Creating a Console

Consider several simple console functions and their use.

Working with inherited console isn't always convenient . To create a new console, the AllocConsole function is used. When the program terminates, all automatically allocated consoles are released. However, this can be forced using the FreeConsole function. To obtain the console descriptor, the GetStdHandle function is used, which you have already encountered . This function accepts one of the following three constants as an argument:

 STD_INPUT_HANDLE   equ -10 ; For input     STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE  equ -11 ; For output     STD_ERROR_HANDLE   equ -12 ; For an error message 

It is necessary to mention that a process can have only one console; therefore, execution of the FreeConsole function is required when the program starts. If the program is started from another console, it inherits that console. Thus, it is impossible to create a new console until the process detaches itself from its current (inherited) console by executing the FreeConsole function.

For reading data from the console buffer, the ReadConsole function is used. The values of parameters accepted by this function (from left to right) are as follows : [i]

  • FirstDescriptor of the input buffer

  • SecondAddress of the buffer, in which the information for input is loaded

  • ThirdLength of that buffer

  • FourthNumber of symbols actually read

  • FifthReserved

To set the cursor position within the console, use the SetConsoleCursorPosition function, which accepts the following parameters:

  • FirstDescriptor of the console's input buffer

  • SecondThe coord structure, written as follows:

 COORD STRUC           X WORD ?           Y WORD ?     COORD ENDS 

I'd like to mention again that the second parameter isn't the pointer to the structure (which usually is the case); on the contrary, it is the structure itself. Actually, for an assembler, this is simply a double word ( DWORD ), for which the least significant word stands for the X-coordinate and most significant word stands for the Y-coordinate.

The color of characters to be displayed can be set by the SetConsoleTextAttribute function. The first parameter of this function is the descriptor of the console's output buffer, and the second parameter specifies the foreground and background colors.

Actual color is obtained by combining (via the sum or the logical OR operation) two or more of the constants listed after this paragraph. Note that in addition to the possibility of creating combinations of color and intensity, it is possible to combine different colors (see Listing 8.3).

 FOREGROUND_BLUE       equ 1h ; Blue foreground letters FOREGROUND_GREEN      equ 2h ; Green foreground letters FOREGROUND_RED        equ 4h ; Red foreground letters FOREGROUND_INTENSITY  equ 8h ; Foreground intensity BACKGROUND_BLUE       equ 10h ; Blue background BACKGROUND_GREEN      equ 20h ; Green background BACKGROUND_RED        equ 40h ; Red background BACKGROUND_INTENSITY  equ 80h ; Increased background intensity 

To define the console window header, the SetConsoleTitle function is used. This function accepts the only parameter that represents the address of a zero- terminated string. At this point, it is necessary to point out that in contrast to output into the console window, where DOS-encoding was needed, here you need Windows encoding. To solve this problem and never return to it again, consider how this goal can be achieved using Windows functionality.

In Windows, there is a special function called CharToOem , which you considered in Chapter 6. The first parameter of this function is the pointer to the string that needs to be converted, and the second parameter is the pointer to the string that would store the result. Note that the result can be placed into the string being converted. Thus, the encoding problem will be solved . Later, in console applications, I will use this function without special mention.

You have considered only a small number of console functions, the total number of which is about 50. However, there is no need to describe them all. Some of them will be mentioned later; however, I hope that if you are interested, you can find information on other console functions on your own and use them according to the examples and explanations provided in the book. I'd only like to mention that most console functions typically return nonzero values if they terminate normally. In the case of an error, a zero value will be placed into the EAX register.

Well, it is time to proceed with examples.

Listing 8.3: Creating a console
image from book
 .586P ; Flat memory model .MODEL FLAT, stdcall ; Constants STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE equ -11 STD_INPUT_HANDLE equ -10 ; Color attributes FOREGROUND_BLUE  equ 1h ; Blue foreground FOREGROUND_GREEN equ 2h ; Green foreground FOREGROUND_RED   equ 4h ; Red foreground FOREGROUND_INTENSITY equ 8h ; Increased foreground intensity BACKGROUND_BLUE  equ l0h ; Blue background BACKGROUND_GREEN equ 2Oh ; Green background BACKGROUND_RED   equ 4Oh ; Red background BACKGROUND_INTENSITY equ 80h ; Increased background intensity COL1 = 2h+8h ; Color of the text being displayed COL2 = 1h+2h+8h ; Second color of the text being displayed ; Prototypes of external procedures EXTERN  GetStdHandle@4:NEAR EXTERN  WriteConsoleA@20:NEAR EXTERN  SetConsoleCursorPosition@8:NEAR EXTERN  SetConsoleTitleA@4:NEAR EXTERN  FreeConsole@0:NEAR EXTERN  AllocConsole@0:NEAR EXTERN  CharToOemA@8:NEAR EXTERN  SetConsoleCursorPosition@8:NEAR EXTERN  SetConsoleTextAttribute@8:NEAR EXTERN  ReadConsoleA@20:NEAR EXTERN  SetConsoleScreenBufferSize@8:NEAR EXTERN  ExitProcess@4:NEAR ; Directives for the linker to include libraries includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib ;----------------------------------------------- COOR STRUC X  WORD ?  Y  WORD ? COOR ENDS ; Data segment _DATA SEGMENT     HANDL  DWORD ?     HANDL1 DWORD ?     STR1   DB "Enter a string:", 13, 10, 0     STR2   DB "A simple example of a console application", 0     BUF    DB 200 dup(?)     LENS   DWORD ? ; Number of displayed symbols     CRD    COOR <?> _DAT'A ENDS ; Code segment _TEXT SEGMENT START: ; Convert the string     PUSH  OFFSET STR1     PUSH  OFFSET STR1     CALL  CharToOemA@8 ; Create a console ; First, release the existing console     CALL  FreeConsole@0     CALL  AllocConsole@0 ; Get the HANDL1 input handle     PUSH  STD_INPUT_HANDLE     CALL  GetStdHandle@4     MOV   HANDL1, EAX ; Get the HANDL output handle     PUSH  STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE     CALL  GetStdHandle@4     MOV   HANDL, EAX ; Set the new size of the console window     MOV   CRD.X, 100     MOV   CRD.Y, 25     PUSH  CRD     PUSH  EAX     CALL  SetConsoleScreenBufferSize@8 ; Specify the console window header     PUSH  OFFSET STR2     CALL  SetConsoleTitleA@4 ; Set the cursor position     MOV   CRD.X, 0     MOV   CRD.Y, 10     PUSH  CRD     PUSH  HANDL     CALL  SetConsoleCursorPosition@8 ; Set the color attributes of the text being displayed     PUSH  COL1     PUSH  HANDL     CALL  SetConsoleTextAttribute@8 ; Output the string     PUSH  OFFSET STR1     CALL  LENSTR ; EBX contains the string length     PUSH  0     PUSH  OFFSET LENS     PUSH  EBX     PUSH  OFFSET STR1     PUSH  HANDL     CALL  WriteConsoleA@20 ; Wait for string input     PUSH  0     PUSH  OFFSET LENS     PUSH  200,     PUSH  OFFSET BUF     PUSH  HANDL1     CALL  ReadConsoleA@20 ; Display the entered string ; First, specify the color attributes of the displayed text     PUSH  COL2     PUSH  HANDL     CALL  SetConsoleTextAttribute@8 ;------------------     PUSH  0     PUSH  OFFSET LENS     PUSH  [LENS] ; Length of the entered string     PUSH  OFFSET BUF     PUSH  HANDL     CALL  WriteConsoleA@20 ; A small delay     MOV ECX, 01FFFFFFFH L1:     LOOP  L1 ; Close the console     CALL  FreeConsole@0     CALL  ExitProcess@4 ; String   [EBP+08H] ; Length is in EBX LENSTR PROC     ENTER 0, 0     PUSH  EAX ;----------------------     CLD     MOV   EDI, DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]     MOV   EBX, EDI     MOV   ECX, 100 ; Limit the string length     XOR   AL, AL     REPNE SCASB ; Find the 0 character     SUB   EDI, EBX ; String length including 0     MOV   EBX, EDI     DEC   EBX ;----------------------     POP   EAX     LEAVE     RET   4 LENSTR ENDP _TEXT ENDS END START 
image from book

Listing 8.3 contains two functions in addition to the ones that I have described. These are the SetConsoleCursorPosition and SetConsoleScreenBufferSize functions. The SetConsoleCursorPosition function is used to set the cursor position. With this function, everything is clear and obvious. The SetConsoleScreenBufferSize function is less self-evident. It sets the size of the console window buffer. This cannot decrease the size of an already existing buffer (the existing window); it can only increase it.

Note that in the LENSTR function you are now using the ENTER-LEAVE pair of commands (see Chapter 2) instead of traditional combinations, such as PUSH BP/ MOV BP, SP/ SUB SP, N - MOV SP, BP/ POP BP . Honestly, the ENTER-LEAVE pair doesn't provide any particular advantage. It's simply time to extend your available fund of commands.

[i] As you/probably understand, for an assembler, practically all parameters have the DWORD type. By their meaning, however, they are either addresses or values. Therefore, it is much easier to list them by specifying their meaning rather than writing a function in C notation.

The Assembly Programming Master Book
The Assembly Programming Master Book
ISBN: 8170088178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 140
Authors: Vlad Pirogov © 2008-2017.
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