Blending Modes


What is a blending mode?


Blending modes allow layers to interact or blend with the underlying layers. Choose from a list of blending modes in the Layers palette, each of which will have different results based on the color in the layers.


Is there a quick way to change layer blend modes?


Yes! Make sure you have the Move tool (V) selected and press Shift+ (Plus Sign) to move down the list and Shift- (Minus Sign) to move up the list. Or, you can jump to a specific blend mode by pressing Shift-Option (PC: Shift-Alt) and a letter. For some blending modes, use the first letter of the mode. Here's a list of the letters for all blend modes:

N = Normal

I = Dissolve

K = Darken

M = Multiply

B = Color Burn

A = Linear Burn

G = Lighten

S = Screen

D = Color Dodge

W = Linear Dodge

O = Overlay

F = Soft Light

H = Hard Light

V = Vivid Light

J = Linear Light

Z = Pin Light

L = Hard Mix

E = Difference

X = Exclusion

U = Hue

T = Saturation

C = Color

Y = Luminosity


Why does the blend mode change when I change the color mode of the document? When I change from RGB to CMYK, the layers with blend modes look very different. How do I avoid that?


The best bet is probably to complete all the editing (including setting blend modes) in RGB mode, make a flattened copy (go to Image>Duplicate and then choose Layer>Flatten Image), and then change the color mode of the flattened document to CMYK (Image>Mode). Note : There could still be some shifts due to the color differences between RGB and CMYK.

Photoshop CS2 Help Desk Book
The Photoshop CS2 Help Desk Book
ISBN: 0321337042
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 225
Authors: Dave Cross © 2008-2017.
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