-t flag in ssh-keygen, 13
T1 peering, 500–504
T2 peering, 498–500
T3 C-bit parity, 90
T391 poll timer, 78
T392 poll expectation timer, 78, 141
TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus) authentication, 651
community, 517–520
VLAN, 101, 103–105
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 651
TCP port 179, 651
tcpdump utility
defined, 651
for Frame Relay, 74
teardown option, 556
telnet service and terminal servers, 2–3
clearing, 6–8
console connections for, 3–5, 4
for OoB management network configuration, 8
for router access, 3, 5
switching among, 6
Terminal Access Controller Access Control
System Plus (TACACS+)
authentication, 651
terminating actions, 651
terms, 651
text editors, 37
3GPP (Third-Generation Partnership Project), 620
through match type, 512, 651
time synchronization in NTP
configuring, 24–25, 50–51
defined, 640
verifying, 25–28
time zone settings, 27–28
timeout parameter, 14
Timeout timers, 651
timers and knobs
in EBGP, 541
AS loops, 542–543
incoming traffic flow, 543–547
local preferences, 547–548
in IBGP, 421–422, 421
load balancing, 422–426
local preferences and communities, 429–435
passive mode configuration, 427–429
timer modifications, 426–427
in IS-IS, 262
timid damping, 505
TLVs (Type Length Values), 276
TNSSAs (Totally Not-So-Stubby Areas), 188
token-bucket algorithm, 651
ToS (type of service) method, 652
Totally Stubby Areas (TSAs)
defined, 651
in OSPF, 179–180, 186–188
traceroute command
forwarding path confirmation, 540–541
local preferences, 548
route filtering, 535
confederations, 416, 419
peering, 381–382
route reflection, 397, 400–401
in IS-IS
configuration, 275
route redistribution, 304–305, 309–310, 312–313
NSSAs, 194
RIP, 208–209, 213, 220–221
TSAs, 187–188
for unnumbered interfaces, 126
for virtual links, 201
IS-IS authentication, 285
adjacency problems, 164–165
authentication, 177–178
tracking in VRRP, 107–111
traffic engineering, 651
traffic shaping, 89, 98–100
transient interfaces, 651
transit areas, 651
transit-delay setting, 225
transit routers, 651
transit sites
in community tagging, 517–518
in route filtering, 538–540
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 651
transport mode, 652
trap group operation, 24
triggered updates, 652
Triple-DES encryption algorithm, 652
EBGP peering, 489–493
IBGP, 435–439
authentication, 283–286
route redistribution, 301–305
OSPF network types, 172-173
TSAs (Totally Stubby Areas), 179–180, 186–188
Tspec Object, 652
tunnel mode, 652
Tunnel PICs, 652
tunnels, 652
2-Way adjacency state, 620
Type Length Values (TLVs), 276
type of service (ToS) method, 652