Sin 4: SQL Injection Summary

  • Do understand the database you use. Does it support stored procedures? What is the comment operator? Does it allow the attacker to call extended functionality?

  • Do check the input for validity and trustworthiness .

  • Do use parameterized queries, also known as prepared statements, placeholders, or parameter binding to build SQL statements.

  • Do store the database connection information in a location outside of the application, such as an appropriately protected configuration file or the Windows registry.

  • Do not simply strip out bad words. There are often a myriad of variants you will not detect.

  • Do not trust input used to build SQL statements.

  • Do not use string concatenation to build SQL statements even when calling stored procedures. Stored procedures help, but they dont solve the entire problem.

  • Do not use string concatenation to build SQL statements within stored procedures.

  • Do not execute untrusted parameters within stored procedures.

  • Do not simply double-up single and double quote characters .

  • Do not connect to the database as a highly privileged account, such as sa or root.

  • Do not embed the database login password in the application or connection string.

  • Do not store the database configuration information in the web root.

  • Consider removing access to all user -defined tables in the database, and granting access only through stored procedures. Then build the query using stored procedure and parameterized queries.

19 Deadly Sins of Software Security. Programming Flaws and How to Fix Them
Writing Secure Code
ISBN: 71626751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 239 © 2008-2017.
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