Page #42

(instantiation) , . , Chimp:

 HRESULT CreateChimp(/* [out] */ IApe * &rpApe)  {     extern const CLSID CLSID_Chimp;     rpApe = 0;     IClassFactory *pcf = 0;     HRESULT hr = CoGetClassObject(CLSID_Chimp, CLSCTX_ALL, 0,                                    IID_IClassFactory, (void**)&pcf);     if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {         hr = pcf->CreateInstance(0, IID_IApe, (void**)&rpApe);         pcf->Release();     }     return hr; } 

: Chimp. , (suboperations) CoGetClassObject, CreateInstance, Release. , . , , , . IPC/RPC (Interprocess Communication/Remote Procedure Call), . , , , CreateInstance . IClassFactory, , , . API- : CoCreateInstanceEx, , CoGetClassObject IClassFactory::CreateInstance .

CoCreateInstanceEx CLSID , . teInstanceEx , . CoCreateInstanceEx , . CoCreateInstanceEx, . , , , CoGetClassObject. CoCreateInstanceEx , CoGetClassObject. , CoCreateInstanceEx IClassFactory::CreateInstance, QueryInterface, . , .

CoGetClassObject, CoCreateInstanceEx CLSCTX COSERVERINFO. , CoCreateInstanceEx . MULTI_QI, QueryInterface, :

 typedef struct tagMULTI_QI {       // which interface is desired?        //      ?      const IID *piid;       // null on input, will contain the pointer on output        //      ,                [iid_is(piid)] IUnknown *pItf;       // will contain the HRESULT from QueryInterface on output        //         HRESULT   QueryInterface     HRESULT hr; } MULTI_QI; 

, QueryInterface, . QueryInterface , . , , CoCreateInstanceEx, . .

MULTI_QI CoCreateInstanceEx :

 HRESULT CoCreateInstanceEx(    [in] REFCLSID rclsid,    // what kind of object? -      ?    [in] IUnknown *pUnkOuter,// for aggregation -       [in] DWORD dwClsCtx,     // locality? -  ?    [in] COSERVERINFO *pcsi, // host/security info -      /    [in] ULONG cmqi,         // how many interfaces? -    ?     [out, size_is (cmqi)] MULTI_QI *prgmq // where to put itfs        ); 

, CoCreateInstanceEx S_OK. ( ) , CoCreateInstanceEx CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES, . HRESULT MULTI_QI, , , . CoCreateInstanceEx , CoCreateInstanceEx HRESULT SEVERITY_ERROR, , .

CoCreateInstanceEx , . :

 [object,uuid(753A8F7C-A7FF-11d0-8C30-0080C73925BA)]  interface IEgghead : IUnknown {     import "unknwn.idl";     HRESULT ContemplateNavel(void); } 

, :

 void CreateChimpEatBananaAndThinkAboutIt(void)  {       // declare and initialize an array of MULTI_QI's       //         MULTI_QI      MULTI_QI rgmqi[2] = {       { &IID_IApe, 0, 0 },        { &IID_IEgghead, 0, 0 } };     HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(       CLSID_Chimp,        // make a new chimp -            0,                  // no aggregation -          CLSCTX_ALL,         // any locality -          0,                  // no explicit host/security info                            //                    2,                  // asking for two interfaces -   2        rgmqi);             // array of MULTI_QI structs -     MULTI_QI     if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {           // hr may be CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES, so check each result            // hresult       CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES,            //                if (hr == S_OK || SUCCEEDED(rgmqi[0].hr)) {                  // it is safe to blindly cast the resultant ptr to the type                  // that corresponds to the IID used to request the interface                 //                          //      ,     IID,                  //                      I  *  = reinterpret_cast<IApe*>(rgmqi[0].pItf);             assert(pApe);             HRESULT hr2 = pApe->EatBanana();             assert(SUCCEEDED(hr2));             pApe->Release();         }         if(hr == S_OK || SUCCEEDED(rgmqi[1].hr)) {             IEgghead *peh = reinterpret_cast<IEgghead*>(rgmqi[1].pItf);             assert(peh);             HRESULT hr2 = peh->ContemplateNavel();             assert(SUCCEEDED(hr2));             peh->Release();         }     } } 

 . 3.3. cocreateinstanceex

3.3 , CoCreateInstanceEx . , . , CoCreateInstanceEx.

ateInstance , :

 HRESULT CreateChimpAndEatBanana(void) {       // declare and Initialize a MULTI_QI       //       MULTI_QI      MULTI_QI mqi = { &IID_IApe, 0, 0 };     HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(       CLSID_Chimp,      // make a new chimp -             ,                //   aggregation -          CLSCTX_ALL,       // any locality -           ,                // no explicit host/security Info                          //          /       1,                // asking for one interface -            &mqi);        // array of MULTI_QI structs -     MULTI_QI     if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {        IApe *pApe = reinterpret_cast<IApe*>(mqi.pItf);        assert(pApe);          // use the new object -               hr = pApe->EatBanana();          // release the Interface pointer           //             pApe->Release();     }     return hr; } 

COSERVERINFO, CoCreateInstanceEx, CoCreateInstance1:

 HRESULT CoCreateInstance(     [in] REFCLSID rclsid,       // what kind of object? -      ?     [in] IUnknown *pUnkOuter,       // for aggregation -        [in] DWORD dwClsCtx,       // locality? -  ?     [in] REFIID riid,       // what kind of interface -          [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppv);       // where to put itf        

, CoCreateInstance

 HRESULT CreateChimpAndEatBanana(void) {     I  *  = 0;     HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(         CLSID_Chimp, // make a new chimp                 ,           //   aggregation -            CLSCTX_ALL,  // any locality              IID_IApe,    // what kind of itf -                (void**)&pApe); // where to put iff            if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {         assert(pApe);           // use the new object                hr = pApe->EatBanana();           // release the interface pointer            //                pApe->Release();     }     return hr; } 

. , CoCreateInstance CoCreateInstanceEx:

 // pseudo-code for implementation of CoCreateInstance API  //       API-  CoCreateInstance  HRESULT CoCreateInstance(REFCLSID rclsid,                          IUnknown *pUnkOuter,                          DWORD dwCtsCtx,                          REFIID riid,                          void **ppv) {     MULTI_QI rgmqi[] = { &riid, 0, 0 };     HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(rclsid, pUnkOuter, dwClsCtx, 0, 1, rgmqi);     *ppv = rgmqi[0].pItf;     return hr; } 


 . 3.4. cocreateinstanceex       cogetclassobject

3.4 , CoCreateInstanceEx CoGetClassObject IClassFactory::CreateInstance. , CoCreateInstanceEx CoGetClassObject. , CoCreateInstanceEx , - , , CoGetClassObject. , , , IClassFactory::CreateInstance . IClassFactory::CreateInstance SCM, , CoCreateInstanceEx. , CoCreateInstanceEx, IPC RPC - .

1 CoCreateInstance . CoCreateInstanceEx Windows NT 4.0, , API- . CoGetClassObject , NT 4.0 COSERVERINFO. , CoCreateInstance , CoCreateInstanceEx. , CoGetClassObject, MULTI_QI , CoGetClassObjectEx . IMoniker::BindToObject MULTI_QI.

Suschnost' tehnologii SOM
Essential COM
ISBN: 0201634465
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 103
Authors: Don Box © 2008-2017.
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