Standard Annotations

JDK 5.0 defines seven annotation interfaces. Three of them are regular annotations that you can use to annotate items in your source code. The other four are meta-annotations that describe the behavior of annotation interfaces. Table 13-1 shows these annotations. We discuss them in detail in the following two sections.

Table 13-1. The Standard Annotations

Annotation Interface

Applicable To




Marks item as deprecated


All but packages and annotations

Suppresses warnings of the given type



Checks that this method overrides a superclass method



Specifies the items to which this annotation can be applied



Specifies how long this annotation is retained



Specifies that this annotation should be included in the documentation of annotated items



Specifies that this annotation, when applied to a class, is automatically inherited by its subclasses.

Regular Annotations

The @Deprecated annotation can be attached to any items whose use is no longer encouraged. The compiler will warn when you use a deprecated item. This annotation has the same role as the @deprecated Javadoc tag.

The @SuppressWarnings annotation tells the compiler to suppress warnings of a particular type, for example,

 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked cast") 

The initial release of the JDK 5.0 compiler does not support this annotation.

The @Override annotation applies only to methods. The compiler checks that a method with this annotation really overrides a method from the superclass. For example, if you declare

 public MyClass {    @Override public boolean equals(MyClass other);    . . . } 

then the compiler will report an error. After all, the equals method does not override the equals method of the Object class. That method has a parameter of type Object, not MyClass.


The @Target meta-annotation is applied to an annotation, restricting the items to which the annotation applies. For example,

 @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR}) public @interface TestCase 

Table 13-2 shows all possible values. They belong to the enumerated type ElementType. You can specify any number of element types, enclosed in braces.

Table 13-2. Element Types for the @Target Annotation

Element Type

Annotation Applies To


Annotation type declarations




Classes (including enum) and interfaces (including annotation types)






Fields (including enum constants)


Method or constructor parameters


Local variables

An annotation without an @Target restriction can be applied to any item. The compiler checks that you apply an annotation only to a permitted item. For example, if you apply @TestCase to a field, a compile-time error results.

The @Retention meta-annotation specifies how long an annotation is retained. You specify at most one of the values in Table 13-3. The default is RetentionPolicy.CLASS.

Table 13-3. Retention Policies for the @Retention Annotation

Retention Policy



Annotations are not included in class files.


Annotations are included in class files, but the virtual machine need not load them.


Annotations are included in class files and loaded by the virtual machine. They are available through the reflection API.

In Example 13-2, the @ActionListenerFor annotation was declared with RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME because we used reflection to process annotations. In the following two sections, you will see examples of processing annotations at the source and class file levels.

The @Documented meta-annotation gives a hint to documentation tools such as Javadoc. Documented annotations should be treated just like other modifiers such as protected or static for documentation purposes. The use of other annotations is not included in the documentation. For example, suppose we declare @ActionListenerFor as a documented annotation:

 @Documented @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface ActionListenerFor 

Now the documentation of each annotated method contains the annotation, as shown in Figure 13-1.

Figure 13-1. Documented annotations

If an annotation is transient (such as @BugReport) or an implementation detail (such as @ActionListenerFor), then you should probably not document its use.


It is legal to apply an annotation to itself. For example, the @Documented annotation is itself annotated as @Documented. Therefore, the Javadoc documentation for annotations shows whether they are documented.

The @Inherited meta-annotation applies only to annotations for classes. When a class has an inherited annotation, then all of its subclasses automatically have the same annotation. This makes it easy to create annotations that work in the same way as marker interfaces such as Serializable.

In fact, an annotation @Serializable would be more appropriate than the Serializable marker interfaces with no methods. A class is serializable because there is runtime support for reading and writing its fields, not because of any principles of object-oriented design. An annotation describes this fact better than does interface inheritance. Of course, the Serializable interface was created in JDK 1.1, long before annotations existed.

Suppose you define an inherited annotation @Persistent to indicate that objects of a class can be saved in a database. Then the subclasses of persistent classes are automatically annotated as persistent.

 @Inherited @Persistent { } @Persistent class Employee { . . . } class Manager extends Employee { . . . } // also @Persistent 

When the persistence mechanism searches for objects to store in the database, it will detect both Employee and Manager objects.

    Core JavaT 2 Volume II - Advanced Features
    Building an On Demand Computing Environment with IBM: How to Optimize Your Current Infrastructure for Today and Tomorrow (MaxFacts Guidebook series)
    ISBN: 193164411X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 156
    Authors: Jim Hoskins © 2008-2017.
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