

Acceptance: in acquistion-or-merger passage, 122

as emotional reaction to negative events, 26–27, 205

in letting-go-of-ambition passage, 162–163

in personal upheaval passage, 174

Accidents, 30–32

Accountability, personal, 11

accepting, 204–205

in general manager position, 73

learning from failure and, 26. See also Responsibility

Accounting practices, creative, 199

Achievement: basic need for, 34–35, 162

focus on, in losing-faith-in-the-system passage, 185

redefining and measuring, 164

Acquisition-or-merger passage, 119–131

assessment for fit in, 128

case example of, 126–128

challenges of, 120–122

with competitor company, 120, 121

cultural adaptation in, 120–121

emotional responses to, 122, 129

growing in, 122–131

for leaders of acquiring company, 131

opportunities in, 130–131

practical steps for handling, 128–131

psychological impact of, 119, 120–122, 130

Action, taking: after being fired or passed over, 115–116

about bad boss, 104

Action Learning: cultural immersion experiences in, 133, 142

experiential learning and, 23

for first-time managers, 51, 196

for leadership development, 195–196

reflection in, 206

risk taking in, 212–213

in stretch assignments, 68–69

Action Learning: How the World’s Top Companies Develop Their Leaders and Themselves (Dotlich and Noel), 69

Adaptation: creating a new identity and, 27–30

to new company culture, 36–39, 120–121

Adaptive change, learning attitudes and, 23–26

Adventurer’s mind-set, 139

Adversity: career and work, 9, 17

learning from, 14–17, 30–32, 193–194

life, 17

psychological strength from, 43–44. See also Learning, from passages

Affiliation: basic need for, 34–35, 162

transition of, in joining-a-company passage, 38–39

After Action Review, 206

Airline industry, 160–161

Ambiguity, hang-in-there mentality and, 77–78

Ambition: achievement versus, 164

defining success and, 157–159

letting go of, as passage, 157–166. See also Letting-go-of-ambition passage

Andersen Worldwide, 124, 125

Anger: about acquisition or merger, 122, 129

at being fired or passed over, 107, 108–109, 113–114, 117

as emotional reaction to negative events, 26–27, 205

Annoying boss or coworker, 94. See also Bad boss; Competitive coworkers

Apple Computer, 84–85, 108, 202

Arrogance: as cause of failure, 89, 205

in corporate culture, 57, 91

in first-time leaders, 55

in general managers, 70–71, 74–76

guarding against, 74–76

in joining-a-company passage, 42

in senior executives, 199

in stretch assignment passages, 60–62

toward foreign cultures, 139–140

Arthur Andersen, 3, 85–86, 191

As You Like It (Shakespeare), 10

Asian countries, living in, 139

Assumptions: breaking, in foreign cultures, 138–139

letting go of past, 28–29

Attention deficit disorder, 61

Attention span limitation, managing, 61–62

Attitudes: as causes of failure, 88

company, toward failure, 90–92

in joining-a-company passage, 35

learning and, 23–26

negative, 208

toward foreign cultures, 139–140

toward success and family, 154

Authenticity, in personal upheaval passage, 174

Avoidance: of failure, 81–82

of responsibility, 204–205

Avon, 40

Leadership Passages. The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader
Leadership Passages: The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership)
ISBN: 0787974277
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121 © 2008-2017.
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