Lesson 11. For the Power User (Bonus Lesson)

Lesson Files

Lessons > Lesson 11 > 11Financial Sample.key


Lessons > Lesson 11 > Raw Files


Lessons > Lesson 11 > LiveType Samples


Lessons > Lesson 11 > Movie Sample


Lessons > Lesson 11 > PSD Layers


This lesson takes approximately 1 hour to complete.


Export images from Aperture


Create advanced text animation and a motion background with LiveType


Use QuickTime Player and Compressor to optimize content for Keynote


Create animations with transparency using Motion


Create a PANTONE color strip for color reference in Keynote or Pages


Prepare a layered Photoshop file for import into Keynote or Pages


Export a chart animation for Final Cut Pro

Both Pages and Keynote are deceptively robust programs. While they are easy to use, they also support an incredible number of features. Most users (and even most exercises in this book) focus on how easily these programs interface with the iLife suite of applications. While this integration is awesome, you'll find that you can tie iWork into the Apple Pro applications as well. By harnessing the power of applications like Aperture, Motion, QuickTime, Photoshop, and Final Cut Pro, you can take Pages and Keynote even further.

This lesson focuses on advanced techniques for creating and exporting content. Because both Pages and Keynote support embedded alpha channels, it's relatively easy to create advanced content for your page layouts or presentations. Additionally, iWork supports a robust array of graphic formats (including advanced types that cannot be created with iLife applications). You can also export this content to share with others. Publishing from Pages has been covered thoroughly in this book, and you have tried exporting your Keynote presentations in various formats. Here, you'll learn how to export content from iWork for publication on the Internet or to cut into a video project.

You may not have all of the applications used in this lesson, so complete only the exercises that relate to your needs.

Apple Training Series. iWork '06 with iLife '06
Apple Training Series: iWork 06 with iLife 06
ISBN: 0321442253
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 171

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