XMLPULL is the newest and perhaps the simplest API discussed in this book. It includes only one package, which contains one factory class, one interface representing the parser, and one exception. A pull parser works in streaming mode like a SAX parser. However, it waits for the client program to request the next event rather than pushing it to it. This section is based on version 1.0.8 of XMLPULL. org.xmlpull.v1The org.xmlpull.v1 package includes all three parts of the XMLPULL API: XmlPullParser , XmlPullParserFactory , and XmlPullParserException . XmlPullParserThe XmlPullParser interface represents the parser. It contains constant fields that represent type codes and features. It declares methods to get and set features and properties, to retrieve the next token from the parser, and to extract the data from that token. package org.xmlpull.v1; public interface XmlPullParser { public static final String NO_NAMESPACE; public static final int START_DOCUMENT; public static final int END_DOCUMENT; public static final int START_TAG; public static final int END_TAG; public static final int TEXT; public static final byte CDSECT; public static final byte ENTITY_REF; public static final byte IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE; public static final byte PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION; public static final int COMMENT; public static final int DOCDECL; public static final String[] TYPES; public static final String FEATURE_PROCESS_NAMESPACES; public static final String FEATURE_REPORT_NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTES; public static final String FEATURE_PROCESS_DOCDECL; public static final String FEATURE_VALIDATION; public void setFeature (String name, boolean state ) throws XmlPullParserException; public boolean getFeature (String name ); public void setProperty (String name, Object value ) throws XmlPullParserException; public Object getProperty (String name ); public void setInput (Reader in ) throws XmlPullParserException; public void setInput (InputStream in, String encoding ) throws XmlPullParserException; public String getInputEncoding (); public void defineEntityReplacementText (String entityName, String replacementText ) throws XmlPullParserException; public int getNamespaceCount (int depth ) throws XmlPullParserException; public String getNamespacePrefix (int position ) throws XmlPullParserException; public String getNamespaceUri (int position ) throws XmlPullParserException; public String getNamespace (String prefix ); public int getDepth (); public String getPositionDescription (); public int getLineNumber (); public int getColumnNumber (); public boolean isWhitespace () throws XmlPullParserException; public String getText (); public char[] getTextCharacters (int holderForStartAndLength ); public String getNamespace (); public String getName (); public String getPrefix (); public boolean isEmptyElementTag () throws XmlPullParserException; public int getAttributeCount (); public String getAttributeNamespace (int index ); public String getAttributeName (int index ); public String getAttributePrefix (int index ); public String getAttributeType (int index ); public boolean isAttributeDefault (int index ); public String getAttributeValue (int index ); public String getAttributeValue (String namespace, String name ); public int getEventType () throws XmlPullParserException; public int next () throws XmlPullParserException, IOException; public int nextToken () throws XmlPullParserException, IOException; public void require (int type, String namespace, String name ) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException; public String nextText () throws XmlPullParserException, IOException; public int nextTag () throws XmlPullParserException, IOException; } XmlPullParserFactoryThe XmlPullParserFactory class creates and configures new XmlPullParser objects in an implementation-independent fashion. package org.xmlpull.v1; public class XmlPullParserFactory { public static final String PROPERTY_NAME; protected Vector parserClasses; protected String parserClassesLocation; protected Hashtable features; protected XmlPullParserFactory (); public void setFeature (String name, boolean state ) throws XmlPullParserException; public boolean getFeature (String name ); public void setNamespaceAware (boolean awareness ); public boolean isNamespaceAware (); public void setValidating (boolean validating ); public boolean isValidating (); public XmlPullParser newPullParser () throws XmlPullParserException; public static XmlPullParserFactory newInstance () throws XmlPullParserException; public static XmlPullParserFactory newInstance ( String classNames, Class context ) throws XmlPullParserException; } Exceptions and ErrorsXMLPULL includes a single exception class, XmlPullParserException , which represents the various things that can go wrong while parsing an XML document. In addition, a few methods that perform I/O can throw an IOException . XmlPullParserExceptionAn XmlPullParserException indicates that something has gone wrong during a parse. This may be a well- formedness error in the document, such as an unclosed element or a programming error in the code. package org.xmlpull.v1; public class XmlPullParserException extends Exception { protected Throwable detail; protected int row; protected int column; public XmlPullParserException( String message ); public XmlPullParserException( String message, XmlPullParser parser, Throwable detail ); public Throwable getDetail (); public int getLineNumber (); public int getColumnNumber (); public void printStackTrace (); } ![]() |