A.3. World Wide Web Sites This section lists just a few of the thousands of Linux web sites on the Internet, broken down into somewhat arbitrary categories. Due to the dynamic nature of the Web, some of these sites may no longer be active and many new ones will undoubtedly exist by the time you read this. A.3.1. General Documentation These sites offer online documentation , articles about Linux, or information geared to specific areas of Linux. Web site | Description |
http://www.andamooka.org | A web site with a number of free online books, some of which are Linux-related, such as KDE 2.0 Development | http://www.justlinux.com | A site of news and forums | http://www.linas.org/linux | Linux Enterprise Computing site | http://www.linux-laptop.net | Linux on Laptops site | http://www.linuxfocus.org | Linux Focus, a free online magazine | http://www.linuxgazette.com | Linux Gazette, a monthly online magazine | http://www.linuxjournal.com | Web site for Linux Journal magazine | http://www.linuxmagazine.com | The web site for Linux Magazine | http://www.linuxquestions.org | Linux Questions, a very popular and information-rich site | http://www.tldp.org | Main site for the Linux Documentation Project |
A.3.2. Open Source Projects Listed here are web sites for some of the more popular open source and free software projects. Web site | Description |
http://freedesktop.org | Freedesktop.org, a project supported by several vendors to harmonize desktop projects and provide new functionality in common | http://koffice.kde.org | The KDE Office Suite project | http://www.abisource.com | The AbiWord word processor | http://www.alsa-project.org | Alternative Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) sound driver project | http://www.apache.org | The Apache web server project | http://www.cups.org | The Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) | http://www.gnome.org | The GNOME Desktop project | http://www.gnu.org | The GNU Project | http://www.isdn4linux.de | ISDN4Linux, supporting ISDN on Linux | http://www.kde.org | The K Desktop Environment (KDE) | http://www.kernel.org | The official Linux kernel site | http://www.linux-usb.org | The Linux USB project | http://www.mozilla.org | The Mozilla web browser project | http://www.mysql.com | The MySQL database | http://www.openoffice.org | The OpenOffice.org office suite project, the open source version of StarOffice | http://www.postfix.org | The Postfix mailer project | http://www.povray.org | The Persistence Of Vision ray tracer | http://www.winehq.com | The Wine project | http://x.org | Maintainers of the X Window System |
A.3.3. Programming Languages and Tools These sites are related to popular Linux programming languages and to the hosting of Linux software projects. Web site | Description |
http://www.sourceforge.net | A site that hosts many Linux software projects, providing a place for documentation, a source code repository, bug tracking, and software building | http://savannah.gnu.org | GNU Savannah, a site offering features similar to SourceForge, but officially endorsed by the Free Software Foundation because all the hosting software is licensed under the GPL | http://www.blackdown.org | The home page of the Linux Java porting project | http://www.perl.com | Official site of the Perl programming language | http://www.php.net | Web site for the PHP programming language | http://www.python.org | Home page of the Python programming language |
A.3.4. News and Information Sites These sites offer news of interest to Linux users. Web site | Description |
http://www.desktoplinux.com | A site dedicated to Linux on the desktop | http://www.linux.com | A general Linux information and news site (with a very desirable URL) | http://www.linuxtoday.com | Linux Today web site | http://www.lwn.net | Linux Weekly News web site, which has in-depth coverage of the kernel and other developments | http://linuxsecurity.com | News and general information on Linux security issues | http://www.newsforge.com | NewsForge web site | http://www.slashdot.org | The popular news and discussion site that bills itself as "News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters." | http://www.theregister.co.uk | The Register, a UK site for IT industry news with a pro-Linux slant | http://www.varlinux.org | VarLinux news site, for Value Added Resellers (VARs) |
A.3.5. Linux Software Directories and Download Sites Listed here are some sites that maintain large searchable libraries of Linux software with links to download sites. Web site | Description |
http://www.freshmeat.net | A huge directory of Linux and open source software | http://www.icewalkers.com | The large Icewalkers Linux software directory site | http://www.linuxberg.com | The Linuxberg software directory site |
A.3.6. Linux Distributions Here is a long but by no means comprehensive list of some of the different Linux distributions available. These range from those backed by large companies, such as Red Hat, to specialized distributions developed by individuals or small groups. The DistroWatch site (http://distrowatch.com) has interesting news and statistics on the many available distributions. Web site | Description |
http://www.debian.org | Debian GNU/Linux, a popular community-developed distribution | http://fedora.redhat.com | Fedora Core, an open source version of Red Hat that undergoes rapid development | http://www.gentoo.org | Gentoo Linux, a fast-moving community project that focuses on source distribution | http://www.knoppix.net | Knoppix, a live CD good for trying out Linux and doing system recovery | http://www.kubuntu.org.uk | Kubuntu Linux, a version of Ubuntu that offers the KDE desktop | http://linspire.com | Linspire, a stable, end-user, desktop commercial product | http://www.lycoris.com | Lycoris | http://www.mandriva.com | Mandriva Linux | http://www.opensuse.org | OpenSUSE, the open source version of SUSE Linux | http://www.redhat.com | Red Hat Linux | http://www.slackware.com | Slackware Linux | http://www.suse.com | SUSE Linux, now distributed by Novell | http://www.turbolinux.com | Turbolinux, a distribution popular in East Asia | http://www.ubuntulinux.org | Ubuntu Linux, an end-user desktop system | http://www.xandros.com | Xandros Desktop Linux | http://www.yellowdoglinux.com | Yellow Dog Linux, a distribution for Macintosh hardware |
A.3.7. Commercial Linux Software Companies Listed here are some companies that offer commercial software and services, other than Linux distributions, for the Linux platform. Web site | Description |
http://www.codeweavers.com | CodeWeavers, developer of CrossOver Office and CrossOver Plugin, products based on the software of the Wine project that offer the ability to run Windows applications on Linux | http://www.trolltech.com | TrollTech, developer of Qt, a cross-platform graphical toolkit. Qt is used as the basis for the KDE. | http://www.vistasource.com | VistaSource, formerly Applix, is the developer of the Applixware Office Suite. | http://www.vmware.com | VmWare sells virtual machine software that allows running one operating system on top of another, such as Windows on Linux, and vice versa. |
A.3.8. Internet RFCs and Other Standards These are a few of the many sites that host standards used by Linux and the Internet. Web site | Description |
http://www.faqs.org/rfcs | An archive site for Requests For Comments, or RFCs, the technical documents that describe many of the protocols around which the Internet is built. It also includes many other standards documents and FAQs. | http://www.freestandards.org | The Free Standards Group, a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the use and acceptance of open source technologies through the development, application, and promotion of standards. | http://www.linuxbase.org | The Linux Standard Base, a project of the Free Standards Group that develops and promotes a set of standards to increase compatibility among Linux distributions and enable software applications to run on any compliant Linux system. | http://www.w3c.org | The World Wide Web Consortium, an organization that develops specifications, guidelines, software, and tools for the World Wide Web. |
A.3.9. Miscellaneous Finally, here are some sites that defied categorization in any of the other sections. Web site | Description |
http://counter.li.org | The Linux Counter, a unique site that collects data in an attempt to estimate the total number of Linux users worldwide. | http://www.li.org | Linux International, a nonprofit organization that works toward the promotion of Linux and the Linux community. |