Web Site Table of Contents

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The CRC Press Web site (http://www.crcpress.com/e_products/downloads/download.asp?cat_no=AU1991) complements The Hands-On Project Office by providing a complete electronic library of the tools, templates, and examples cited in the text. Its aim is to enable the reader to move swiftly and easily from an understanding of the book's content to the actual application of that knowledge in the workplace. The Web site is organized to align with the text. Each document label begins with the chapter where that tool is first mentioned. To this is added a descriptive tag. To show how these templates are to be employed, the author has included examples of completed templates, as well as the actual blank framework. Below, each Web site entry is listed, along with a brief description of its purpose. Feel free to adapt and use these tools as you see fit.

  • chpt0~1~value chain template A PowerPoint slide of the Michael Porter value chain template for the mapping of the role of IT within the enterprise.

  • chpt0~2~enterprise transformation models Both versions of the enterprise transformation diamond discussed in the Introduction and Chapter 3. The first considers the forces of change impacting the enterprise, and the second looks more specifically at the dynamics of change as they impact IT investment planning. The reader may need to adapt these models to reflect more accurately the particular realities of his or her business.

  • chpt1~1~internal economy model The first slide offers a PowerPoint version of the resource stack discussed in Chapter 1. The second slide compares and contrasts service level agreement (SLA) expenditures and project expenditures in the context of the internal IT economy model. These may be adapted to meet the reader's needs.

  • chpt2~1~IT Organization~model This attachment includes two simple IT organization charts: one without and one with a project management office (PMO) reporting to the CIO. The reader may adapt these illustrations to reflect the current or planned organization of his or her own IT team.

  • chpt2~2~IT Competencies~model 1 Originally developed for the IT organization of New England Financial (now part of MetLife), this model characterizes roles and responsibilities within IT in terms of a spectrum of operational to strategic competencies. This model will help the reader assess the available skill base of his or her organization and hence the gaps that might be addressed by the creation of a PMO.

  • chpt2~3~IT Competencies~model 2 Originally developed for the IT organization of Northeastern University, this model considers role-based competency requirements. This model will help the reader assess the available skill base of his or her organization and hence the gaps that might be addressed by the creation of a PMO.

  • chpt2~4~PM roles and responsibilities~example Another perspective on project management roles and responsibilities, as developed by Pat Erickson, manager of the Information Services (IS) Division's PMO at Northeastern University.

  • chpt2~5~PMO Operations~framework and model These two slides provide a functional picture of PMO operations and the roles and responsibilities of PMO personnel.

  • chpt2~6~PMO work alignment~model These slides model in greater detail the range of potential activities encompassed in PMO service delivery.

  • chpt2~7~pmo~job descriptions For the adaptation and use by the reader, templated job descriptions of possible project management roles within the PMO.

  • chpt2~8~km~job descriptions For the adaptation and use by the reader, templated job descriptions of possible knowledge management (KM) roles within the PMO.

  • chpt2~9~PMO value calculation~model and template This template models the PMO value proposition and allows for the calculation of PMO costs and benefits as they relate to the IT organization.

  • chpt3~1~IT~inventory~example As applied in a particular business setting, this tool captures information about the status of major IT project work and needs across the enterprise.

  • chpt3~2~IT~inventory~template A blank inventory template for the adaptation and use by the reader.

  • chpt3~3~priority worksheet~template A simple form for capturing IT project priorities once an agreement has been struck among IT's customers, internal service delivery teams, and external partner providers.

  • chpt3~4~IT Project Justification~template A more complex form for reflecting the total cost of ownership (TCO) for a given project, including its impact over several fiscal-year quarters. The form also includes a justification checklist to assist the user in preparing the supporting documentation for a proposed IT project.

  • chpt3~5~Action Plan~example A completed IT Action Plan document, including IT team updates and management review comments. This example illustrates how a fairly typical IT organization might employ the Action Plan tool. Note how the document focuses on the alignment between IT activities and enterprise goals and objectives.

  • chpt3~6~Action Plan~template A blank inventory template for the adaptation and use by the reader.

  • chpt3~7~planning~timetable~example A completed timetable for the various business processes associated with IT planning, such as budget cycles, internal/external business cycles, and various governance approval cycles. This master timetable helps harried IT executives keep track of multiple management process deadlines.

  • chpt3~8~planning~timetable~template A blank inventory template for the adaptation and use by the reader.

  • chpt3~9~annual planning process~workflow This slide serves as a graphic document of a planning process that may be adapted to reflect the particulars of the enterprise's processes.

  • chpt3~10~performance review~template Ultimately, the only way to ensure consistent observance of operating principles, best practices, and delivery management within the IT team is to embed these values into the IT organization's rewards and recognition system. This template incorporates these elements as part of a performance review form for IT personnel and may be adapted to suit the priorities of the reader's IT team.

  • chpt3~11~IT Board charter~example This attachment illustrates the type of document employed by the author to enroll members in an advisory board for an IT organization.

  • chpt3~12~Off-Cycle Approval Process~workflow This workflow addresses projects that enter the review process after the annual plan has been finalized by enterprise management.

  • chpt4~1~Service Delivery Workflows with Metrics~example This set of workflows for service delivery models the performance of help desk, field support, and technical teams and includes the measures that are tracked by the problem ticket system. This approach captures valuable performance data when the IT organization is rigorous in its use of its problem tracking system.

  • chpt4~2~ Service Level Management~example with templates As part of getting all of Northeastern University's IT service providers on the same page, IS adopted performance standards and metrics as a team process and then employed staff training to educate each and every member of the IT staff about how his or her work would be measured according to these new standards.

  • chpt4~3~SLA~template This is the template that the author employed both at MetLife and Northeastern University.

  • chpt4~4~SLA~example Here is how one organization employed the SLA template for its purposes.

  • chpt4~5~customer satisfaction measures~example This illustration outlines a series of metrics for typical IT services. Note that all metrics focus on measures of customer satisfaction.

  • chpt4~6~monthly service delivery report~template This template applies and presents the results of the aforementioned metrics in the context of a monthly internal management report for the IT organization. It is to be used for continuous self-improvement.

  • chpt4~7~monthly service delivery report~example This file demonstrates the use of the service delivery report in a real-life setting.

  • chpt5~1~project management life cycle~graphic Employ this graphic as you wish on all PMO documents as a reminder to your team and others of the steps in the project management process.

  • chpt5~2~project phases~model This detailed view of the author's project management framework includes references to roles, responsibilities, and project documentation and can be readily adapted to the reader's particular project management needs.

  • chpt5~3~project management process~work flows A graphic representation of the project management process as presented in the text.

  • chpt5~4~project management process~example with work flows The same project management phases model and workflow as applied to the project management process within Northeastern University's IS division.

  • chpt5~5~commitment~template This document complements the commitment articulation process. The full document includes a number of signoff pages that may be dropped from use by those organizations preferring a less formal project review and approval process.

  • chpt5~6~commitment~example This fleshed-out commitment document provides an example of how the tool works in practice.

  • chpt5~7~project leadership readiness~template This questionnaire serves as a simple tool to diagnose whether your project leadership has properly prepared the ground for the IT project at hand. Typically, this tool is most appropriate when the IT deliverables must be married with business process change for the desired result.

  • chpt5~8~risk management~template This tool allows the reader to rate and score the various risks associated with a particular IT project. When one is faced with options, this tool allows the reader to compare and contrast choices from the standpoint of risk management.

  • chpt5~9~facilities project delivery~template This tool includes a comprehensive checklist, for the management of facilities and infrastructure work associated with IT projects, and a spreadsheet for calculating related IT costs.

  • chpt5~10~Infrastructure Questionnaire for Projects~template This tool draws out the infrastructure-related implications of a system project so that hardware and networking issues may be brought to the attention of those responsible early in the project's life cycle.

  • chpt5~11~ Security Questionnaire for Projects~template This tool draws out the security-related implications of a system project so that hardware and networking issues may be brought to the attention of those responsible early in the project's life cycle.

  • chpt5~12~Project Issues and Action Items~template A template for recording and tracking risks and any other project-related issues.

  • chpt5~13~Project Issues and Action Items~example An example of an issue list in use.

  • chpt5~14~system launch checklist~template This tool, as originally developed by my colleague Pat Laughran, serves as a useful reminder of what must be in place as you launch a new information system or service.

  • chpt5~15~project scorecard~template A project scorecard template ready for adaptation and use.

  • chpt5~16~scorecard~examples Various project scorecards demonstrating how to reflect various project statuses.

  • chpt5~17~monthly project status report~template A template for the B or project side of the monthly operations review.

  • chpt5~18~monthly project status report~example An example of the template in use for the B or project side of the monthly operations review.

  • chpt5~19~master project schedule~template A template for the summary capture of all IT project work.

  • chpt5~20~master project schedule~example An example of how one might employ the project master schedule in a real IT business setting.

  • chpt5~21~project engineering framework~model A model for adaptation by the reader of the scoping of PMO project delivery activities within an IT shop.

  • chpt6~1~process map~template The author's process mapping tool template.

  • chpt6~2~process map~selling~example An example of how the process mapping tool may be applied to a sales process.

  • chpt6~3~process map~execution~example An example of how the process mapping tool may be applied to a service delivery process.

  • chpt7~1~pm meets km~model Initially developed by KPMG and then modified by the author to complement his project delivery and knowledge management approaches, this model illustrates the various levels of service and the connections between a knowledge site and a PMO.

  • chpt7~2~Web asset inventory~example An example of how one might map the functionality of a Web site as part of the analysis and design phases of the project.

  • chpt7~3~taxonomy~example This attachment includes three complementary pieces of analysis. The first includes an IT document inventory and the various relevant descriptors for each document type. The second defines document tag terms. The third provides a framework for the classification of documents within IT organizations workflows of service delivery, project delivery, and other business.

  • chpt7~4~Document Management~workflows This presentation documents the process for adding or revising content within the Northeastern University IS knowledge portal.

  • chpt8~1~architecture Web site~example This slideshow captures all key screens from the author's NEF/IS IT architecture Web site. These slides illustrate the design and layout of the various knowledge management components of this application.

  • chpt8~2~architecture audit~example As part of the architecture process, the author's team at NEF/IS regularly audited the progress of work by domain teams and the currency and completeness of their information in the IT architecture knowledge store. This slideshow captures the results of one such audit.

  • chpt9~1~the PMO Value Proposition~model This framework slide was presented in Chapter 5 as part of the project management discussion. Here, the model frames the discussion of the PMO's return on investment (ROI).

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The Hands-On Project Office(c) Guaranteeing ROI and On-Time Delivery
E-Commerce Security: Advice from Experts (IT Solutions series)
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 132

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