

A utility that adds specialized functionality to a program.


Individual items of character formatting, such as style or color, which determine how text looks.


A box containing a comment, deletion, or formatting change that appears to the right of a document when Track Changes is turned on.

bar chart

A chart in which data is plotted in rows to illustrate comparisons among individual items.


A personal Web site.


A location in a document that marks text so that it can be found quickly.

building blocks

Frequently used text saved in a gallery, from which it can be inserted quickly into a document.


A small graphic to the left of each item in a bulleted list.


A description of a graphic or figure.


A box at the intersection of a column and row in a table or worksheet.

cell address

The location of a cell, expressed as its column letter and row number, as in A1.

character formatting

The collection of attributes applied to text.

character spacing

The space between characters, which can be expanded or contracted so that characters are pushed apart or pulled together.

character style

A variation of a font, such as bold or italic.


A visual representation of numeric data.

chart area

The entire area occupied by a chart, including the legend and any titles.


The « or » characters that surround each merge field in a main document; also known as guillemet characters.

Click and Type

A feature that allows you to double-click a blank area of a document to position the insertion point in that location, with the appropriate paragraph alignment already in place.


A storage area shared by all Office programs where cut or copied items are stored.


In a chart, a vertical representation of plotted data from a table or worksheet. In page layout, the area between margins where text is allowed to flow. (Pages can have a single column or multiple columns.)

column break

A break inserted in the text of a column to force the text below it to move to the next column.

column chart

A chart in which data is plotted in columns to illustrate comparisons among individual items or changes over time.

column headings

The gray boxes at the top of the columns in a worksheet. See also row headings.


A note inserted in a document and displayed either in a balloon or the reviewing pane.

cross-reference entry

An entry in an index that refers readers to a related entry.

cycle diagram

A type of diagram used to represent a circular sequence of steps, tasks, or events; or the relationship of a set of steps, tasks, or events to a central, core element.

data marker

A graphic representation of a plotted value, such as a bar or column.

data point

A plotted value in a table or worksheet.

data series

A set of related data points in a table or worksheet.

data source

A file that provides the variable information used in the mail-merge process.


In an outline, the process of changing a heading to a lower-level heading or body text.

desktop publishing

A process that creates pages by combining text and objects such as tables and graphics in a visually appealing way.

destination file

A file into which you insert an object created in another program.


A visual representation of information, such as a process or a relationship.

Dialog Box Launcher

A button that launches a dialog box containing options for refining a command.

digital signature

A security mechanism used on the Internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private, that are used to encrypt messages before transmission and to decrypt them on receipt.

Document Map

A pane that displays a linked outline of a document's headings and allows you to jump to a heading in the document by clicking it in the Document Map.

document window

The window that provides a workspace for an open document.

document workspace

A space on a SharePoint site, created to facilitate the collaborative development of a single document.

Draft view

A view that displays the content of a document with a simplified layout.

drag-and-drop editing

A way of moving or copying selected text by dragging it with the mouse pointer.


A way of moving objects by pointing to them, holding down the mouse button, moving the mouse pointer to the desired location, and releasing the button.

drawing canvas

A graphical object on which you can draw shapes and objects to create a compound graphic, which moves and changes size with the canvas.

drawing object

An object created with Word, such as a shape, a diagram, or WordArt text.

drop cap

An enlarged, decorative capital letter that appears at the beginning of a paragraph.

embedded object

An object that is created in a different program but that is incorporated into a Word document.


A note that appears at the end of a section or the document to add tangential information to a discussion or report. See also footnote.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A system for coding the structure of text documents and other forms of data so that they can be used in a variety of environments.


A placeholder that tells Word to supply the specified information in the specified way. Also, the set of information of a specific type in a data source, such as all the last names in a contacts list.

field name

A first-row cell in a data source that identifies data in the column below.


A named set of information, such as a program or data created with that program.

file format

The system used to code a file so that the program that created it, or other programs, can open and work with it.


To extract records from a data source, excluding records that don't match the filtering criteria.


The way text continues from the bottom of one column to the top of the next column.


A complete set of characters that all have the same design.

font color

One of a range of colors that can be applied to text.

font effect

An attribute, such as superscript, small capital letters, or shadow, that can be applied to a font.

font size

The size of the characters in a font, in points.

font style

An attribute that changes the look of text. The most common font styles are regular (or plain), italic, bold, and bold italic.


A region at the bottom of a page whose text can be applied to all or some of the pages in a document.


A note or citation that appears at the bottom of a page to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a document. See also endnote.


A mathematical equation that performs a calculation, such as addition.

Full Screen Reading view

A view that displays as much of the content of the document as will fit in the screen at a size that is comfortable for reading.


A grouping of thumbnails that display options visually.


Any piece of art used to illustrate or convey information or to add visual interest to a document.


Lines that visually clarify the information in a chart.


A category of buttons on a tab.


Assembling several objects, such as graphics, into a single unit so they act as one object and can easily be moved and sized.

guillemet characters

The « and » characters that surround each merge field in a main document; also known as chevrons.


A region at the top of a page whose text can be repeated on all or some of the pages in a document.

hierarchy diagram

A diagram that illustrates the structure of an organization or entity.


To pause the pointer over an object, such as a menu name or button, for a second or two to display more information, such as a submenu or ScreenTip.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

A tagging system used to code documents so that they can be viewed as pages in a Web browser.

indent marker

A marker on the horizontal ruler that controls the indentation of text from the left or right side of a document.


An alphabetical list of concepts and terms and the page numbers where they are found.

index entry

An entry in the body of a document that tags terms to be included in Word's automated construction of an index.

index entry field

The XE field, including the braces ({}), that defines an index entry.


To make all lines of text in a paragraph or column fit the width of the document or column, with even margins on each side.

keyboard shortcut

A combination of two or more keys that perform an action when pressed together.


The orientation of a horizontal page whose width is larger that its height.


A key that identifies the series in a chart.

line break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also called a text wrapping break.

line graph

A graph in which lines are used to show changes in values over time.

linked object

An object that exists in a source file and that is inserted in a document with a link to that source file.

list diagram

A diagram in which lists of related or independent information are visually represented.

live preview

A feature of a thumbnail that displays what an option will look like if applied to a document.

mail merge

A process used to personalize individual documents based on information in a data source.

main document

The mail merge document that contains the information that doesn't change.

manual page break

A page break inserted to force subsequent information to appear on the next page.


Blank space around the column in which text can flow on the page.

matrix diagram

A diagram used to show the relationship of components to a whole.

merge field

Fields in a main document that tell Word where to insert corresponding information from a data source.

Microsoft Clip Organizer

A tool that lets you arrange clip art images, pictures, sounds, and movie clips into collections.

Microsoft Office Button

A button that provides access to a menu with commands that manage Word and Word documents as a whole (rather than document content).

Microsoft Office Word Help button

A button with a question mark (?) at the right end of the Ribbon that can be clicked to open the Word Help window.

nested table

A table that is positioned inside another table.

note separator

A line that separates footnotes or endnotes from regular text.


An item, such as a graphic, video clip, sound file, or worksheet, that can be inserted in a Word document and then selected and modified.

Office menu

A menu that contains commands related to managing documents (such as creating, saving, and printing). This menu takes the place of the File menu that appeared in previous versions of Word.


The directionhorizontal or verticalin which a page is laid out.


At the bottom of a page, a single line of a paragraph that continues on the next page.

Outline view

A view that shows headings and body text and can be used to evaluate and reorganize the structure of a document.


In word processing, a block of text of any length that ends when you press the Enter key.

paragraph formatting

Collectively, the settings used to vary the look of paragraphs.

paragraph style

A set of formatting that can be applied to the paragraph containing the insertion point by selecting the style from a list.

parent folder

The folder in which another folder is contained.


Authorization that allows access to designated documents or programs.


A scanned photograph, clip art, or another type of image created with a program other than Word.

pie chart

A chart used to show how parts relate to the whole.

plot area

The area bordered by the category (x) and value (y) axes in a chart.


The unit of measure for expressing the size of characters in a font, where 72 points equals 1 inch.


The orientation of a vertical page whose width is smaller that its height.


Content published to a blog.

Print Layout view

A view that shows how a document will look when printed.

process diagram

A diagram used to visually represent the ordered set of steps required to complete a task.


In an outline, to change body text to a heading, or to change a heading to a higher-level heading.

pyramid diagram

A diagram used to illustrate proportional or interconnected relationships.


Selection criteria for extracting information from a data source for use in the mail merge process.

Quick Access Toolbar

A toolbar that displays the Save, Undo, and Repeat buttons by default, but can be customized to show other commands.

quick table

A table with sample data that you can customize.


Available for viewing but protected from alterations.


A set of fields of information about a single item in a data source, often structured in a row.

reference mark

An indicator in the text of a document that further information is available in a corresponding footnote or endnote.

relationship diagram

A diagram used to show convergent, divergent, overlapping, merging, or containment elements.

revision marks

Underlines, strike-through marks, and colored text that distinguishes revised text from original text.


Changes in a document that are marked with revision marks when Word's Track Changes feature is turned on.


An area across the top of the screen that makes almost all the capabilities of Word available in a single area.

row headings

The gray boxes at the left end of the rows in a worksheet. See also column headings.


Information displayed in a small window when you rest the pointer over a button or window element.

section break

A break inserted so that subsequent information can have different page formatting (such as different orientation) than preceding information.


To highlight an item in preparation for making some change to it.

selection area

An area in a document's left margin in which you can click and drag to select blocks of text.

sizing handle

Small circles, squares, or sets of dots that appear at the corners and sides of a selected object. These handles can be dragged to change the shape of an object.

smart tag

A flag that identifies information of a certain type, such as an address. Click the button associated with the tag to quickly perform common tasks related to that type of information.

SmartArt graphic

A predefined set of formatting for creating and formatting a diagram.

soft page break

A page break that Word inserts when the text reaches the bottom margin of a page.

source file

A file containing an object that is inserted in a destination file.

stacked graphics

Graphics that overlap each other.

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

A system for coding the structure of text and other data so that it can be used in a variety of environments.

status bar

An area across the bottom of the program window that gives information about the current document.


A gallery of text formatting that can be applied quickly to paragraphs and characters.


In an index, a subordinate entry.


An area on the Ribbon that contains buttons organized in groups.

tab leader

A repeating character (usually a dot or dash) that separates text before the tab from text or a number after it.

tab stop

A location in the text column where text will align after you press the Tab key to insert a tab character.

table of authorities

A table used in legal papers and other types of official documents that lists statutes, citations, case numbers, and similar information.

table of contents

A sequential list of the headings in a document and the page numbers where they are found.

table of figures

A list of graphics, pictures, or figures and their corresponding captions.

tabular list

A list that arranges text in simple columns separated by left, right, centered, or decimal tab stops.


A command inserted in a document that specifies how the document, or a portion of the document, should be formatted.


A predefined set of text, formatting, and graphics, stored in a special type of document that can be used as the basis for other documents.

text wrapping break

A manual break that forces the text that follows it to the next line. Also called a line break.


A predefined set of font and color specifications that can be applied to any document.


A tool that supplies synonyms for a selected word.


A picture representation of choices available in a gallery; or of pages in a document.

tick-mark label

The labels along each axis in a chart, identifying the data.

title bar

An area at the top of the program window that displays the name of the active document.


A command that extracts specified information from an XML file.

View toolbar

A toolbar on the right end of the status bar that contains tools for adjusting the view of document content.


Faint text or a graphic that appears in the background of all the pages of a document.

Web Layout view

A view that shows how a document will look when viewed in a Web browser.

Web page

An HTML document that can be viewed in a Web browser.


At the top of a page, a single line of a paragraph that continues from the previous page.

wildcard characters

When using the Find and Replace dialog box, characters that serve as placeholders for a single character, such as ?ffect for affect and effect, or for multiple characters.

word processing

The writing, editing, and formatting of documents in a word processor.

word wrap

The automatic breaking of a line of text when it reaches the page margin.


A gallery of text styles that you can use to create text with special effects.


Also called a category axis, the vertical aspect of a chart, representing the categories of the data.

XML schema

A description of a document's structure.


Also called a value axis, the horizontal aspect of a chart, showing the values of the data.


Also called a series axis, the depth aspect of a 3-D chart, showing a series of data.

MicrosoftR Office Word 2007 Step by Step
MicrosoftВ® Office Word 2007 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735623023
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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