Section 2.5. Arrays

2.5. Arrays

It is instructive to compare the treatment of lists and arrays in Java, keeping in mind the Substitution Principle and the Get and Put Principle.

In Java, array subtyping is covariant, meaning that type S[] is considered to be a subtype of T[] whenever S is a subtype of T. Consider the following code fragment, which allocates an array of integers, assigns it to an array of numbers, and then attempts to assign a double into the array:

 Integer[] ints = new Integer[] {1,2,3}; Number[] nums = ints; nums[2] = 3.14;  // array store     exception     assert Arrays.toString(ints).equals("[1, 2, 3.14]");  // uh oh! 

Something is wrong with this program, since it puts a double into an array of integers! Where is the problem? Since Integer[] is considered a subtype of Number[], according to the Substitution Principle the assignment on the second line must be legal. Instead, the problem is caught on the third line, and it is caught at run time. When an array is allocated (as on the first line), it is tagged with its reified type (a run-time representation of its component type, in this case, Integer), and every time an array is assigned into (as on the third line), an array store exception is raised if the reified type is not compatible with the assigned value (in this case, a double cannot be stored into an array of Integer).

In contrast, the subtyping relation for generics is invariant, meaning that type List<S> is not considered to be a subtype of List<T>, except in the trivial case where S and T are identical. Here is a code fragment analogous to the preceding one, with lists replacing arrays:

 List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1,2,3); List<Number> nums = ints; // compile-time error nums.put(2, 3.14); assert ints.toString().equals("[1, 2, 3.14]");  // uh oh! 

Since List<Integer> is not considered to be a subtype of List<Number>, the problem is detected on the second line, not the third, and it is detected at compile time, not run time.

Wildcards reintroduce covariant subtyping for generics, in that type List<S> is considered to be a subtype of List<? extends T> when S is a subtype of T. Here is a third variant of the fragment:

 List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1,2,3); List<? extends Number> nums = ints; nums.put(2, 3.14);  // compile-time error assert ints.toString().equals("[1, 2, 3.14]");  // uh oh! 

As with arrays, the third line is in error, but, in contrast to arrays, the problem is detected at compile time, not run time. The assignment violates the Get and Put Principle, because you cannot put a value into a type declared with an extends wildcard.

Wildcards also introduce contravariant subtyping for generics, in that type List<S> is considered to be a subtype of List<? super T> when S is a supertype of T (as opposed to a subtype). Arrays do not support contravariant subtyping. For instance, recall that the method count accepted a parameter of type Collection<? super Integer> and filled it with integers. There is no equivalent way to do this with an array, since Java does not permit you to write (? super Integer)[].

Detecting problems at compile time rather than at run time brings two advantages, one minor and one major. The minor advantage is that it is more efficient. The system does not need to carry around a description of the element type at run time, and the system does not need to check against this description every time an assignment into an array is performed. The major advantage is that a common family of errors is detected by the compiler. This improves every aspect of the program's life cycle: coding, debugging, testing, and maintenance are all made easier, quicker, and less expensive.

Apart from the fact that errors are caught earlier, there are many other reasons to prefer collection classes to arrays. Collections are far more flexible than arrays. The only operations supported on arrays are to get or set a component, and the representation is fixed. Collections support many additional operations, including testing for containment, adding and removing elements, comparing or combining two collections, and extracting a sublist of a list. Collections may be either lists (where order is significant and elements may be repeated) or sets (where order is not significant and elements may not be repeated), and a number of representations are available, including arrays, linked lists, trees, and hash tables. Finally, a comparison of the convenience classes Collections and Arrays shows that collections offer many operations not provided by arrays, including operations to rotate or shuffle a list, to find the maximum of a collection, and to make a collection unmodifiable or synchronized.

Nonetheless, there are a few cases where arrays are preferred over collections. Arrays of primitive type are much more efficient since they don't involve boxing; and assignments into such an array need not check for an array store exception, because primitive types don't have subtypes. And despite the check for array store exceptions, even arrays of reference type may be more efficient than collection classes with the current generation of compilers, so you may want to use arrays in crucial inner loops. As always, you should measure performance to justify such a design, especially since future compilers may optimize collection classes specially. Finally, in some cases arrays may be preferable for reasons of compatibility.

To summarize, it is better to detect errors at compile time rather than run time, but Java arrays are forced to detect certain errors at run time by the decision to make array subtyping covariant. Was this a good decision? Before the advent of generics, it was absolutely necessary. For instance, look at the following methods, which are used to sort any array or to fill an array with a given value:

 public static void sort(Object[] a); public static void fill(Object[] a, Object val); 

Thanks to covariance, these methods can be used to sort or fill arrays of any reference type. Without covariance and without generics, there would be no way to declare methods that apply for all types. However, now that we have generics, covariant arrays are no longer necessary. Now we can give the methods the following signatures, directly stating that they work for all types:

 public static <T> void sort(T[] a); public static <T> void fill(T[] a, T val); 

In some sense, covariant arrays are an artifact of the lack of generics in earlier versions of Java. Once you have generics, covariant arrays are probably the wrong design choice, and the only reason for retaining them is backward compatibility.

Sections 6.46.8 discuss inconvenient interactions between generics and arrays. For many purposes, it may be sensible to consider arrays a deprecated type. We return to this point in Section 6.9.

Java Generics and Collections
Java Generics and Collections
ISBN: 0596527756
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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