autofs, 206
controlling network services with, 35
cron, 36
defined, 35, 802
SELinux protection for, 714
Samba, 520
data streams in Linux, 29
configuring with Date/Time Properties tool, 171, 172
setting system, 123, 124
default desktops, 680–681
partitions, 188, 193
user accounts, 281
dependencies and RPM installations, 224
depmod module, 383–384
desktops. See also GNOME Desktop Environment; KDE Desktop Environment
desktop environment package groups, 111–112
GNOME and KDE, 677–680
managing default, 680–681
troubleshooting, 746
/dev directory
defined, 802
viewing devices in, 12, 14
development package groups, 114–115
configuring for parallel ports, 77–78
hotswappable, 77–80
knowing name associated with partitions, 98
serial port configurations for, 77
df command, 185–186, 751–752
dhclient command, 632
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 627–633
about, 614
BOOTP protocol and, 627
client configuration for, 632–633
connecting server and client computers, 633
defined, 802
exam coverage of, 615
finding MAC addresses for clients, 631
getting server's IP address information, 86–87
installing server and client packages, 627
lab questions and answers, 641–642, 644–647
MULTICAST setting for servers, 628
network configuration tool for clients, 340
prerequisite skills for, 46
self test and answers, 640–641, 643
server configuration for, 628–631
summarized, 637
two-minute drill, 638
working with Windows clients, 631
DHCP clients
configuring, 632–633
connecting to server, 633
finding MAC addresses for, 631
installing client packages, 627
network configuration tool for, 340
troubleshooting, 632
DHCP servers
configuring, 628–631
connecting client to, 633
getting IP address information from, 86–87
installing server packages, 627
MULTICAST setting for, 628
dig command, 575–576
direct memory address (DMA) channels, 5, 6
directional brackets (< >), 451
directives for Apache, 452–455
directories. See also home directories; root directory; shared directories; and specific directories
absolute and relative paths for, 20
adding shared directory with NFS Server Configuration tool, 499–502
/boot, 801
changing default permissions for user, 289–290
checking shared Samba printers and, 520–521
creating shared, 302–303
/dev, 12, 14, 802
/etc, 162, 287
exporting NFS, 496–499
filesystem, 12, 200–207
home, 285–286
init scripts hard linked to /etc, 162
kernel installation into /usr/src/ linux, 393–394
kernel module, 385–388
Linux, 12
mounting shared Samba, 521–523
reviewing SELinux security for, 210
sharing with NFS clients, 509–512
source RPM build, 233
Squid, 477
structure of /usr/src/redhat, 231
/var/log, 362
disabled mode for SELinux, 707
disabling SELinux daemon protection, 714
Disk Druid
defined, 802
LVM configuration with, 418
partitions with, 184, 185
disk quotas. See quotas
diskless NFS clients, 511
display managers
defined, 663, 802
gdm and kdm, 663–665
setting, 663–664
configuring in Kickstart
Configurator, 259–260
configuring multiple X.org, 660
selecting with Display Settings tool, 673
starting from remote clients, 675–676
Distributed Intrusion Detection System, 274
DMA (direct memory address) channels, 5, 6
dmesg command, 29, 803
DNS (Domain Name Service), 558–584
BIND, 561–577
defined, 558, 559, 803
DNS clients, 560–561
inverse DNS pointers in NFS, 504
lab questions and answers, 580, 582–584
named daemon for, 559
packages for, 559–560
prerequisite skills for, 45
reverse zone not delegated, 574
self test and answers, 579–580, 581
serial number errors in, 574
shortcomings of, 573–574
summarized, 577
topics on exam, 558
two-minute drill, 578
types of DNS servers, 561
DNS clients
configuration files installed with RHEL, 559
configuring Linux computer as, 560–561
DNS servers
about localhost.zone file, 567
caching-only name servers, 561, 563–565, 801
configuration files for, 561–563
configuring with Red Hat Domain
Name Service tool, 561
exercise setting up, 576–577
forwarding-only name server, 561, 565–566
lack case sensitivity, 568
name servers suggested for exam study, 567
packages required for, 559–560
reverse lookups with named.local file, 567, 568
reverse zone not delegated, 574
searching named.ca for root DNS servers on Internet, 566
slave name servers, 561, 565
starting named daemon, 573
timing for, 573–574
types of, 561
zone files for master, 570–572
access to during exams, 123
access to man pages during exams, 123
kernel, 393
looking up Samba variables on man pages, 529
man pages for xinetd configuration variables, 618
PAM module, 305
Samba, 520
Domain Name Service. See DNS
accepting mail from unresolved, 595
configuring Samba server to join, 533
configuring with master DNS server, 567–569
names reserved for, 466
setting up Samba to share directories on Microsoft, 525
DOS FDISK.EXE utility, 186
dot (.)
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny wildcard, 695
indicating hidden files, 286
double redirection arrows (> >), 30
about, 587, 589
activating, 590–591
configuring, 590
creating secure certificates for, 591
defined, 803
installing packages for, 589
lab questions and answers, 606–607, 609–611
self test and answers, 605–606, 608–609
SMTP used to send mail, 587–588
summarized, 603
two-minute drill, 604
kernel src.rpm package, 394–395
kernel tar files, 396
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 53–55, 60
loading kernel, 158
options for kernel device, 403–407
selecting printer, 345, 346
dual-core CPUs, 803
dumpe2fs command, 754, 755, 803
DVD/CD drives
backups to, 37
compatible with filesystem, 12
Dynamic DNS, 558
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP
dynamic IP addresses, 39