1.3 MDA Benefits

Let us now take a closer look at what application of MDA brings us in terms of improvement of the software development process.

1.3.1 Productivity

In MDA the focus for a developer shifts to the development of a PIM. The PSMs that are needed are generated by a transformation from PIM to PSM. Of course, someone still needs to define the exact transformation, which is a difficult and specialized task. But such a transformation only needs to be defined once and can then be applied in the development of many systems. The payback for the effort to define a transformation is large, but it can only be done by highly skilled people.

The majority of developers will focus on the development of PIMs. Since they can work independently of details and specifics of the target platforms, there is a lot of technical detail that they do not need to bother with. These technical details will be automatically added by the PIM to PSM transformation. This improves the productivity in two ways.

In the first place, the PIM developers have less work to do because platform-specific details need not be designed and written down; they are already addressed in the transformation definition. At the PSM and code level, there is much less code to be written, because a large amount of the code is already generated from the PIM.

The second improvement comes from the fact that the developers can shift focus from code to PIM, thus paying more attention to solving the business problem at hand. This results in a system that fits much better with the needs of the end users. The end users get better functionality in less time.

Such a productivity gain can only be reached by the use of tools that fully automate the generation of a PSM from a PIM. Note that this implies that much of the information about the application must be incorporated in the PIM and/or the generation tool. Because the high-level model is no longer "just paper," but directly related to the generated code, the demands on the completeness and consistency of the high-level model (PIM) are higher than in traditional development. A human reading a paper model may be forgiving ”an automated transformation tool is not.

1.3.2 Portability

Within the MDA, portability is achieved by focusing on the development of PIMs, which are by definition platform independent. The same PIM can be automatically transformed into multiple PSMs for different platforms. Everything you specify at the PIM level is therefore completely portable.

The extent to which portability can be achieved depends on the automated transformation tools that are available. For popular platforms, a large number of tools will undoubtedly be (or become) available. For less popular platforms, you may have to use a tool that supports plug-in transformation definitions, and write the transformation definition yourself.

For new technologies and platforms that will arrive in the future, the software industry needs to deliver the corresponding transformations in time. This enables us to quickly deploy new systems with the new technology, based on our old and existing PIMs.

1.3.3 Interoperability

We have been incomplete regarding the overall MDA picture. As shown in Figure 1-4, multiple PSMs generated from one PIM may have relationships. In MDA these are called bridges . When PSMs are targeted at different platforms, they cannot directly talk with each other. One way or another, we need to transform concepts from one platform into concepts used in another platform. This is what interoperability is all about. MDA addresses this problem by generating not only the PSMs, but the necessary bridges between them as well.

Figure 1-4. MDA interoperability using bridges


If we are able to transform one PIM into two PSMs targeted at two platforms, all of the information we need to bridge the gap between the two PSMs is available. For each element in one PSM we know from which element in the PIM it has been transformed. From the PIM element we know what the corresponding element is in the second PSM. We can therefore deduce how elements from one PSM relate to elements in the second PSM. Since we also know all the platform-specific technical details of both PSMs ( otherwise we couldn't have performed the PIM-to-PSM transformations), we have all the information we need to generate a bridge between the two PSMs.

Take, for example, one PSM to be a Java (code) model and the other PSM to be a relational database model. For an element Customer in the PIM, we know to which Java class(es) this is transformed. We also know to which table(s) this Customer element is transformed. Building a bridge between a Java object in the Java-PSM and a table in the Relational-PSM is easy. To retrieve an object from the database, we query the table(s) transformed from Customer, and instantiate the class(es) in the other PSM with the data. To store an object, we find the data in the Java object and store it in the "Customer" tables.

Cross-platform interoperability can be realized by tools that not only generate PSMs, but the bridges between them, and possibly to other platforms, as well. You can "survive" technology changes while preserving your investment in the PIM.

1.3.4 Maintenance and Documentation

Working with the MDA life cycle, developers can focus on the PIM, which is at a higher level of abstraction than code. The PIM is used to generate the PSM, which in turn is used to generate the code. The model is an exact representation of the code. Thus, the PIM fulfills the function of high-level documentation that is needed for any software system.

The big difference is that the PIM is not abandoned after writing. Changes made to the system will eventually be made by changing the PIM and regenerating the PSM and the code. In practice today, many of the changes are made to the PSM and code is regenerated from there. Good tools, however, will be able to maintain the relationship between PIM and PSM, even when changes to the PSM are made. Changes in the PSM will thus be reflected in the PIM, and high-level documentation will remain consistent with the actual code.

In the MDA approach the documentation at a high level of abstraction will naturally be available. Even at that level, the need to write down additional information, which cannot be captured in a PIM, will remain. This includes, for example, argumentation for choices that have been made while developing the PIM.

MDA Explained. The Model Driven Architecture(c) Practice and Promise 2003
Project Leadership (The Project Management Essential Library)
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 118

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