Section 11.2. Implementations

11.2. Implementations

We have looked briefly at the interfaces of the Collections Framework, which define the behavior that we can expect of each collection. But as we mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, there are several ways of implementing each of these interfaces. Why doesn't the Framework just use the best implementation for each interface? That would certainly make life simplertoo simple, in fact, to be anything like life really is. If an implementation is a greyhound for some operations, Murphy's Law tells us that it will be a tortoise for others. Because there is no "best" implementation of any of the interfaces, you have to make a tradeoff, judging which operations are used most frequently in your application and choosing the implementation that optimizes those operations.

The three main kinds of operations that most collection interfaces require are insertion and removal of elements by position, retrieval of elements by content, and iteration over the collection elements. The implementations provide many variations on these operations, but the main differences among them can be discussed in terms of how they carry out these three. In this section, we'll briefly survey the four main structures used as the basis of the implementations and later, as we need them, we will look at each in more detail. The four structures are:


These are the structures familiar from the Java languageand just about every other programming language since Fortran. Because arrays are implemented directly in hardware, they have the properties of random-access memory: very fast for accessing elements by position and for iterating over them, but slower for inserting and removing elements at arbitrary positions (because that may require adjusting the position of other elements). Arrays are used in the Collections Framework as the backing structure for ArrayList, CopyOnWriteArrayList, EnumSet and EnumMap, and for many of the Queue and Deque implementations. They also form an important part of the mechanism for implementing hash tables (discussed shortly).

Linked lists

As the name implies, these consist of chains of linked cells. Each cell contains a reference to data and a reference to the next cell in the list (and, in some implementations, the previous cell). Linked lists perform quite differently from arrays: accessing elements by position is slow, because you have to follow the reference chain from the start of the list, but insertion and removal operations can be performed in constant time by rearranging the cell references. Linked lists are the primary backing structure used for the classes ConcurrentLinkedQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, and LinkedList, and the new skip list collections ConcurrentSkipListSet and ConcurrentSkipListMap. They are also used in implementing HashSet and LinkedHashSet.

Hash tables

These provide a way of storing elements indexed on their content rather than on an integer-valued index, as with lists. In contrast to arrays and linked lists, hash tables provide no support for accessing elements by position, but access by content is usually very fast, as are insertion and removal. Hash tables are the backing structure for many Set and Map implementations, including HashSet and LinkedHashSet together with the corresponding maps HashMap and LinkedHashMap, as well as WeakHashMap, IdentityHashMap and ConcurrentHashMap.


These also organize their elements by content, but with the important difference that they can store and retrieve them in sorted order. They are relatively fast for the operations of inserting and removing elements, accessing them by content and iterating over them. Trees are the backing structures for treeSet and treeMap. Priority heaps, used in the implementation of PriorityQueue and PriorityBlockingQueue, are tree-related structures.

Java Generics and Collections
Java Generics and Collections
ISBN: 0596527756
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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