Where Output Goes

The i5/OS follows a long but fixed (and predictable) path to determine where to send output. If you know the path, you always will be able to determine the destination of your reports. You also will be able to make the system work the way you want it to.

All levels of settings have two settings: one to name an output queue (always called OUTQ) and one to name a printer device (called PRTDEV or DEV). The OUTQ setting is the more important of the two. The other setting only matters if OUTQ(*DEV) has been specified.

Either attribute can have special values such as *JOB and *SYSVAL. In this case, the system jumps directly to the appropriate level, and skips all others. For example, a file override (top level) may specify OUTQ(*DEV) PRTDEV(*SYSVAL). *SYSVAL stands for "system value," which is the bottom level. The system jumps to the system value level directly; it skips all other levels.

  • File overrides. To start the process, the system checks to see if any active file overrides exist for the printer file you use to generate your printed output. If the file's OUTQ or PRTDEV settings have been overridden (using the Override with Printer File [OVRPRTF] command), the override settings are used and no more checking is performed. If no overrides exist for the printer file, the system continues checking with the next level.

  • The printer file. The next level is the printer file itself. All printer files have an OUTQ and a DEV attribute. If they name an actual output queue or printer device, the search stops. If not, the search continues.

  • The running job (*JOB). The job that is producing the printed output has a number of settings, the OUTQ and PRTDEV attributes among them. These attributes are used to determine where to send the printed output.

  • The job description (*JOBD). The system then examines the job description used in the job that produces the output. The job description contains the same two settings: OUTQ and PRTDEV.

  • The user profile (*USRPRF). The user profile also contains the same two settings: OUTQ and PRTDEV, which are examined next.

  • The workstation (*WRKSTN). The display station device description contains the same two settings: OUTQ and PRTDEV.

  • The system value (*SYSVAL). System value QPRTDEV contains the name of the system printer. No system value is available for an output queue. The search for a destination ends at this level.

IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
Year: 2004
Pages: 245

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