
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

RAM, making the most of
     better use of memory with Task Manager
         identifying memory-hogging applications
     tips for
         desktop icons, reducing
         DOS applications, avoiding
         reduce background applications and services
         reducing number of colors
         remove DLLs from cache memory
ranking Indexing Service search results
RAS (Remote Access Server)
reading web pages offline
     with Internet Explorer
rebooting, shortcuts for
Recovery Console
     allowing floppy copy and access to all drives and folders
     commands for examining the system
     fixing MBR, boot sector, or boot menu
Recycle Bin
     disk defragmentation and
     hiding desktop icon
     removing icon from desktop
     incoming misspelled URLs
     permanent redirection for web resources
     web site parent directory to child directory
     web site to a URL
.reg files
     double-clicking on, changing default action to protect Registry
REG_BINARY data type (Registry) 2nd
REG_DWORD data type (Registry) 2nd
REG_EXPAND_SZ data type (Registry) 2nd
REG_MULTI_SZ data type (Registry) 2nd
REG_SZ data type (Registry) 2nd
.reg files
    importing back into Registry
         double-clicking on
         using Backup utility
         using Registry Editor
         using System Restore
     boot defragment option, checking
     context menu items, removing from Explorer
     Control Panel category values
     Copy to Folder/Move to Folder, Explorer context menu options
     customizing user interface
     DLLs, removing unneeded from cache memory
     editing safely with .reg files
     editing with Registry Editor
     entries for uninstalled programs, deleting
     entries left behind by uninstalled programs
         finding and deleting
    Explorer context menu, improving
         opening command prompt
     fine tuning for faster startups
    hacks that use
         allowing laptops to enter power-saving state
         changing names of registered user and company
         closing programs automatically at shutdown
         disabling XP shutdown
         Disk Cleanup warning, disabling
         mouse and keyboard buffer, changing size of
         program installation location, changing default
         timeouts for programs, changing
     hacks to speed up XP 2nd
     halting programs running at startup
     introduction to
     keys, forcing automatic on/off
     keys, subkeys, and values
         primary data types of values
    Most Frequently Used Programs List
         banning programs from
     network browsing, speeding up
     NTFS, disabling automatic updates on
    Outlook Express
         mail rules stored in
         mail settings, accounts and preferences
     Outlook, opening blocked file attachments
     Registry Commander
     Registry First Aid
     Resplendent Registrar
    system objects
         changing desktop icons for
         changing text and balloon tips
     tracking changes with RegSpy
         rolling back install/run changes for uninstalled programs
     uninstall entries for uninstalled programs, removing
     user logins, controlling
     Windows Media Player, GUID (supercookie)
Registry Editor
     adding and deleting keys and values
     backing up the Registry
     editing, creating, or deleting keys and values
     .reg files, using for safety
RegSpy program
     rolling back install/run changes for uninstalled programs
     SnapShots feature
regular expression queries (Indexing Service)
relational operators in Indexing Service queries
     date and time expressions, using with
releasing and renewing DHCP-assigned IP addresses
remapping the keyboard
Remote Access Server (RAS)
Remote Access utility (Windows Server 2003)
remote access, controlling another PC with
     configuring XP remote server
     firewalls, getting through
remote client
remote procedure call (RPC)
remote server
removing DLLs from cache memory
renaming files (Better File Rename utility)
residential gateways
     automatic hostname mapping to dynamic IP address, problems with
         hub/router settings for DSL access
         settings for VPN use
     port forwarding for specific Internet services
     resetting router to repair TCP/IP connection
Resource Tuner utility
restore CDs supplied by PC manufacturers
Restore point
     creating before deleting spyware
     creating before removal of XP components
restoring backups
restoring files
     backups (NTBackup)
right-click context menus
right-click ÒNewÓ menu, cleaning up
Router Password setting (residential gateways)
     for home networks
     troubleshooting with tracert
Routing and Remote Access utility (on Windows Server 2003)

Windows XP Hacks
Windows XP Hacks, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596009186
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 191

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