cable media, 46-47
Ethernet. See Ethernet networks and media
switched Ethernet, 48
cable modems, 473
cable range, 473
cabling switch blocks, 55-58
CAC (Connection Admission Control), 473
cache aging time, 260
cache entries in MLS, 247-249, 259-262
displaying, 262
removing, 263
in fast switching, 266-267
in optimum switching, 267
call admission control, 474
call managers, 119
call priority, 474
call set-up time, 474
CAM (Content Addressable Memory) and CAM tables
for bridging tables, 406-407
in CGMP, 301
defined, 474
in MLS
candidate packet identification, 248
discovery, 246-247
enable packet identification, 249
Campus Module, 29-30, 30
campus networks, 2-3
exam essentials for, 32-33
key terms for, 33
new, 8-10
building blocks in. See building blocks
Catalyst products in, 20-22
hierarchical model in, 16-19, 18-19
SAFE in, 29-31, 29-31
switching technologies in. See switching technologies
performance problems and solutions, 4-6
review questions for, 36-39, 42-43
summary, 32
traditional, 3-4
20/80 rule in, 7, 7
80/20 rule in, 6-7, 6
bandwidth in, 4-5
broadcasts and multicasts in, 5-6
collisions in, 4
performance problems and solutions in, 4-6
VLANS in, 8, 8
written labs for, 34-35, 40-41
candidate packets
defined, 474
identification of, 248-249, 248
Canonical Format Indicator (CFI), 102
Carrier Detect (CD) signal, 474
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol
in 10BaseT, 49
defined, 479
Catalyst IOS (CatIOS) switches, 20
Catalyst Operating System (CatOS), 20
Catalyst products, 20
access layer switches, 20-21
core layer switches, 22
distribution layer switches, 21
in multicast routing, 330-331
CatOS operating system, 412, 474
CBR (Constant Bit Rate), 474
CBTs (core-based trees), 313-314, 313-314
Cbus in process switching, 266
CCDA certification, xxiv
CCDP certification, xxiv
CCIE certification, xxvi
CCIP certification, xxiii
CCNA certification, xx
CCNP certification, xx-xxii
CCSP certification, xxiv-xxv
CD (Carrier Detect) signal, 474
CD that accompanies this book, xxx
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
defined, 474
hostnames with, 62
CDVT (Cell Delay Variation Tolerance), 474
CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 20, 264-265
configuring, 269-270
defined, 474
fast switching in, 266-267, 267
forwarding process in, 268-269, 268
with layer 3 switching, 265
optimum switching in, 267, 268
process switching in, 266, 266
Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVT), 474
Cell Loss Priority (CLP), 477
Cell Loss Ratio (CLR), 477
cell payload scrambling, 474
cell relay, 474
Cell Transfer Delay (CTD), 479
cells, 474
Central Office (CO), 477
centralized applications, 9
Centrex service, 475
CER (Cell Error Ratio), 475
CFI (Canonical Format Indicator), 102
CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol), 299-300
defined, 475
host management process in, 301
join process in, 300, 300
router configuration for, 329-330
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 475
challenges in authentication, 475
channel-group command, 184, 216
Channel Interface Processor (CIP), 475
Channel Service Unit (CSU), 479
channelized E1, 475
channelized T1, 475
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 475
character mode connections, 475
checksums, 475
choke packets, 475
CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing), 475
CIP (Channel Interface Processor), 475
CIR (Committed Information Rate), 475
circuit switching, 475
Cisco Certified Design Associate certification, xxiv
Cisco Certified Design Professional certification, xxiv
Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert certification, xxvi
Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional certification, xxiii
Cisco Certified Network Associate certification, xx
Cisco Certified Network Professional certification, xx-xxii
Cisco Certified Security Professional certification, xxiv-xxv
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
defined, 474
hostnames with, 62
Cisco Express Forwarding. See CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding)
Cisco Firewall Specialist certification, xxv
Cisco FRAD (Cisco Frame-Relay Access Device), 476
Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP), 299-300
defined, 475
host management process in, 301
join process in, 300, 300
router configuration for, 329-330
Cisco hierarchical model, 16-17, 18-19
access layer in, 19
core layer in, 18-19
defined, 476
distribution layer in, 19
Cisco IDS Specialist certification, xxv
Cisco IOS software, 476
Cisco VPN Specialist certification, xxv
CiscoFusion architecture, 476
CiscoView program, 476
Class A networks, 476
Class B networks, 476
Class C networks, 476
Class D networks, multicast address listing for, 451-454
class-map command, 365
class-map match-all command, 367
class-map match-any command, 367
classical IP over ATM, 476
defined, 476
in DiffServ model, 359, 361
Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR), 475
classless routing, 476
clear config command, 72
clear config all command, 72, 108, 117, 182
clear ip route command, 252
clear mls entry command, 263
clear mls entry destination command, 263
clear trunk command, 105
clear vlan command, 104
clear vtp pruneeligible command, 118
clearing VLANs from trunk links, 105-106
CLI (command-line interface), 55, 476
client mode in VTP, 109-110-, 109
clocking, 476
CLP (Cell Loss Priority), 477
CLR (Cell Loss Ratio), 477
CMS (Cluster Management Suite), 413, 415, 421
CO (Central Office), 477
collapsed backbones
defined, 477
for VLANs, 91, 91-92
collapsed cores
defined, 477
functions of, 24-25, 25
collision domains, 477
collision free Ethernet, 51
in campus networks, 4
defined, 477
command-line interface (CLI), 55, 476
command summary, 434-439
Committed Information Rate (CIR), 475
Common Part Convergence Sublayer (CPCS), 479
Common Spanning Tree (CST), 164, 479
composite metrics, 477
compression, 477
config-subif command, 213
configuration registers, 477
configuration revision numbers in VTP, 111-112, 112
in campus networks, 5
defined, 477
congestion avoidance, 477
congestion collapse, 477
to console ports, 55-56
to Ethernet ports, 56
Connection Admission Control (CAC), 473
connection IDs, 478
connection-oriented data transfer
in best efforts networks, 355
defined, 478
connection sequence in connection-oriented transport, 355
connectionless transport
in best efforts networks, 356
defined, 478
connectivity verification, 69
for 2950 and 3550 switches, 70
for 4000 switches, 69
troubleshooting, 70
consistency checks, 113
console ports
connecting to, 55-56
defined, 478
Console> prompt, 56
Constant Bit Rate (CBR), 474
constant queuing, 479
Content Addressable Memory (CAM) and CAM tables
for bridging tables, 406-407
in CGMP, 301
defined, 474
in MLS
candidate packet identification, 248
discovery, 246-247
enable packet identification, 249
content media, 478
contention media, 46
contiguous buffers, 408-410, 478
control direct VCC connections, 478
control distribute VCC connections, 478
in campus networks, 9
defined, 478
in Fast EtherChannel links, 180
in layer 3 backbones, 28
in spanning tree operation, 146
in UplinkFast, 189-190
copy running-config command, 70
copy startup-config command, 70
copy tftp flash command, 72
core-based trees (CBTs), 313-314, 313-314
core blocks, 23-24, 24
collapsed cores, 24-25, 25
defined, 478
dual cores, 25, 26
size, 25-26
core layer
defined, 478
in hierarchical model, 18-19, 18
switches for, 22
Core Module, 30, 31, 53
cost, 478
count to infinity, 479
CPCS (Common Part Convergence Sublayer), 479
CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), 479
CPU usage indicator, 150
crankback technique, 479
CRC (cyclic redundancy check), 149, 479
crossbar switching fabrics, 406, 406
defined, 479
for non-blocking switches, 404
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Detection) protocol
in 10BaseT, 49
defined, 479
CST (Common Spanning Tree), 164, 479
CSU (Channel Service Unit), 479
CTD (Cell Transfer Delay), 479
custom-queue-list command, 373
Custom Queuing, 363, 371-374
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), 479
cut-through switch type, 149, 480
cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 149, 479