The JNCIP-M is the first of the two one-day practical exams in the M-series Routers & T-series Routing Platforms track of the JNTCP. The goal of this challenging exam is to validate a candidate’s ability to successfully build an ISP network consisting of seven M-series routers and multiple EBGP neighbors. Over a period of eight hours, the successful candidate will perform system configuration on all seven routers, install an IGP, implement a well-designed IBGP, establish connections with all EBGP neighbors as specified, and configure the required routing policies correctly.
This certification establishes candidates’ practical and theoretical knowledge of core Internet technologies and their ability to proficiently apply that knowledge in a hands-on environment. This exam is expected to meet the hands-on certification needs of the majority of Juniper Networks customers and partners. The more advanced JNCIE-M exam focuses on a set of specialized skills and addresses a much smaller group of candidates. You should carefully consider your certification goals and requirements, for you may find that the JNCIP-M exam is the highest-level certification you need.
The JNCIP-M (exam code CERT-JNCIP-M) is delivered at one of several Juniper Networks offices worldwide for U.S.$1,250. The current passing score is set at 80 percent.
The study topics for the JNCIP-M exam include:
Advanced system operation, configuration, and troubleshooting
Routing protocols—BGP, OSPF, IS-IS, and RIP
Routing policy
Routing protocol redistribution
Note | The JNCIP-M certification is a prerequisite for attempting the JNCIE-M practical exam. |