Creating a PANTONE Color Strip in Photoshop

PANTONE colors are specialty colors that are often used by companies to create a consistent identity by maintaining accurate color. Currently, Pages and Keynote do not support these colors directly, but you can create a close simulation in Photoshop and then bring the colors into Keynote or Pages as a graphic. You can then use the Color window to sample the imported colors. This will allow you to more closely match a PANTONE color (but the color will not be identical).


Launch Adobe Photoshop by clicking its icon in the Dock.


Create a new document sized 1024 x 768 pixels and using RGB mode.


At the bottom of the toolbox, click the foreground color swatch to open the Color Picker.


Click the Color Libraries button to access the color libraries.


Pick a color from the library that matches your needs.


Click OK.


Select one of the shape tools and make sure the Shape layers button is selected in the Options bar. Drag in the canvas to add a new shape filled with the custom color.


Use the text tool to label the color swatches with the PANTONE numbers.


Continue to add more swatches as needed.


Save the file as a PSD file.


Import the graphic into Pages or Keynote.

Using the Color Sampler, you can now access the swatch for a color that is very similar to the PANTONE color.

Apple Training Series. iWork '06 with iLife '06
Apple Training Series: iWork 06 with iLife 06
ISBN: 0321442253
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 171 © 2008-2017.
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