

deadlines, 26970
avoiding, 27, 48990
as bad sign, 41819, 475
under NUnit, 2627
SaveFile method, 29899
test-driven development and, 27
Undo feature, 43435
Visual Studio .NET overview, 4, 2728
when to use, 490
defining, 25960
initializing, 260
in menu and keyboard handlers, 25865
naming, 259
overview, 197200
XMLKeyDownHandler and, 25865
deploying stories as installable software, 11011
improvement as Extreme Programming practice, xxviii
more vs. less, 492
on paper, 451, 46567, 494
role in Extreme Programming practice, 8
simplicity as Extreme Programming practice, xxvii, 178, 23132
Undo summary, 462
desk checking code, 100, 109, 221
incremental, 462, 463, 464, 494
signs of trouble, 46465, 468, 472
test-driven, xxviii, 9, 27
DialogFileAction method, 305
DialogHelloWorld project, 5
difficulty deferring rule, 78
direct rendering, 11, 12, 493
DirectInput test, 80, 104
DirectMenu test, 212, 291
Directory class, 79, 24748
as code smell, 318
finding, 15153
importance of removing, 442
InsertSectionTags method vs. InsertParagraphTag method, 15965, 166, 173
InsertSectionTags method vs. NewSection method, 15153
between menu item handlers and KeyDown handler, 25556
removing, 15355, 305
duplication, continued
as signal, 341
simple textual type vs. same activity type, 256

Extreme Programming Adventures in C#
Javaв„ў EE 5 Tutorial, The (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 735619492
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 291 © 2008-2017.
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