e2label command
defined, 803
troubleshooting with, 753–754, 755
edquota command, 294–298, 803
egrep command, 23
electronic mail. See e-mail
elinks text browser, 51
defined, 803
errors starting in rescue mode, 8
e-mail, 586–611. See also e-mail clients; sendmail
activating Dovecot, 590–591
exam topics on, 586
finding mail server packages, 589
installing mail server packages, 588–589
lab questions and answers, 606–607, 609–611
mail server components, 587
mail utility, 49–50, 600–601
overview, 586
Postfix, 598–599
reading mail messages, 601
reception with Dovecot, 589–591
selecting e-mail system, 599–603
self test and answers, 605–606, 608–609
sendmail configuration, 592–597
summarized, 603
two-minute drill, 604
e-mail clients, 600–602
command-line mail utility, 49–50, 600–601
configuration process for, 49
mail group "alias" lists, 50, 602
reading mail messages, 50, 601
firewall access for kernels, 705
IP masquerading, 704–705
ports for DNS communications, 564, 565
Telnet with xinetd, 620
encrypted communications and SSH, 621–622
enforcing mode for SELinux, 707, 709
environment variables
setting defaults with env command, 27
setting shell, 29
defined, 803
hidden files in home directory, 285–287
error messages
found in troubleshooting scenarios, 733
requiring links package, 448
running partprobe command, 195
common configuration file, 730–731
DNS, 573–574
finding GRUB configuration, 152–155
module errors in boot loader, 750–751
pico errors starting in rescue mode, 8
running yum command from local system, 239
troubleshooting Apache, 472–473
using /etc/exports files, 497–498
/etc directories
init scripts hard linked to, 162
system-wide configuration files located in, 287
/etc/auto.master file, 204
/etc/auto.misc file, 204–205
/etc/auto.net file, 205–206
/etc/bashrc file, 287
/etc/dovecot.conf file, 590
/etc/exports file
commands in NFS Server Configuration tool and, 500
creating shared directory in, 508–509
errors using, 497–498
activating disk quotas in, 293–294
defined, 803
mounting filesystems with, 200–201
options for mounting directories, 201, 202
remote directory mounting with NFS client during booting, 511
/etc/groups, 301
/etc/hosts file, 42–43, 560
/etc/hosts.allow file, 694, 695
/etc/hosts.conf file, 43
/etc/hosts.deny file, 694–696
configuring virtual consoles from, 160
defined, 803
determining runlevels with, 159–160
troubleshooting scenarios for, 731, 732
understanding boot process in, 164
/etc/ldap.conf file, 315
/etc/mail/sendmail.mc file, 594, 595
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf file, 594, 595
/etc/mail/submit.cf file, 594
/etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf file, 563
/etc/nologin file, 309
/etc/nssswitch.conf file, 43
/etc/openldap/ldap.conf file, 315
/etc/pam.d/login, 308–310
/etc/pam.d/system-auth file, 309
/etc/passwd file, 31–32, 275
/etc/profile.d/, 289
/etc/profile file, 288–289
/etc/rc.d files, 164
/etc/rc.dirc.sysinit files, 164
/etc/rc.sysinit script, 293
/etc/resolv.conf file, 43, 560
/etc/samba/smb.conf file
editing, 523–524
misspelled variables in, 533
testing changes to, 542
variables for, 529
/etc/shadow file, 33–34, 283–284
/etc/skel directory, 35, 285–287
/etc/squid/squid.conf file, 478–480
/etc/sysconfig directory
configuring files in, 169
configuring name resolution with /etc/sysconfig/network file, 42
exam tips for understanding of, 331
non-network files in, 170
/etc/sysconfig/iptables file, 700
/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices directory, 332
/etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/ default directory, 332
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory, 331, 332–333
/etc/sysconfig/selinux file, 707
/etc/sysconfig/squid file, 478
/etc/X11 /prefdm file, 803
/etc/X11 /xorg.conf file, 660–662
/etc/xinetd.conf file, 616
Ethernet Device dialog box, 335
exam. See also lab questions and answers; self test and answers
administrator login for, 273–274
based on x86 architecture, 75
books helpful for, 2
boot process topics, 144, 164
configuring client connections in
NIS and LDAP, 313
creating partitions with care, 102
dealing with hardware problems, 158
desktop environment selection on, 112
device name associated with partitions, 98
DHCP knowledge required, 627
DNS topics on, 558, 567
e-mail topics on, 586, 600–602
filesystem administration on, 184
following instructions for IP
addresses, 108
given credit only if changes survive reboot, 415
GUI access during
Troubleshooting, 282
hardware issues in, 5
HTTP Web sites configured on, 458
importance of installation on, 70, 71, 88
index.html files to be created during, 469
installation and configuration requirements for, 272
installing GUI for, 120
kernel management, 376, 389, 393
kickstart preparation for, 222, 245
looking up Samba variables during, 529
LVM skills needed on, 376, 418
managing RPM packages, 222
mounting Zip drives, 203
network configuration tips for, 331, 337
network services on, 445, 495, 615
PAM configuration files on, 312
preparing for, 2–3
prerequisite skills for, 4
preventing unauthorized system access, 700
RAID on, 376, 412
Red Hat Network on, 234
reinstalls during, 126
RHCE troubleshooting skills, 748–759
RHCT troubleshooting skills, 742–748
runlevels of activated service for, 169
Samba configuration on, 524
Sample Exam 1, 768–781
Sample Exam 2, 784–782
SELinux topics on, 81, 184, 208, 708
setting up users, 125
source RPM familiarity for, 230
SSH, DHCP, and NTP network services on, 615
system administration tools used on, 330
system configuration during installation "dead time", 120
time server configuration on, 124
tips for users of other Unix-style systems, 255
troubleshooting skills, 728, 729, 742–759
upgrading kernels, 389
virtual hosts, 467, 470
when to install Virtualization package, 109
Xen, 377
X Window System on, 650, 651
executable virtual host files, 470
exim, 586
expanding logical volumes, 758
exportfs command, 804
exporting NFS directories
activating list of exports, 498–499
/etc/exports configuration file for, 497–498
overview, 496
Express Cards, 78, 79, 804
Extended Internet Services Daemon. See xinetd