Hack55.Fix the Double Submit Problem

Hack 55. Fix the Double Submit Problem

Use a transaction table in your database to fix the classic double submit problem.

I have a couple of pet peeves when it comes to bad web application design. One of the biggest is the wealth of bad code written to fix "double submits." How often have you seen an e-commerce site that implores you, "Do not hit the submit button twice"?

This class problem results when a browser posts the contents of a web form to the server twice. However, if the user hits "submit" twice, this is exactly what the browser should do; it's the server that needs to determine whether this is an error.

Figure 6-8 shows the double submit problem graphically. The browser sends two requests because the user clicks twice. The first submit is accepted, and before the HTML is returned, the second submit goes out. Then the first response comes in, followed by the second response.

Figure 6-9 illustrates a fix to the double submit problem; the first request stores a unique ID in the page being processed. That way, when the second request comes in with the same ID, the redundant transaction is denied.

Figure 6-8. The double submit problem sequence diagram

Figure 6-9. The double submit solution requires denying the second request

6.6.1. The Code

Save the code in Example 6-7 as db.sql.

Example 6-7. The database code for the transaction checker
 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS transcheck; CREATE TABLE transcheck (  transid TEXT,  posted TIMESTAMP  ); 

Save the code in Example 6-8 as index.php.

Example 6-8. The HTML form that has the transaction ID
 <? require_once( "trans.php" ); ?> <html> <body> <form action="handler.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="transid" value="<?php echo( get_transid() ); ?>" /> Name: <input type="text" /><br/> Amount: <input type="text" size="5" /><br/> <input type="submit" /> </format> 

Save the code in Example 6-9 as handler.php.

Example 6-9. The code that receives the form data and checks the transaction
 <? require_once( "trans.php" ); ?> <html> <body> <?php if ( check_transid( $_POST["transid"] ) ) { ?> This form has already been submitted. <?php } else { add_transid( $_POST["transid"] ); ?> Ok, you bought our marvelous product. Thanks! <?php } ?> </body> </html> 

Save the code in Example 6-10 as trans.php.

Example 6-10. The transaction checking library
 <?php require_once( "DB.php" ); $dsn = 'mysql://root:password@localhost/transtest'; $db =& DB::Connect( $dsn, array() ); if (PEAR::isError($db)) { die($db->getMessage()); } function check_transid( $id ) {  global $db;  $res = $db->query( "SELECT COUNT(transid) FROM transcheck WHERE transid=?", array($id) ); $res->fetchInto($row); return $row[0]; } function add_transid( $id ) { global $db;   $sth = $db->prepare( "INSERT INTO transcheck VALUES( ?, now() )" ); $db->execute( $sth, array( $id ) ); } function get_transid() {  $id = mt_rand();   while( check_transid( $id ) ) { $id = mt_rand(); }  return $id; } ?> 

6.6.2. Running the Hack

Upload the files to the server, and then use the mysql command to load the db.sql schema into your database:

 mysql --user=myuser --password=mypassword mydb < db.sql 

Next, navigate to the index.php page with your browser, and you will see the simple e-commerce form shown in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10. The e-commerce form

Fill in some bogus data and click Submit. You should see the result shown in Figure 6-11, which shows a successful transaction. This is a good start, as it shows that we can successfully complete a transaction. Now we'll move on to denying redundant transactions.

Figure 6-11. A successful purchase

Click the Back button and click Submit again. You should see the result in Figure 6-12.

Figure 6-12. The result of a double submit

What happened is that index.php has requested a unique ID from the trans.php script. The handler.php script, which receives the form variables, first checks the ID to see whether it has been used already by calling the check_transid() function. If the ID has been used, the code should return the result shown in Figure 6-12.

If the ID is not in the database, we use the add_transid() function to add the ID to the database, and tell the user that the processing has been successful, as shown in Figure 6-11.

The astute reader will note the race condition here. If another form submit comes in between the use of the check_transid() function and the call to the add_transid() function, you could get a double submit that is appropriate to process. If your database supports stored procedures, you can write a single transaction that will check to see whether the transaction has completed and then add the transaction to the completed list. This will avoid the race condition and ensure that you cannot have double submits.

At the time of this writing, MySQL did not support stored procedures, though it is in the feature request line for later releases.

PHP Hacks
PHP Hacks: Tips & Tools For Creating Dynamic Websites
ISBN: 0596101392
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 163

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