RTCP Packet Formats

Five types of RTCP packets are defined in the RTP specification: receiver report (RR), sender report (SR), source description (SDES), membership management (BYE), and application-defined (APP). They all follow a common structure ” illustrated in Figure 5.1 ”although the format-specific information changes depending on the type of packet.

Figure 5.1. The Basic RTCP Packet Format


The header that all five packet types have in common is four octets in length, comprising five fields:

  1. Version number (V) . The version number is always 2 for the current version of RTP. There are no plans to introduce new versions, and previous versions are not in widespread use.

  2. Padding (P) . The padding bit indicates that the packet has been padded out beyond its natural size. If this bit is set, one or more octets of padding have been added to the end of this packet, and the last octet contains a count of the number of padding octets added. Its use is much the same as the padding bit in RTP data packets, which was discussed in Chapter 4, RTP Data Transfer Protocol, in the section titled Padding. Incorrect use of the padding bit has been a common problem with RTCP implementations ; the correct usage is described in the sections titled Packing Issues and Packet Validation later in this chapter.

  3. Item count (IC) . Some packet types contain a list of items, perhaps in addition to some fixed, type-specific information. The item count field is used by these packet types to indicate the number of items included in the packet (the field has different names in different packet types depending on its use). Up to 31 items may be included in each RTCP packet, limited also by the maximum transmission unit of the network. If more than 31 items are needed, the application must generate multiple RTCP packets. An item count of zero indicates that the list of items is empty (this does not necessarily mean that the packet is empty). Packet types that don't need an item count may use this field for other purposes.

  4. Packet type (PT) . The packet type identifies the type of information carried in the packet. Five standard packet types are defined in the RTP specification; other types may be defined in the future (for example, to report additional statistics or to convey other source-specific information).

  5. Length . The length field denotes the length of the packet contents following the common header. It is measured in units of 32-bit words because all RTCP packets are multiples of 32 bits in length, so counting octets would only allow the possibility of inconsistency. Zero is a valid length, indicating that the packet consists of only the four-octet header (the IC header field will also be zero in this case).

Following the RTCP header is the packet data (the format of which depends on the packet type) and optional padding. The combination of header and data is an RTCP packet. The five standard types of RTCP packets are described in the sections that follow.

RTCP packets are never transported individually; instead they are always grouped together for transmission, forming compound packets. Each compound packet is encapsulated in a single lower-layer packet ”often a UDP/IP packet ”for transport. If the compound packet is to be encrypted, the group of RTCP packets is prefixed by a 32-bit random value. The structure of a compound packet is illustrated in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. Format of a Compound RTCP Packet


A set of rules governs the order in which RTCP packets are grouped to form a compound packet. These rules are described later in the chapter, in the section titled Packing Issues, after the five types of RTCP packets have been described in more detail.

RTCP RR: Receiver Reports

One of the primary uses of RTCP is reception quality reporting, which is accomplished through RTCP receiver report (RR) packets, which are sent by all participants who receive data.


A receiver report packet is identified by a packet type of 201 and has the format illustrated in Figure 5.3. A receiver report packet contains the SSRC (synchronization source) of the participant who is sending the report (the reporter SSRC ) followed by zero or more report blocks, denoted by the RC field.

Figure 5.3. Format of an RTCP RR Packet


Many RTCP packet types have a structure similar to that of receiver reports, with a list of items following the fixed part of the packet. Note that the fixed part of the packet remains even if the list of items is empty, implying that a receiver report with no report blocks will have RC=0 , but Length=1 , corresponding to the four-octet fixed RTCP header plus the four-octet reporter SSRC.

Each report block describes the reception quality of a single synchronization source from which the reporter has received RTP packets during the current reporting interval. A total of 31 report blocks can be in each RTCP RR packet. If there are more than 31 active senders, the receiver should send multiple RR packets in a compound packet. Each report block has seven fields, for a total of 24 octets.

The reportee SSRC identifies the participant to whom this report block pertains. The statistics in the report block denote the quality of reception for the reportee synchronization source, as received at the participant generating the RR packet.

The cumulative number of packets lost is a 24-bit signed integer denoting the number of packets expected, less the number of packets actually received. The number of packets expected is defined to be the extended last sequence number received, less the initial sequence number received. The number of packets received includes any that are late or duplicated , and hence may be greater than the number expected, so the cumulative number of packets lost may be negative. The cumulative number of packets lost is calculated for the entire duration of the session, not per interval. This field saturates at the maximum positive value of 0x7FFFFF if more packets than that are lost during the session.

Many of the RTCP statistics are maintained for the duration of the session, rather than per reporting interval. If an SSRC collision occurs, however, or if there is a very large gap in the sequence number space, such that the receiver cannot tell whether the fields may have wrapped, then the statistics are reset to zero.

The extended highest sequence number received in the RTP data packets from this synchronization source is calculated as discussed in Chapter 4, RTP Data Transfer Protocol, in the section titled Sequence Number. Because of possible packet reordering , this is not necessarily the extended sequence number of the last RTP packet received. The extended highest sequence number is calculated per session, not per interval.

The loss fraction is defined as the number of packets lost in this reporting interval, divided by the number expected. The loss fraction is expressed as a fixed-point number with the binary point at the left edge of the field, which is equivalent to the integer part after multiplying the loss fraction by 256 (that is, if 1/4 of the packets were lost, the loss fraction would be 1/4 x 256 = 64). If the number of packets received is greater than the number expected, because of the presence of duplicates, making the number of packets lost negative, then the loss fraction is set to zero.

The interarrival jitter is an estimate of the statistical variance in network transit time for the data packets sent by the reportee synchronization source. Interarrival jitter is measured in timestamp units, so it is expressed as a 32-bit unsigned integer, like the RTP timestamp.

To calculate the variance in network transit time, it is necessary to measure the transit time. Because sender and receiver typically do not have synchronized clocks, however, it is not possible to measure the absolute transit time. Instead the relative transit time is calculated as the difference between a packet's RTP timestamp and the receiver's RTP clock at the time of arrival, measured in the same units. This calculation requires the receiver to maintain a clock for each source, running at the same nominal rate as the media clock for that source, from which to derive these relative timestamps. (This clock may be the receiver's local playout clock, if that runs at the same rate as the source clocks.) Because of the lack of synchronization between the clocks of sender and receiver, the relative transit time includes an unknown constant offset. This is not a problem, because we are interested only in the variation in transit time: the difference in spacing between two packets at the receiver versus the spacing when they left the sender. In the following computation the constant offset due to unsynchronized clocks is accounted for by the subtraction.

If S i is the RTP timestamp from packet i , and R i is the time of arrival in RTP timestamp units for packet i , then the relative transit time is ( R i S i ), and for two packets, i and j , the difference in relative transit time may be expressed as


Note that the timestamps, R x and S x , are 32-bit unsigned integers, whereas D ( i , j ) is a signed quantity. The calculation is performed with modulo arithmetic (in C, this means that the timestamps are of type unsigned int , provided that sizeof(unsigned int) == 4 ).

The interarrival jitter is calculated as each data packet is received, using the difference in relative transit times D ( i , j ) for that packet and the previous packet received (which is not necessarily the previous packet in sequence number order). The jitter is maintained as a moving average, according to the following formula:


Whenever a reception report is generated, the current value of J i for the reportee SSRC is included as the interarrival jitter.

The last sender report ( LSR ) timestamp is the middle 32 bits out of the 64-bit NTP (Network Time Protocol) format timestamp included in the most recent RTCP SR packet received from the reportee SSRC. If no SR has been received yet, the field is set to zero.

The delay since last sender report ( DLSR ) is the delay, expressed in units of 1/65,536 seconds, between receiving the last SR packet from the reportee SSRC and sending this reception report block. If no SR packet has been received from the reportee SSRC, the DLSR field is set to zero.


The reception quality feedback in RR packets is useful not only for the sender, but also for other participants and third-party monitoring tools. The feedback provided in RR packets can allow the sender to adapt its transmissions according to the feedback. In addition, other participants can determine whether problems are local or common to several receivers, and network managers may use monitors that receive only the RTCP packets to evaluate the performance of their networks.

A sender can use the LSR and DLSR fields to calculate the round-trip time between it and each receiver. On receiving an RR packet pertaining to it, the sender subtracts the LSR field from the current time, to give the delay between sending the SR and receiving this RR. The sender then subtracts the DLSR field to remove the offset introduced by the delay in the receiver, to get the network round-trip time. The process is shown in Figure 5.4, an example taken from the RTP specification. (Note that RFC 1889 contains an error in this example, which has been corrected in the new version of the RTP specification.)

Figure 5.4. Sample Round-Trip Time (RTT) Computation.


Note that the calculated value is the network round-trip time, and it excludes any processing at the endpoints. For example, the receiver must buffer the data to smooth the effects of jitter before it can play the media (see Chapter 6, Media Capture, Playout, and Timing).

The round-trip time is important in interactive applications because delay hinders interactivity. Studies have shown that it is difficult to conduct conversations when the total round-trip time exceeds about 300 milliseconds 61 (this number is approximate and depends on the listener and the task being performed). A sender may use knowledge of the round-trip time to optimize the media encoding ”for example, by generating packets that contain less data to reduce packetization delays ”or to drive the use of error correction codes (see Chapter 9, Error Correction).

The fraction lost gives an indication of the short-term packet loss rates to a receiver. By watching trends in the reported statistics, a sender can judge whether the loss is a transient or a long-term effect. Many of the statistics in RR packets are cumulative values, to allow long- term averaging. Differences can be calculated between any two RR packets, making measurements over both short and long periods possible and giving resilience to the loss of reports.

For example, the packet loss rate over the interval between RR packets can be derived from the cumulative statistics, as well as being directly reported. The difference in the cumulative number of packets lost gives the number lost during that interval, and the difference in the extended last sequence numbers gives the number of packets expected during the interval. The ratio of these values is the fraction of packets lost. This number should be equal to the fraction lost field in the RR packet if the calculation is done with consecutive RR packets, but the ratio also gives an estimate of the loss fraction if one or more RR packets have been lost, and it can show negative loss when there are duplicate packets. The advantage of the fraction lost field is that it provides loss information from a single RR packet. This is useful in very large sessions, in which the reporting interval is long enough that two RR packets may not have been received.

Loss rates can be used to influence the choice of media format and error protection coding used (see Chapter 9, Error Correction). In particular, a higher loss rate indicates that a more loss-tolerant format should be used, and that, if possible, the data rate should be reduced (because most loss is caused by congestion; see Chapter 2, Voice and Video Communication over Packet Networks, and Chapter 10, Congestion Control).

The jitter field may also be used to detect the onset of congestion: A sudden increase in jitter will often precede the onset of packet loss. This effect depends on the network topology and the number of flows, with high degrees of statistical multiplexing reducing the correlation between increased jitter and the onset of packet congestion.

Senders should be aware that the jitter estimate depends on packets being sent with spacing that matches their timestamp. If the sender delays some packets, that delay will be counted as part of the network jitter. This can be an issue with video, where multiple packets are often generated with the same timestamp but are spaced for transmission rather than being sent as a burst. This is not necessarily a problem, because the jitter measure still gives an indication of the amount of buffer space that the receiver will require (because the buffer space needs to accommodate both the jitter and the spacing delay).

RTCP SR: Sender Reports

In addition to reception quality reports from receivers, RTCP conveys sender report (SR) packets sent by participants that have recently sent data. These provide information on the media being sent, primarily so that receivers can synchronize multiple media streams (for example, to lipsync audio and video).


A sender report packet is identified by a packet type of 200 and has the format illustrated in Figure 5.5. The payload contains a 24-octet sender information block followed by zero or more receiver report blocks, denoted by the RC field, exactly as if this were a receiver report packet. Receiver report blocks are present when the sender is also a receiver.

Figure 5.5. Format of an RTCP SR Packet


The NTP timestamp is a 64-bit unsigned value that indicates the time at which this RTCP SR packet was sent. It is in the format of an NTP timestamp, counting seconds since January 1, 1900, in the upper 32 bits, with the lower 32 bits representing fractions of a second (that is, a 64-bit fixed-point value, with the binary point after 32 bits). To convert a UNIX timestamp (seconds since 1970) to NTP time, add 2,208,988,800 seconds.

Although the NTP timestamp in RTCP SR packets uses the format of an NTP timestamp, the clock does not have to be synchronized with the Network Time Protocol or have any particular accuracy, resolution, or stability. For a receiver to synchronize two media streams, however, those streams must be related to the same clock . The Network Time Protocol 5 is occasionally useful for synchronizing the sending clocks, although it is needed only if the media streams to be synchronized are generated by different systems. These issues are discussed further in Chapter 7, Lip Synchronization.

The RTP timestamp corresponds to the same instant as the NTP timestamp, but it is expressed in the units of the RTP media clock. The value is generally not the same as the RTP timestamp of the previous data packet, because some time will have elapsed since the data in that packet was sampled. Figure 5.6 shows an example of the SR packet timestamps. The SR packet has the RTP timestamp corresponding to the time at which it is sent, which does not correspond to either of the surrounding RTP data packets.

Figure 5.6. Use of Timestamps in RTCP SR Packets


The sender's packet count is the number of data packets that this synchronization source has generated since the beginning of the session. The sender's octet count is the number of octets contained in the payload of those data packets (not including the headers or any padding).

The packet count and octet count fields are reset if a sender changes its SSRC (for example, because of a collision). They will eventually wrap around if the source continues to transmit for a long time, but generally this is not a problem. Subtraction of an older value from a newer value will give the correct result if 32-bit modulo arithmetic is used and no more than 2 32 counts occurred in between, even if there was a wrap-around (in C, this means that the counters are of type unsigned int , as long as sizeof(unsigned int) == 4 ). The packet and octet counts enable receivers to calculate the average data rate of the source.


From the SR information, an application can calculate the average payload data rate and the average packet rate over an interval without receiving the data. The ratio of the two is the average payload size. If it can be assumed that packet loss is independent of packet size, the number of packets received by a particular receiver, multiplied by the average payload size (or the corresponding packet size), gives the apparent throughput available to that receiver.

The timestamps are used to generate a correspondence between media clocks and a known external reference (the NTP format clock). This makes lip synchronization possible, as explained in Chapter 7.

RTCP SDES: Source Description

RTCP can also be used to convey source description (SDES) packets that provide participant identification and supplementary details, such as location, e-mail address, and telephone number. The information in SDES packets is typically entered by the user and is often displayed in the graphical user interface of an application, although this depends on the nature of the application (for example, a system providing a gateway from the telephone system into RTP might use the SDES packets to convey caller ID).


Each source description packet has the format illustrated in Figure 5.7 and uses RTCP packet type 202. SDES packets comprise zero or more lists of SDES items, the exact number denoted by the SC header field, each of which contains information on a single source.

Figure 5.7. Format of an RTCP SDES Packet


It is possible for an application to generate packets with empty lists of SDES items, in which case the SC and length fields in the RTCP common header will both be zero. In normal use, SC is equal to one (mixers and translators that are aggregating forwarded information will generate packets with larger lists of SDES items).

Each list of SDES items starts with the SSRC of the source being described, followed by one or more entries with the format shown in Figure 5.8. Each entry starts with a type and a length field, then the item text itself in UTF-8 format. 13 The length field indicates how many octets of text are present; the text is not null- terminated .

Figure 5.8. Format of an SDES Item


The entries in each SDES item are packed into the packet in a continuous manner, with no separation or padding. The list of items is terminated by one or more null octets, the first of which is interpreted as an item of type zero to denote the end of the list. No length octet follows the null item type octet, but additional null octets must be included if needed to pad until a 32-bit boundary is reached. Note that this padding is separate from that indicated by the P bit in the RTCP header. A list with zero items (four null octets) is valid but useless.

Several types of SDES items are defined in the RTP specification, and others may be defined by future profiles. Item type zero is reserved and indicates the end of the list of items. The other standard item types are CNAME, NAME , EMAIL, PHONE, LOC, TOOL, NOTE, and PRIV.


The CNAME item (type = 1) provides a canonical name (CNAME) for each participant. It provides a stable and persistent identifier, independent of the synchronization source (because the SSRC will change if an application restarts or if an SSRC collision occurs). The CNAME can be used to associate multiple media streams from a participant across different RTP sessions (for example, to associate voice and video that need to be synchronized), and to name a participant across restarts of a media tool. It is the only mandatory SDES item; all implementations are required to send SDES CNAME items.

The CNAME is allocated algorithmically from the user name and host IP address of the participant. For example, if the author were using an IPv4-based application, the CNAME might be csp@ . IPv6 applications use the colon -separated numeric form of the address. 16 If the application is running on a system with no notion of user names, the host IP address only is used (with no user name or @ symbol).

As long as each participant joins only a single RTP session ”or a related set of sessions that are intended to be synchronized ”the use of user name and host IP address is sufficient to generate a consistent unique identifier. If media streams from multiple hosts , or from multiple users, are to be synchronized, then the senders of those streams must collude to generate a consistent CNAME (which typically is the one chosen algorithmically by one of the participants).

The use of private addresses and Network Address Translation (NAT) means that IP addresses are no longer globally unique. For lip synchronization and other uses of associated RTP sessions to operate correctly through Network Address Translation, the translator must also translate the RTCP CNAME to a unique form when crossing domain boundaries. This translation must be consistent across multiple RTP streams.

The NAME item (type = 2) conveys the participant's name and is intended primarily to be displayed in lists of participants as part of the user interface. This value is typically entered by the user, so applications should not assume anything about its value; in particular, it should not be assumed to be unique.

The EMAIL item (type = 3) conveys the e-mail address of a participant formatted as in RFC 822 2 ”for example, jdoe@example.com. Sending applications should attempt to validate that the EMAIL value is a syntactically correct e-mail address before including it in an SDES item; receivers cannot assume that it is a valid address.

The PHONE item (type = 4) conveys the telephone number of a participant. The RTP specification recommends that this be a complete international number, with a plus sign replacing the international access code (for example, +1 918 555 1212 for a number in the United States), but many implementations allow users to enter this value with no check on format.

The LOC item (type = 5) conveys the location of the participant. Many implementations allow the user to enter the value directly, but it is possible to convey location in any format. For example, an implementation could be linked to the Global Positioning System and include GPS coordinates as its location.

The TOOL item (type = 6) indicates the RTP implementation ”the tool ”in use by the participant. This field is intended for debugging and marketing purposes. It should include the name and version number of the implementation. Typically the user is not able to edit the contents of this field.

The NOTE item (type = 7) allows the participant to make a brief statement about anything. It works well for a "back in five minutes" type of note, but it is not really suitable for instant messaging, because of the potentially long delay between RTCP packets.

PRIV items (type = 8) are a private extension mechanism, used to define experimental or application-specific SDES extensions. The text of the item begins with an additional single-octet length field and prefix string, followed by a value string that fills the remainder of the item. The intention is that the initial prefix names the extension and is followed by the value of that extension. PRIV items are rarely used; extensions can more efficiently be managed if new SDES item types are defined.

The CNAME is the only SDES item that applications are required to transmit. An implementation should be prepared to receive any of the SDES items, even if it ignores them. There are various privacy issues with SDES (see the section titled Security and Privacy later in this chapter), which means that an implementation should not send any information in addition to the CNAME unless the user has explicitly authorized it to do so.

Figure 5.9 shows an example of a complete RTCP source description packet containing CNAME and NAME items. Note the use of padding at the end of the list of SDES items, to ensure that the packet fits into a multiple of 32 bits.

Figure 5.9. A Sample SDES Packet



When implementing a parser for SDES packets, you should remember three important points:

  1. The text of SDES items is not null-terminated, implying that manipulating SDES items in languages that assume null-terminated strings requires care. In C, for example, SDES items should be manipulated with strncpy () , which allow strings up to a specified length to be copied (use of strcpy () is inappropriate because the text is not null-terminated). Care-less implementations may be susceptible to buffer overflow attacks, which are a serious security risk.

  2. The text of SDES items is in UTF-8 format; local character sets require conversion before use. It is often necessary to query the locale in use on the system, and to convert between the system character set and UTF-8. Some applications inadvertently generate SDES packets with the wrong character set; an implementation should be robust to this mistake (for example, if the use of an incorrect character set causes the UTF-8 parser to produce an invalid Unicode character).

  3. The text of SDES items may be entered by the user and cannot be trusted to have safe values. In particular, it may contain metacharacters that have undesirable side effects. For example, some user interface scripting languages allow command substitution to be triggered by metacharacters, potentially giving an attacker the means to execute arbitrary code. Implementers should take steps to ensure safe handling of SDES data in their environment.

RTCP BYE: Membership Control

RTCP provides for loose membership control through RTCP BYE packets, which indicate that some participants have left the session. A BYE packet is generated when a participant leaves the session, or when it changes its SSRC ”for example, because of a collision. BYE packets may be lost in transit, and some applications do not generate them; so a receiver must be prepared to time out participants who have not been heard from for some time, even if no BYE has been received from them.

The significance of a BYE packet depends, to some extent, on the application. It always indicates that a participant is leaving the RTP session, but there may also be a signaling relationship between the participants (for example, SIP, RTSP, or H.323). An RTCP BYE packet does not terminate any other relationship between the participants.

BYE packets are identified by packet type 203 and have the format shown in Figure 5.10. The RC field in the common RTCP header indicates the number of SSRC identifiers in the packet. A value of zero is valid but useless. On receiving a BYE packet, an implementation should assume that the listed sources have left the session and ignore any further RTP and RTCP packets from that source. It is important to keep state for departing participants for some time after a BYE has been received, to allow for delayed data packets.

Figure 5.10. Format of an RTCP BYE Packet


The section titled Participant Database later in this chapter further describes the state maintenance issues relating to timeout of participants and RTCP BYE packets.

A BYE packet may also contain text indicating the reason for leaving a session, suitable for display in the user interface. This text is optional, but an implementation must be prepared to receive it (even though the text may be ignored).

RTCP APP: Application-Defined RTCP Packets

The final class of RTCP packet (APP) allows for application-defined extensions. It has packet type 204, and the format shown in Figure 5.11. The application-defined packet name is a four-character prefix intended to uniquely identify this extension, with each character being chosen from the ASCII character set, and uppercase and lowercase characters being treated as distinct. It is recommended that the packet name be chosen to match the application it represents, with the choice of subtype values being coordinated by the application. The remainder of the packet is application-specific.

Figure 5.11. Format of an RTCP APP Packet


Application-defined packets are used for nonstandard extensions to RTCP, and for experimentation with new features. The intent is that experimenters use APP as a first place to try new features, and then register new packet types if the features have wider use. Several applications generate APP packets, and implementations should be prepared to ignore unrecognized APP packets.

Packing Issues

As noted earlier, RTCP packets are never sent individually, but rather are packed into a compound packet for transmission. Various rules govern the structure of compound packets, as detailed next .

If the participant generating the compound RTCP packet is an active data sender, the compound must start with an RTCP SR packet. Otherwise it must start with an RTCP RR packet. This is true even if no data has been sent or received, in which case the SR/RR packet contains no receiver report blocks (the RC header field is zero). On the other hand, if data is received from many sources and there are too many reports to fit into a single SR/RR packet, the compound should begin with an SR/RR packet followed by several RR packets.

Following the SR/RR packet is an SDES packet. This packet must include a CNAME item, and it may include other items. The frequency of inclusion of the other (non-CNAME) SDES items is determined by the RTP profile in use. For example, the audio/video profile 7 specifies that other items may be included with every third compound RTCP packet sent, with a NAME item being sent seven out of eight times within that slot and the remaining SDES cyclically taking up the eighth slot. Other profiles may specify different choices.

BYE packets, when ready for transmission, must be placed as the last packet in a compound. Other RTCP packets to be sent may be included in any order. These strict ordering rules are intended to make packet validation easier because it is highly unlikely that a misdirected packet will meet these constraints.

A potentially difficult issue in the generation of compound RTCP packets is how to handle sessions with larger numbers of active senders. If there are more than 31 active senders, it is necessary to include additional RR packets within the compound. This may be repeated as often as is required, up to the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the network. If there are so many senders that the receiver reports cannot all fit within the MTU, the receiver reports for some senders must be omitted. In that case, reports that are omitted should be included in the next compound packet generated (requiring a receiver to keep track of the sources reported on in each interval).

A similar issue arises when the SDES items to be included within the packet exceed the maximum packet size. The trade-off between including additional receiver reports and including source description information is left to the implementation. There is no single correct solution.

Sometimes it is necessary to pad a compound RTCP packet out beyond its natural size. In such cases the padding is added to the last RTCP packet in the compound only, and the P bit is set in that last packet. Padding is an area where some implementations are incorrect; the section titled Packet Validation later in this chapter discusses common problems.

RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet
ISBN: 0672322498
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 108
Authors: Colin Perkins

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