
Math CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0

System (mscorlib.dll) sealed class

This class provides static helper functions for many trigonometric, logarithmic , and other mathematical operations, including methods for rounding numbers , getting absolute values, retrieving the largest whole divisor ( Floor( ) ), and determining the remainder ( IEEERemainder( ) ). The constants pi and e are provided as fields.

 public sealed class  Math  {  // Public Static Fields  public const double  E  ;  // =2.71828182845905  public const double  PI  ;  // =3.14159265358979   // Public Static Methods  public static decimal  Abs  (decimal   value   );    public static double  Abs  (double   value   );    public static short  Abs  (short   value   );    public static int  Abs  (int   value   );    public static long  Abs  (long   value   );    public static sbyte  Abs  (sbyte   value   );    public static float  Abs  (float   value   );    public static double  Acos  (double   d   );    public static double  Asin  (double   d   );    public static double  Atan  (double   d   );    public static double  Atan2  (double   y   , double   x   );    public static long  BigMul  (int   a   , int   b   );    public static double  Ceiling  (double   a   );    public static double  Cos  (double   d   );    public static double  Cosh  (double   value   );    public static int  DivRem  (int   a   , int   b   , out int   result   );    public static long  DivRem  (long   a   , long   b   , out long   result   );    public static double  Exp  (double   d   );    public static double  Floor  (double   d   );    public static double  IEEERemainder  (double   x   , double   y   );    public static double  Log  (double   d   );    public static double  Log  (double   a   , double   newBase   );    public static double  Log10  (double   d   );    public static byte  Max  (byte   val1   , byte   val2   );    public static decimal  Max  (decimal   val1   , decimal   val2   );    public static double  Max  (double   val1   , double   val2   );    public static short  Max  (short   val1   , short   val2   );    public static int  Max  (int   val1   , int   val2   );    public static long  Max  (long   val1   , long   val2   );    public static sbyte  Max  (sbyte   val1   , sbyte   val2   );    public static float  Max  (float   val1   , float   val2   );    public static ushort  Max  (ushort   val1   , ushort   val2   );    public static uint  Max  (uint   val1   , uint   val2   );    public static ulong  Max  (ulong   val1   , ulong   val2   );    public static byte  Min  (byte   val1   , byte   val2   );    public static decimal  Min  (decimal   val1   , decimal   val2   );    public static double  Min  (double   val1   , double   val2   );    public static short  Min  (short   val1   , short   val2   );    public static int  Min  (int   val1   , int   val2   );    public static long  Min  (long   val1   , long   val2   );    public static sbyte  Min  (sbyte   val1   , sbyte   val2   );    public static float  Min  (float   val1   , float   val2   );    public static ushort  Min  (ushort   val1   , ushort   val2   );    public static uint  Min  (uint   val1   , uint   val2   );    public static ulong  Min  (ulong   val1   , ulong   val2   );    public static double  Pow  (double   x   , double   y   );    public static decimal  Round  (decimal   d   );    public static decimal  Round  (decimal   d   , int   decimals   );    public static double  Round  (double   a   );    public static double  Round  (double   value   , int   digits   );    public static int  Sign  (decimal   value   );    public static int  Sign  (double   value   );    public static int  Sign  (short   value   );    public static int  Sign  (int   value   );    public static int  Sign  (long   value   );    public static int  Sign  (sbyte   value   );    public static int  Sign  (float   value   );    public static double  Sin  (double   a   );    public static double  Sinh  (double   value   );    public static double  Sqrt  (double   d   );    public static double  Tan  (double   a   );    public static double  Tanh  (double   value   ); } 

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963 © 2008-2017.
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