Testing the heartbeat interface

 < Day Day Up > 

To test the heartbeat interface, run the following tests.

The stty test

To test communication over the serial line after creating the tty device on both nodes, do the following:

  1. On the first node, enter:

     stty < /dev/ttyx 

where /dev/ttyx is the newly added tty device. The command line on the first node should hang until the second node receives a return code.

  1. On the second node, enter:

     stty < /dev/ttyx 

where /dev/ttyx is the newly added tty device.

If the nodes are able to communicate over the serial line, both nodes display their tty settings and return to the prompt.


This is a valid communication test of a newly added serial connection before the HACMP/ES for AIX /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgr daemon has been started. This test yields different results after the daemon has been started, since this daemon changes the initial settings of the tty devices and applies its own settings. The original settings are restored when the HACMP/ES for AIX software exits.

The cat test

To perform the cat test on two nodes connected by an RS232 cable, do the following:

  1. On the first node, run:

     cat < /dev/ttyN 

where ttyN is the tty number which RS232 is using on the first node. Press Enter. The command line on the first node should hang.

  1. On the second node, run:

     cat /etc/hosts > /dev/ttyN 

where ttyN is the tty number which RS232 is using on the second node. Press Enter.

  1. If the data is transmitted successfully from one node to another, then the text from the /etc/hosts file from the second node scrolls on the console of the first node.


    You can use any text file for this test, and do not need to specifically use the /etc/hosts file.

 < Day Day Up > 

High Availability Scenarios with IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler and IBM Tivoli Framework
High Availability Scenarios With IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler And IBM Tivoli Framework
ISBN: 0738498874
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 92
Authors: IBM Redbooks

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