Build Custom Reports

You can customize a report's details. This is useful when you want to include or exclude certain information. For example, I write books for a living, and I want to know how much money I make per book, and I want to exclude any other income. So I created a custom report that included income just from books. Because I had previously created a separate income category for each book, making the custom report was easy.

To customize a report on Windows, create a standard report of the type you want, then click the Customize button at the top of the report window. The Customize window appears.

Depending on the kind of report you chose, the Customize window may look different than shown here. Click the different tabs in the Customize window and make choices to customize the report. For example, in the Categories tab of the Customize Cash Flow window shown, I can choose specific categories to include or exclude from the report by selecting or clearing categories in the category list. If I wanted to only include transactions with a particular payee, I would include that payee's name in the Payee Contains field. Experiment until you find the report settings you want, then click OK. The report that was already on your screen will change to match your custom settings.

To create a custom report on the Mac, open the Reports window, click to select a standard report of the type you want, then click the Customize button at the bottom of the Reports window. The Customize window appears; depending on the kind of report you chose the window may look different than shown here.

Click the different tabs in the Customize window and make choices to customize the report. Click OK to create the custom report.

Managing Your Personal Finances with Quicken. Visual QuickProject Guide
Managing Your Personal Finances with Quicken: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321293657
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 107
Authors: Tom Negrino © 2008-2017.
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