At the pinnacle of the M-series Routers & T-series Routing Platforms track is the one-day JNCIE-M practical exam. The E stands for Expert and they mean it-the exam is the most challenging and respected of its type in the industry. Maintaining the standard of excellence established over two years ago, the JNCIE-M certification continues to give candidates the opportunity to distinguish themselves as the truly elite of the networking world. Only a few have dared attempt this exam, and fewer still have passed.
The new eight-hour format of the exam requires that candidates troubleshoot an existing and preconfigured ISP network consisting of 10 M-series routers. Candidates are then presented with additional configuration tasks appropriate for an expert-level engineer.
The JNCIE-M (exam code CERT-JNCIE-M) is delivered at one of several Juniper Networks offices worldwide for U.S.$1,250. The current passing score is set at 80 percent.
The study topics for the JNCIE-M exam may include:
Expert-level system operation, configuration, and troubleshooting
Routing protocols-BGP, OSPF, IS-IS, and RIP
Routing protocol redistribution
Advanced routing policy implementation
Firewall filters
Class of service
Note | Since the JNCIP-M certification is a prerequisite for attempting this practical exam, all candidates who pass the JNCIE-M will have successfully completed two days of intensive practical examination. |