

Save Preferences button event handler, 96 97


templates, 190

user preferences, 95 97

scheduling. See calendar applications

schema of MSDE tables, copying to hosts, 329

script injection attacks (script exploit), 167 68, 317 18

search engines, postbacks and round trips, 8

Secure Internet Information Services 5 Checklist, 309

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 316

Secure XML Web Services with Secure Socket Layer in Windows 2000, 316


ASPNET account and anonymous users, 310 12

authenticating with login forms, 315 17

crackers and hackers

defined, 305

motivations of, 306

cryptography, 111, 314, 316

database access, 317 20

data-entry pages for slideshows, 236 37

error messages and, 238

exporting and importing pages to hosts, 335

firewalls, 32, 285, 307, 308

hosting sites yourself, 32, 307 10

HTML formatting in e-mail messages, 293, 299 300

integrated, 142

lockdown, 32 33, 308

malicious user input, 312 13

master-detail tables, 232

mixed mode, 142


authentication, 315 17

cryptography, 314

explicit credentials, 318 20

hosting sites yourself, 308

validating, 174

patches, 33


anonymous users and security, 310 12

database access, 318 20

hosting sites yourself, 308

sending e-mail messages, 280 85

site development, 34 35

writing files to folders, 124

preventing script injection attacks, 167 68, 317 18

query strings, 215, 242

recommended reading, 305, 307, 308, 309

routers, 32, 307

sensitive information, 314 15

SMTP virtual server and, 284 85

Security tab of Properties dialog box, 282 84

Select statements, 245, 247 48

SelectCommand attribute of SqlDataSourceControl, 157, 187 88

SelectedDate property of Calendar control, 264, 265

SelectedDates collection, 270 71, 275 76

selection events, 59

SelectionChanged event handler, 264, 274 76

Send method of SmtpMail objects, 289 90

Send This Picture button, adding to slideshow pages, 295 96

 SendEmail.aspx page

adding namespaces to, 288

creating, 286 87

sender arguments (event handlers), 59

 SendPicture.aspx page, 296 301

separator templates, 194 95

server controls, 62

server software, 6

server-based programming

browser-based programming compared to, 11

characteristics of, 7 10

overview, 4 6

Server.HtmlEncode method

filtering HTML user input, 313

inserting into databases

calendar records, 266

slides, 245

slideshows, 236 37

overview, 168

Server.MapPath method, 107

servers. See also MSDE 2000; SMTP; SQL Server

database servers, connections established with, 142 43, 156 57

defined, 6

overview, 4 6

security and server names, 314

testing pages, 29 30

validating, 180

ServerValidate event handlers, 180

session cookies, 121

Session objects

caching data in, 218

disadvantages of, 219

overview, 218

storing datasets in, 224 25

storing user names in, 316 17

ShieldsUp! Web site, 307

SHIFT+ENTER, creating single-spaced lines using, 164

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) virtual server

installing and configuring, 279 84

overview, 278 79

single-spaced lines, creating, 164


enlarging page displays, 156

resizing images, 68

viewstate affecting downloaded pages, 73

slash characters (\), MapPath methods and, 108

slide arrays, 69 70

slide lists

absolute and relative paths, 70

building, 68 69

datasets and, 217 18

in detail pages, 245 48

hard-coding, 68 70

loading, 69 70

in master pages, 238 40


deleting from slideshows, 248 50

displaying, 226 28, 245 48

displaying lists of, 238 40, 245 48

editing, 250 52

information about, 207 8

inserting into databases, 243 45

maintaining slide numbers in viewstate, 71 74

Slides table, 207 8

slideshow picker pages

creating, 212 14

illustrated, 206

programming, 214 16

slideshow viewer pages

creating, 219 21

navigating between slides, 228

programming, 221 29

testing, 224, 229

 SlideShow1.aspx, creating, 67 68

 Slideshow_Email.aspx, 295 96, 298

 SlideshowPicker.aspx, 213 16



captions to, 80 82

controls to, 67 68

records to databases, 235 38

creating pages for, 67 68

creating slideshow tables, 209 12

database structure, 207 9

deleting slides from, 248 50

detail pages

adding slides, 244 45

creating, 241 42

deleting slides, 248 50

displaying list of slides, 245 48

editing slides, 250 52

navigating from master pages, 238 40

reading from master pages, 242 43

slideshow pages compared to, 241

updating databases, 252 55

displaying slides for, 226 28, 245 48

initializing pages, 69 70

maintaining slide numbers in viewstate, 71 74

master pages

adding records to databases, 235 38

creating, 232 35

displaying list of slides, 238 40

navigating to detail pages, 238 40

reading slideshow names from, 242 43

naming, 210, 237

navigation controls

adding navigation bars, 77 79

consolidating repetitious code, 82 83

details pages, 238 40

Next and Previous buttons, 74 77, 227 28

organizing pictures for, 66, 206

overview, 65 66

testing pages, 70 71

timers for, 66

updating databases, 252 55

users sending pictures from, 294 301

 SlideshowViewer.aspx, 220 29

smart host computers, 282

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) virtual server

installing and configuring, 279 84

overview, 278 79

SmtpMail objects, 289

SmtpMail.Send method, 289 90, 293, 294

software required for Web Matrix, 33 39


entries in guestbooks, 171

properties in Properties window, 55


blank lines in text files, 105

in folder names, 322

spacing, creating single-spaced lines, 164

spam e-mail, 285

spoof, 215

spreadsheets, text formatting differences, 54

SQL Server. See also MSDE 2000

access across the Web, 328

access permissions, 324 25

connection objects and, 142 43

referential integrity, master-details tables, 256 57

security, 314, 318

support for, 140 41

SQL Server Service Manager dialog box, MSDE instance name in, 161

SQL statements

builders for, 187

malicious user input, 317 18

in .schema files, exporting and importing tables to hosts, 329

SqlDataReader, 271. See also data reader objects

SqlDataSourceControl control

adding to guestbook listing pages, 187 88, 189

deleting slides from slideshows using, 248

displaying calendar appointments using, 273, 275

displaying guestbook listings using, sorting entries, 170 71

displaying slides for current slideshow, 246 47

editing connection strings in, 334

editing slides in slideshows using, 250

overview, 154, 156 57

updating databases, event handlers for Update buttons, 252

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 316

Start Web Application dialog box

overview, 58

virtual roots and, 323

starting Web Matrix, 44 45

state, maintaining

datasets, 218, 224 25

round trips and viewstate, 146

slide numbers and viewstate, 71 74

stateless pages, 9 10

static HTML pages, 4

storage and storing data. See also cache

binary data, 208 9

caption text, 80 82

connection strings, 318 20

cookies, 96

creating tables for, 148 52

customized information, 115

datasets, 218, 224 25

drop-down list items in collections, 89

pages for IIS, 322 24

random quotes text, 107 8

sensitive information, 314

slide information, 207 8

SQL statements, 329

strings stored in viewstate, 72, 73

synchronizing information stored in multiple places, 256 57

user names, 316 17

values between postbacks, 114 15

StreamReader objects

hit counters using, 125 26

random quotes pages using, 107 9


capturing, 107 9

reading single values out of, 125

StreamWriter objects, hit counters using, 127

String object filtering HTML user input, 313


breaking up, 112

characters in. See also specific characters and types of characters

converting to HTML, 168, 237, 312 13

delimiters, 104 5, 112

extracting, 135, 175

wildcard characters and pattern matching, 175

connection strings

builders for, 187

editing when moving data tables to hosts, 333 34

security and, 314, 318 20

converting numbers to, 129

format expression, 129

query strings

passing slideshow information using, 214, 216, 239

reading slideshow names from, 239, 242 43

in URLs, 214 15

splitting strings into parts, 112

stored in viewstate, 72, 73

strong passwords, 308

<style> blocks, 54

styles, text formatting differences, 54

stylesheets, external, 54

subroutines and routines

consolidating repetitious code, 82 83

displaying calendar appointment details, 274 76

displaying calendar appointments, 270 71

event handlers and subroutines, 59

subroutines defined, 28

Substring method, 135

symbols. See characters in strings

System.Web.Mail namespace, 288

Microsoft ASP. NET Web Matrix Starter Kit
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Starter Kit (Bpg-Other)
ISBN: 0735618569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169
Authors: Mike Pope
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