

obfuscators, code protection, 725 “726
object literals, 148 “149, 738
object models, 753 “760
components , 233 “236
cross-browser support, 247
Document object. see Document object
event handlers, 232 “233
history in JavaScript, 222
IE 3, 756 “757
IE 4+, 758 “759
IE 5.5+, 758 “759
IE document properties, 240 “247
initial, 223 “224
Mozilla document properties, 240
Netscape 3, 755 “756
Netscape 5, 757 “758
Netscape 6, 759 “760
Netscape document properties, 236 “240
overview of, 221 “223
traditional (Netscape 2 and IE 3), 755
types of objects in, 753
object operators, 92 “94
object properties, 136 “142
accessing with array syntax, 137
enumerating, 138 “141
list of common, 145 “146
methods , 138
overview of, 136 “137
with statements and, 141 “142
object signing, 683. See also signed scripts
Object, built-in objects, 848 “849
object, HTMLObjectElement, 849 “850
ActiveX, 574, 578
compared with <applet>, 562
correspondence to object, HTMLObjectElement, 849
cross browser inclusion of embedded objects, 575
embedded objects, 564 “565
interacting with ActiveX controls, 576
Java applets and, 558 “559
object-oriented programming. See OOP (object-oriented programming)
object- related collections, 396 “397
object-related statement, 108 “109
objects, 133 “158
as associative arrays, 149 “150
browser. see browser objects
built-in. see built-in objects
class properties, 155 “156
comparing, 144 “145
composite data type and, 735
constructors, 152 “153
creating, 61 “62, 135, 735
document. see document objects
dynamic types, 155
ECMAScript built-in, 736
embedded. see embedded objects
functions as, 121 “122
garbage collection, 135 “136
inheritance via prototype chain, 156
instance properties, 735
object literals, 148 “149
object-oriented programming, 150 “151
overriding properties, 156
overview of, 32 “33, 60 “61
passing to functions, 143 “144
prototype-based , 151 “152
prototypes for, 153 “154
as reference types, 142 “143
syntax, 735
this statement and, 736
types of, 133 “134
user -defined, 147 “148
octal literals, 50
ol object, HTMLOListElement, 850 “851
<ol>, 850
onblur event handlers, 426
onchange event handlers, 452 “453, 507
oncontextmenu event handler, 521
onerror handler, 710 “712
one-time pop-ups, cookies, 528
onfocus event handlers, 426
onkeypress events, 430
OOP (object-oriented programming)
class-based vs. prototype based, 151
languages, 33
overview of, 150 “151
principles, 157
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), 694
open( ) method
Document object, 389 “391
feature parameter, 354 “356
pop-up windows , 670
Window object, 351 “352
opener property, Window object, 361
cross-browser support, 247
DOM document trees and, 261
language detection, 548
plugin detection, 543
simulating browser activities, 551
support for innerHTML property, 291
operator precedence, 35 “36, 94 “96, 743 “744
operators, 33 “36
arithmetic. see arithmetic operators
assignment, 78 “79
bitwise. see bitwise operators
comma, 90 “91
comparison. see comparison operators
definition of, 24
increment/decrement, 85 “86
JavaScript support, 78
logical. see logical operators
object, 92 “94
precedence, 35 “36, 94 “96, 743 “744
relational. see relational operators
string, 35
syntax, 739
typeof, 92
void, 91 “92
optGroup object, HTMLOptGroupElement, 851
<optgroup>, 441 “442, 851
Option element, 439
Option groups, 442
option object, HTMLOptionElement, 851 “852
<option>, 508, 851
OR (), bitwise operators, 82
outerHTML property, 292 “293
outertext property, 292 “293
output sanitization , 694
overriding properties, 156
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), 694

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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