About the Authors

About the Authors

Matthias Kalle Dalheimer is the president and CEO of Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB, a Sweden-based consultancy specializing in platform-independent software solutions. He is also a founding member of the KDE project and the current president of the KDE foundation. Kalle has written numerous books for O'Reilly, both in English and in his native German, including Running Linux and Programming with Qt. In his spare time, he enjoys cross-country skiing and reading history books. Kalle lives with his wife Tanja and his two sons Jan and Tim in the middle of the forest near Hagfors in the Swedish province of Varmland.

Matt Welsh is an assistant professor of computer science in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. His research focuses on wireless sensor networks, including operating systems design, distributed systems, networking, and parallel computing. Matt is a long-time Linux advocate and developer, a role in which he has fielded questions from thousands of Linux users over the years. He was the original coordinator of the Linux Documentation Project and author of the original "Linux Installation and Getting Started" guide. He completed his PhD at Univercity of California, Berkeley.

Running Linux
Running Linux
ISBN: 0596007604
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 220

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