

radio button controls, 87

random numbers, generating, 110 11

random quotes pages

caching quotations, 114 16

error handling, 109 10

finding quotations files, 107

generating random numbers, 110 11

getting and displaying quotations, 111 12

reading text files, 105 9

testing, 113 14

writing to text files, 104 5


caching, 115 16

creating, 105 7

RangeValidator control, 174

ReadLine method, 107

recommended reading


database knowledge, 140

filing systems, 308

firewalls, 307

Forms authentication, 317

hosting sites yourself, 31

HTML, 12

regular expressions, 176

security, 305, 309

security improvements in IIS 6.0, 312

SSL, 316

validator controls, 175

Visual Basic .NET, 22

XML, 12

records. See databases; specific applications

Redirect method of Response objects, 216


to namespaces, 93

to pictures stored in databases, 208 9

resolving to external stylesheets, 54

referential integrity, master-details tables, 256 57

refreshing (reloading) pages, 75, 265. See also round trips

Regular Expression Editor dialog box, 178

regular expressions

overview, 175 76

validator controls, 174, 178 79

RegularExpressionValidator control

on e-mail message pages, 287

on guestbook pages, 174, 178 79

relative paths, 70, 107

Relay Restrictions dialog box, 281 82

reloading pages, 75, 265. See also round trips

reminder features of calendar applications, 267

Repeater control, 183 85, 201 3

Replace method of String object

filtering HTML user input, 313

pipe characters with line break and dash, 111 12

Request objects, 99 100

Request.ApplicationPath method, 107

required field validation, 174, 177 78

RequiredExpressionValidator control, 174

RequiredFieldValidator control, 174, 177 78, 180


images, 68

pages, 156

Response objects

cookies controlled using, 96 97

cookies sent to browsers using, 126 27, 128

requests sent to browsers using, 216

restrictions. See permissions

result sets, 144 45

Reynolds-Haertle, Robin A., 22

Riordan, Rebecca M., 140

Rnd function, 110 11

round trips. See also postbacks

clicking on dates in calendar and, 265

defined, 8

overview (in action), 61

preserving data, 145 46

preserving datasets, 224 25

requests treated as first-time request, 9

routers and security, 32, 307

routines and subroutines

consolidating repetitious code, 82 83

displaying calendar appointment details, 274 76

displaying calendar appointments, 270 71

event handlers and subroutines, 59

subroutines defined, 28

Microsoft ASP. NET Web Matrix Starter Kit
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Matrix Starter Kit (Bpg-Other)
ISBN: 0735618569
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 169
Authors: Mike Pope
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