8.2 The MERGE Storage Engine

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8.2 The MERGE Storage Engine

The MERGE storage engine was introduced in MySQL 3.23.25. It is also known as the MRG_MyISAM engine. The code is now reasonably stable.

A MERGE table is a collection of identical MyISAM tables that can be used as one. "Identical" means that all tables have identical column and index information. You can't merge tables in which the columns are packed differently, don't have exactly the same columns , or have the indexes in different order. However, any or all of the tables can be compressed with myisampack . See Section 7.2, "myisampack, the MySQL Compressed Read-Only Table Generator."

When you create a MERGE table, MySQL creates two files on disk. The files have names that begin with the table name and have an extension to indicate the file type. An .frm file stores the table definition, and an .MRG file contains the names of the tables that should be used as one. (Originally, all used tables had to be in the same database as the MERGE table itself. This restriction has been lifted as of MySQL 4.1.1.)

You can use SELECT , DELETE , UPDATE , and (as of MySQL 4.0) INSERT on the collection of tables. For the moment, you must have SELECT , UPDATE , and DELETE privileges on the tables that you map to a MERGE table.

If you DROP the MERGE table, you are dropping only the MERGE specification. The underlying tables are not affected.

When you create a MERGE table, you must specify a UNION=( list-of-tables ) clause that indicates which tables you want to use as one. You can optionally specify an INSERT_METHOD option if you want inserts for the MERGE table to happen in the first or last table of the UNION list. If you don't specify any INSERT_METHOD option or specify it with a value of NO , attempts to insert records into the MERGE table result in an error.

The following example shows how to create a MERGE table:


 mysql>  CREATE TABLE t1 (  ->  a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,  ->  message CHAR(20));  mysql>  CREATE TABLE t2 (  ->  a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,  ->  message CHAR(20));  mysql>  INSERT INTO t1 (message) VALUES ('Testing'),('table'),('t1');  mysql>  INSERT INTO t2 (message) VALUES ('Testing'),('table'),('t2');  mysql>  CREATE TABLE total (  ->  a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  ->  message CHAR(20), INDEX(a))  ->  TYPE=MERGE UNION=(t1,t2) INSERT_METHOD=LAST;  

Note that the a column is indexed in the MERGE table, but is not declared as a PRIMARY KEY as it is in the underlying MyISAM tables. This is necessary because a MERGE table cannot enforce uniqueness over the set of underlying tables.

After creating the MERGE table, you can do things like this:


 mysql>  SELECT * FROM total;  +---+---------+  a  message  +---+---------+  1  Testing   2  table     3  t1        1  Testing   2  table     3  t2       +---+---------+ 

Note that you can also manipulate the .MRG file directly from outside of the MySQL server:


 shell>  cd /   mysql-data-directory   /   current-database  shell>  ls -1 t1 t2 > total.MRG  shell>  mysqladmin flush-tables  

To remap a MERGE table to a different collection of MyISAM tables, you can do one of the following:

  • DROP the table and re-create it.

  • Use ALTER TABLE tbl_name UNION=(...) to change the list of underlying tables.

  • Change the .MRG file and issue a FLUSH TABLE statement for the MERGE table and all underlying tables to force the storage engine to read the new definition file.

MERGE tables can help you solve the following problems:

  • Easily manage a set of log tables. For example, you can put data from different months into separate tables, compress some of them with myisampack , and then create a MERGE table to use them as one.

  • Obtain more speed. You can split a big read-only table based on some criteria, and then put individual tables on different disks. A MERGE table on this could be much faster than using the big table. (You can also use a RAID table to get the same kind of benefits.)

  • Do more efficient searches. If you know exactly what you are looking for, you can search in just one of the split tables for some queries and use a MERGE table for others. You can even have many different MERGE tables that use overlapping sets of tables.

  • Do more efficient repairs . It's easier to repair the individual tables that are mapped to a MERGE table than to repair a single really big table.

  • Instantly map many tables as one. A MERGE table need not maintain an index of its own because it uses the indexes of the individual tables. As a result, MERGE table collections are very fast to create or remap. (Note that you must still specify the index definitions when you create a MERGE table, even though no indexes are created.)

  • If you have a set of tables that you join as a big table on demand or batch, you should instead create a MERGE table on them on demand. This is much faster and will save a lot of disk space.

  • Exceed the file size limit for the operating system. Each MyISAM table is bound by this limit, but a collection of MyISAM tables is not.

  • You can create an alias or synonym for a MyISAM table by defining a MERGE table that maps to that single table. There should be no really notable performance impact of doing this (only a couple of indirect calls and memcpy () calls for each read).

The disadvantages of MERGE tables are:

  • You can use only identical MyISAM tables for a MERGE table.

  • MERGE tables use more file descriptors. If 10 clients are using a MERGE table that maps to 10 tables, the server uses (10*10) + 10 file descriptors. (10 data file descriptors for each of the 10 clients, and 10 index file descriptors shared among the clients.)

  • Key reads are slower. When you read a key, the MERGE storage engine needs to issue a read on all underlying tables to check which one most closely matches the given key. If you then do a "read- next ," the MERGE storage engine needs to search the read buffers to find the next key. Only when one key buffer is used up, the storage engine will need to read the next key block. This makes MERGE keys much slower on eq_ref searches, but not much slower on ref searches. See Section 6.2.1, "EXPLAIN Syntax (Get Information About a SELECT)," for more information about eq_ref and ref .

8.2.1 MERGE Table Problems

The following are the known problems with MERGE tables:

  • If you use ALTER TABLE to change a MERGE table to another table type, the mapping to the underlying tables is lost. Instead, the rows from the underlying MyISAM tables are copied into the altered table, which then is assigned the new type.

  • Before MySQL 4.1.1, all underlying tables and the MERGE table itself had to be in the same database.

  • REPLACE doesn't work.

  • You can't use DROP TABLE , ALTER TABLE , or DELETE FROM without a WHERE clause, REPAIR TABLE , TRUNCATE TABLE , OPTIMIZE TABLE , or ANALYZE TABLE on any of the tables that are mapped into a MERGE table that is " open ." If you do this, the MERGE table may still refer to the original table and you will get unexpected results. The easiest way to work around this deficiency is to issue a FLUSH TABLES statement to ensure that no MERGE tables remain "open."

  • A MERGE table cannot maintain UNIQUE constraints over the whole table. When you perform an INSERT , the data goes into the first or last MyISAM table (depending on the value of the INSERT_METHOD option). MySQL ensures that unique key values remain unique within that MyISAM table, but not across all the tables in the collection.

  • Before MySQL 3.23.49, DELETE FROM merge_table used without a WHERE clause only clears the mapping for the table. That is, it incorrectly empties the .MRG file rather than deleting records from the mapped tables.

  • Using RENAME TABLE on an active MERGE table may corrupt the table. This will be fixed in MySQL 4.1.x.

  • When you create a MERGE table, there is no check whether the underlying tables exist and have identical structure. When the MERGE table is used, MySQL does a quick check that the record length for all mapped tables is equal, but this is not foolproof. If you create a MERGE table from dissimilar MyISAM tables, you are very likely to run into strange problems.

  • Index order in the MERGE table and its underlying tables should be the same. If you use ALTER TABLE to add a UNIQUE index to a table used in a MERGE table, and then use ALTER TABLE to add a non-unique index on the MERGE table, the index order will be different for the tables if there was an old non-unique index in the underlying table. (This is because ALTER TABLE puts UNIQUE indexes before non-unique indexes to be able to detect duplicate keys as early as possible.) Consequently, queries may return unexpected results.

  • DROP TABLE on a table that is in use by a MERGE table does not work on Windows because the MERGE storage engine does the table mapping hidden from the upper layer of MySQL. Because Windows doesn't allow you to delete files that are open, you first must flush all MERGE tables (with FLUSH TABLES ) or drop the MERGE table before dropping the table. We will fix this at the same time we introduce views.

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MySQL AB MySQL Administrator[ap]s Guide
MySQL AB MySQL Administrator[ap]s Guide
ISBN: 782142591
Year: 2004
Pages: 138

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