
 < Day Day Up > 


Rapid online and phased recovery (ROPR), 816-17

Rapid Restore Solution, 522

Read Public Information permission, 110

Real-time blackhole lists (RBLs)

defined, 658

response codes, configuring, 662

service provider, 659

support, 659

Recipient filters, 665-66

defined, 665

enabling, 665

illustrated, 666

Recipient policies, 769-77

application priority order, 771

default, 769

defined, 769

display name change, 774-77

editing, 771-72

email addresses in, 771

email address patterns with, 774-77

functions, 770

illustrated, 770

LDAP queries in, 771

SMTP address generation, 774

See also Policies

Recipient Update Service (RUS), 18, 777-84

attributes, 781-82

creating, 780

defined, 770, 777

function, 777

illustrated, 779

importance, 778

mail-enabling objects, 780-83

multiple creation, 780

operation types, 778

properties, 779

role, 780

server detail processing, 783-84

Recoveries, 444-49

defined, 444

hard, 444, 448-49

soft, 444, 445-47

Recovery servers, 808-10

for database maintenance utilities, 808

Exchange installation on, 810

Mailbox Stores on, 815

restoring to, 808

for testing, 809

uses, 808-9

Recovery Storage Group (RSG), 546, 822-34

adding databases to, 826, 828

associations, 828

creating, 826-28

database locations, 831

database problems and, 823-24

database restoration, 828-32

defined, 822

ESM instantiation, 826

example use, 823

file locations, 825

recovered databases, 829

restored, viewing mailboxes in, 830

setting locations for, 827

support, 822

temporary database, 824-26

uses, 822-23

Redirecting messages, 731-32

Relay Restrictions property page, 653-54

Relays, 562-63

blocking, 652-54

intermediate, 649

restrictions, setting, 652, 653

testing, 652

Relay Spam Stopper (RSS), 658

Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition (RILOE), 675


administrative groups, 148

domain, 25, 40

Replica synchronization, 249

Replication, 42-63

attribute-level, 43-44, 72, 170

basics, 43-45

changes in Windows 2003, 62-63

characteristics, 59

content, 474

defined, 410

domain NC, 57

drizzle-mode, 208

flow control, 44

"forced," 55

goal, 43

hierarchy, 474

intersite, 56-60

intrasite, 56-60

latency, 632

load, reducing, 172

object-level, 72-73

Outlook 2003, 202

partners, 61

public folder, 474-93

semantics, 202

time, 45-46

understanding, 42

urgent, 55-56

USNs and, 51-55

See also Active Directory

"Reply All" function, 739-40

Reserved logs, 410-11

Resource groups, 530-31

defined, 530

illustrated, 532

resources, obtaining, 531

Resources, 530

adding, to monitor, 869

allocating, 539

defined, 530

dependencies, 531-32

illustrated, 532

logical, 531

physical, 531

quorum, 534-35

Restore.env, 797

Restores, 787, 788, 794-99

checking, 807

database selection, 796

differential, 799

Exchange server, 804-7

files used in, 798

full backups, 792

incremental, 799

LegacyExchangeDN attribute and, 811

logs, 798

Mailbox Store, 810-16

parameters, setting, 796

in progress, 797

steps, 795-98

Store responsibility, 795

unassociated mailboxes after, 815

See also Backups

Return status codes, 661-64

RFC 1855, 736

Rights Management Services (RMS), 702

RIM, 376, 379

Attachment Server, 377

handhelds, 378

patches/service packs, 373

Risk management, 842-54


Exchange Administrator, 141

Exchange Full Administrator, 139, 140, 141

Exchange View Administrator, 139

Exchange View Only Administrator, 141

folder, 472

Round-trip latency, 201


to bridgehead server, 607

calculation, 606

categorization and, 576-90

information, viewing, 609-11

link state, 599-611

SMTP, 619

understanding, 632-34

Routing Engine, 158

defined, 568-69

distribution list expansion, 172

email address validation, 622

flags, 666

message processing, 569-71

out of office notifications and, 858

recipient identification, 578

route assessment, 588

routing table examination, 578

Routing group connectors (RGCs), 611

changing, 617

creating, 613-17

defined, 613

delivery options, 616

illustrated, 617

local, 615

properties, 614

protocol independence, 613

remote bridgehead server, 615

SMTP use, 612, 617

testing, 616

unidirectional, 613

Routing groups, 152-56, 590-99

administrative groups and, 152, 596

bandwidth between, 631

connecting, 611-17

container, 594

creating, 594-98

creation factors, 591

decommissioning, 598

defined, 152

defunct, 598

design, 153-56

dragging/dropping servers between, 597

duplicate, 596

empty, 143-44

master, 592-94

moving server error, 598

multiple, within administrative group, 154

number of, 156

properties, 597

public folder referrals and, 599

servers in, 590, 591

version numbers, 604

Routing masters, 592-94

default, 592

defining, 593

LST and, 593, 594

update restriction, 602

updates, 608

RPCs, 198

latency importance, 199-201

over HTTP, 343

problems with, 200

Requests performance counter, 543

transport, 202

Rules, 240

creating, from messages, 240

for message processing, 732-34

in OWA 2003, 308

synchronization, 367

Rules wizard, 732

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Administrators Pocket Consultant
ISBN: 0735619786
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 188 © 2008-2017.
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