

p object, HTMLParagraphElement, 852
<p>, 852
P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences), 588 “589
Packages object, proprietary browser objects, 852 “853
page object, proprietary document objects, 853
param object, HTMLParamElement, 853 “854
<param>, 559, 574, 853 “854
parameter passing, 112 “113, 125 “127
parameters, of functions, 63
parenthesis "( )" operator, 94, 204
parse( ) method, Date object, 177 “178
parseInt( ) method, type conversion, 64
parsers, XML, 608
passing function arguments, 63
Password object, HTMLInputElement, 854
patterns, regular expressions, 42, 194
persistent cookies, 522
pipe (), 202
plainText object, deprecated, 854
<plaintext>, 854
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P), 588 “589
platform independence, 558
Plugin object, proprietary browser objects, 568, 854 “855
browser detection, 543 “544
detecting specific, 568 “570
embedding content for, 564 “565
interacting with, 571 “574
MIME types, 565 “568
overview of, 564
refreshing plugins[ ] collection, 570 “571
plugins[ ] collection
browser detection and, 543
Document object, 396
Navigator object, 568
refreshing, 570 “571
policies, security
IE security zones, 686 “690
Mozilla, 685 “686
overview of, 679
same-origin . see same-origin policy
polymorphism, in OOP, 157
pop( ) method, Array object, 165 “166, 172 “173
pop-up killers, 352
popup object, proprietary browser objects, 855
pop-up windows
IE extensions, 381 “383, 670 “671
one-time pop-ups, 528
positional indicators, regular expressions, 194 “195
positioned regions
CSS, 477 “478
DOM, 479 “480
IE, 479 “480
Netscape 4, 478 “479
transitions and, 496 “499
POST method, XMLHTTP, 600
post-increment operator, 86
pre object, HTMLPreElement, 856
pre/postfix, arithmetic operators, 739
<pre>, 854, 856
pre-increment operator, 86
preventDefault( ) method, DOM2, 340
primitive data types. See data types, primitive
print( ) method, Window object, 551
best practices for use of functions, 128 “131
deceptive programming tactics, 692
programming languages
characteristics of, 24 “25
object-based, 33
relationship of JavaScript to, 19 “20
terminology, 24
weak typing, strong typing, and untyped, 48 “49
programming practices, JavaScript, 695 “726
code protection, 724 “726
coding speed, 724
coding style, 723 “724
debugging. see debugging
defensive programming. see defensive programming
error messages, turning on, 698 “699
list of common errors and symptoms, 701 “702
runtime errors, 696 “698, 700
semantic errors, 697 “698
syntax errors, 695 “696, 698, 700
prompt( ) method, Window object, 40, 350 “351
class properties, 155 “156
common to all objects, 145 “146
Document object, 385 “388
DOM, 374 “375, 398 “399
instance, 136 “137, 208 “209
lowest common denominator for Document object, 225
mapping CSS to DOM, 277 “279
object properties, 59, 136 “137
overriding object properties, 156
same-origin policy and, 682
static, 209 “211
prototype chain, 156
prototype property, 153 “155
prototype-based object-oriented languages, 151, 558
prototype-based objects, 151 “152
prototypes , extending Array objects, 172 “173
pseudo-URLs, 17 “19
pull-down menus , 506 “510
forms, 437 “442
improvements to, 508 “510
overview of, 506 “507
<select> tag and, 437 “439, 506
push( ) method, Array object, 165 “166, 172 “173

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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