

R convergence measure, 3030
R matrix
MIXED procedure, 2663, 2732, 2733
R-notation, 1794
R-square statistic
CLUSTER procedure, 972
LOGISTIC procedure, 2315, 2342
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4264, 4280
R 2 improvement
REG procedure, 3874, 3875
R 2 selection
REG procedure, 3875
R= option
and other options (CLUSTER), 969, 970, 972
radius of sphere of support, 972
RAM model
CALIS procedure, 553, 596
specification, 560
structural model example (CALIS), 557, 563
random coefficients
example (MIXED), 2788, 2810
random effects
expected mean squares, 1833
GLM procedure, 1776, 1833
MIXED procedure, 2663, 2712
NESTED procedure, 2990
NLMIXED procedure, 3079
VARCOMP procedure, 4831, 4837
random effects model,
See also nested design
VARCOMP procedure, 4837
random initializations
TRANSREG procedure, 4602
random number generators
MI procedure, 2520
PLAN procedure, 3339
random sampling,
see also SURVEYSELECT procedure
random-effects parameters
MIXED procedure, 2662, 2732
randomization of designs
using PLAN procedure, 3351
randomized complete block design
example, 1847
range ˆˆ
KRIGE2D procedure, 2047
rank correlation
LOGISTIC procedure, 2350
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4292
rank order typal analysis,
See complete linkage
RANK procedure, 21
order statistics, 21
rank scores, 1469
rank tests
NPAR1WAY procedure, 3163
Rao-Scott chi-square test
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4216
Rao-Scott likelihood ratio test
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4219
rate function
PHREG procedure, 3243, 3253
rate/mean model
PHREG procedure, 3243, 3253
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4330, 4339
ratio analysis
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4330, 4339, 4348
ratio level of measurement
DISTANCE procedure, 1250
raw residuals
GENMOD procedure, 1669
receiver operating characteristic
LOGISTIC procedure, 2378
reciprocal averaging
CORRESP procedure, 1069
reciprocal causation
CALIS procedure, 585
rectangular lattice
LATTICE procedure, 2069
rectangular table
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4324
recurrent events
PHREG procedure, 3216, 3224-3226, 3243
reduced rank regression, 3367
PLS procedure, 3381
reduction notation, 1794
redundancy analysis
CANCORR procedure, 752
standardized variables (TRANSREG), 4591
TRANSREG procedure, 4576, 4590, 4593, 4606
REF Parameterization
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4272
reference level
TRANSREG procedure, 4569
REFERENCE Parameterization
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4272
reference structure, 1298
reference- cell coding
TRANSREG procedure, 4569, 4594, 4664, 4666
references, 1288
referring to graphs
examples, ODS Graphics, 330
ODS Graphics, 330
refitting models
REG procedure, 3905
reflecting the transformation
PRINQUAL procedure, 3666
TRANSREG procedure, 4572
REG procedure
adding variables, 3819
adjusted R 2 selection, 3875
alpha level, 3816
annotations, 3816, 3844
ANOVA table, 3918
autocorrelation, 3915
backward elimination , 3800, 3874
collinearity, 3895
compared to other procedures, 1735, 3197
computational methods , 3917
correlation matrix, 3817
covariance matrix, 3817
crossproducts matrix, 3917
delete variables, 3820
deleting observations, 3903
diagnostic statistics, 3896, 3897
dictionary of options, 3844
forward selection, 3800, 3873
graphics, 3923
graphics examples, 3948
graphics keywords and options, 3841, 3843
graphics plots, high-resolution, 3840
heteroscedasticity, testing, 3910
hypothesis tests, 3832, 3858
incomplete principal components , 3818, 3828
influence statistics, 3898
input data sets, 3860
interactive analysis, 3812, 3869
introductory example, 3800
IPC analysis, 3818, 3828, 3916
line printer plots, 3848, 3882
Mallows' C p selection, 3875
missing values, 3859
model fit summary statistics, 3896
model selection, 3800, 3873, 3876, 3877, 3924
multicollinearity, 3895
multivariate tests, 3910
new regressors, 3860
non-full-rank models, 3893
ODS graph names , 3923
ODS table names, 3920
output data sets, 3863, 3868
P-P plots, 3917, 3953
painting line-printer plots, 3889
parameter estimates, 3877, 3919
partial regression leverage plots, 3901
plot keywords and options, 3841, 3843, 3844
plots, high-resolution, 3840
polynomial regression, 3804
predicted values, 3876, 3879, 3924
Q-Q plots, 3917, 3953
qualitative variables, 3943
R 2 improvement, 3874, 3875
R 2 selection, 3875
refitting models, 3905
residual values, 3879
restoring weights, 3906
reweighting observations, 3903
ridge regression, 3818, 3829, 3848, 3916, 3956
singularities, 3917
stepwise selection, 3800, 3874
summary statistics, 3896
sweep algorithm, 3917
time series data, 3915
variance inflation factors (VIF), 3818, 3958
analysis (REG), 3799
CATMOD procedure, 815
examples (GLM), 1853
ill-conditioned data, 3197
MODEL statements (GLM), 1785
nonparametric, 4497
ORTHOREG procedure, 3197
partial least squares (PROC PLS), 3367, 3380
power and sample size (POWER), 3421, 3425, 3500, 3556
principal components (PROC PLS), 3367, 3381
quadratic (GLM), 1738
reduced rank (PROC PLS), 3367, 3381
semiparametric models, 4497, 4500
smoothing splines, 4497
regression coefficients
CANCORR procedure, 759
covariance (SURVEYREG), 4392
SURVEYREG procedure, 4384, 4392
using with SCORE procedure, 4066
regression diagnostics
LOGISTIC procedure, 2359
regression effects
MIXED procedure, 2743
model parameterization (GLM), 1787
specifying (GLM), 1784
regression estimator
SURVEYREG procedure, 4400, 4407
regression method
MI procedure, 2541, 2565
regression parameter estimates, example
SCORE procedure, 4081
regression table
TRANSREG procedure, 4580
regressor effects
GENMOD procedure, 1660
rejection sampling
MIXED procedure, 2711
relative efficiency
MI procedure, 2562
MIANALYZE procedure, 2626
relative increase in variance
MI procedure, 2562
MIANALYZE procedure, 2625
relative paths, 337
examples, ODS Graphics, 359
relative risk, 1503
cohort studies, 1489
logit estimate, 1507
Mantel-Haenszel estimate, 1507
power and sample size (POWER), 3457, 3462, 3523, 3524
See restricted maximum likelihood
renaming and reusing variables
PRINQUAL procedure, 3666
repeated measures
ANOVA procedure, 446
CATMOD procedure, 815, 850, 873
contrasts (GLM), 1779
data organization (GLM), 1825
doubly-multivariate design, 1886
examples (CATMOD), 925, 930, 933, 937
examples (GLM), 1781, 1877
GEE (GENMOD), 1611, 1672
GLM procedure, 1777, 1825
hypothesis tests (GLM), 1827, 1830
MIXED procedure, 2662, 2716, 2782
more than one factor (ANOVA), 446, 449
more than one factor (GLM), 1830
multiple populations (CATMOD, 875
one population (CATMOD), 873
RESPONSE statement (CATMOD), 873
specifying factors (CATMOD), 851
transformations, 1830-1832
replaying output
examples, ODS Graphics, 361, 363, 369
replicate subjects
NLMIXED procedure, 3080
replicated sampling
SURVEYSELECT procedure, 4438, 4460
requesting graphs
ODS Graphics, 321, 324
resampled data sets
MULTTEST procedure, 2962
reseting index counter
ODS Graphics, 335
residual chi-square
PHREG procedure, 3231
residual maximum likelihood (REML)
MIXED procedure, 2738, 2779
Residual plots
MIXED procedure, 2758
residual plots
plots, ODS Graphics, 322
and partial correlation (PRINCOMP), 3609
CALIS procedure, 650
deviance (PHREG), 3234, 3258, 3302
GENMOD procedure, 1641, 1669, 1670
LOGISTIC procedure, 2360
martingale (PHREG), 3234, 3258, 3302
MDS procedure, 2483, 2487, 2488, 2491, 2503
NLIN procedure, 3014
partial correlation (PRINCOMP), 3608
prefix (CALIS), 601
prefix (TRANSREG), 4591
REG procedure, 3879
Schoenfeld (PHREG), 3234, 3258
score (PHREG), 3234, 3259
weighted Schoenfeld (PHREG), 3235, 3259
weighted score (PHREG), 3260
residuals, details
MIXED procedure, 2763
response functions (CATMOD)
covariance matrix, 842
formulas, 892
identifying with FACTORS statement, 836
predicted values, 845
related to design matrix, 877, 879
variance formulas, 892
response level ordering
LOGISTIC procedure, 2290, 2305, 2329, 2330
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4259, 4269, 4270
response profile, 73
CATMOD procedure, 820
response surfaces, 4033
canonical analysis, interpreting, 4046
covariates, 4050
experiments, 4045
plotting, 4048
ridge analysis, 4047
response variable, 451, 1784
PHREG procedure, 3218, 3235, 3283
sort order of levels (GENMOD), 1626
restoring weights
REG procedure, 3906
restricted maximum likelihood
MIXED procedure, 2662, 2738, 2779
of parameters (CATMOD), 859
DISCRIM procedure, 1163
reticular action model,
See RAM model
retrospective power, 1929, 3411
reverse response level ordering
LOGISTIC procedure, 2290, 2305, 2329, 2330
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4259, 4269, 4270
reweighting observations
REG procedure, 3903
ridge analysis
RSREG procedure, 4047
ridge regression
REG procedure, 3818, 3829, 3848, 3916, 3956
MIXED procedure, 2680, 2738
ridit scores, 1469
risk set
PHREG procedure, 3220, 3240, 3241, 3288
risk weights
PHREG procedure, 3229
risks and risk differences, 1486
RMSSTD statement
and FREQ statement (CLUSTER), 974
cluster analysis, 1379, 1392
estimators (STDIZE), 4138
ROBUSTREG procedure, 3971
computational resources, 4012
INEST= data sets, 4011
ODS graph names, 4014
OUTEST= data sets, 4011
output table names, 4012
syntax, 3982
ROC curve
LOGISTIC procedure, 2314, 2357
Roger and Tanimoto coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1274
Root MSE
SURVEYREG procedure, 4388
rotating principal components, 3611
row mean scores statistic, 1502
row proportions
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4212
Roy's maximum root, 437, 1759, 1828
RPC convergence measure, 3030
RSREG procedure
coding variables, 4047, 4052
compared to other procedures, 1735, 4033
computational methods, 4050
confidence intervals, 4042, 4043
Cook's D influence statistic, 4042
covariates, 4034
eigenvalues, 4050
eigenvectors, 4050
factor variables, 4034
input data sets, 4040, 4041
introductory example, 4034
missing values, 4048
ODS table names, 4054
output data sets, 4040, 4044, 4051, 4052
PRESS statistic, 4042
response variables, 4034
ridge analysis, 4047
RTF destination
ODS Graphics, 326, 335
RTF output
examples, ODS Graphics, 356, 360
ODS Graphics, 326, 338
Rtf style
ODS styles, 346
Russell and Rao similarity coefficient
DISTANCE procedure, 1276
Ryan's multiple range test, 444, 1768, 1815
examples, 1851

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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