to include. However, all errors and omissions are my fault and not theirs!

Peter Raymond and Rick Rupp of Merant provided very helpful explanations and diagrams of baselines and configurations. Keith Ito's Tracer tool was used to produce the traces. Thanks also to Gary Gershon who contributed some advice for Chapter 15.

The WebDAV mailing lists and the WebDAV and Delta V working group members were important sources of information on various implementations and issues. For example, Stephan Eissing provided useful information on how various client programs do "safe save."

Radia Perlman showed such complete confidence that I would produce something worthwhile that she asked me to put this book in her series before I'd written a word. Her support and advice were crucial. Thanks also to my editors, Mary Franz and her assistant Noreen Regina of Prentice Hall, particularly for being patient with me.

I can't imagine having to write a book without Google. I used it regularly to look up even information I thought I knew.

My quilting and karate buddies and other friends kept me sane. My parents brought me to the point where I wanted to write a book, and could.

Eric Rescorla inspired this effort and supported it from start to finish, reviewing every word several times over and directing me to explain and organize material better than I thought I could. I couldn't have done it without him.

WebDAV. Next Generation Collaborative Web Authoring
WebDAV. Next Generation Collaborative Web Authoring
ISBN: 130652083
Year: 2003
Pages: 146 © 2008-2017.
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