

IBM, 621–623

collaboration with Microsoft for WSDL, 605–608

participant in UDDI development, 608–610

Web Services Test Area, 622–623

Web Services Toolkit, 622

WebSphere Application Server, 622

in XAML consortium, 614

IBM Visual Age for Java for Windows, 284, 289

building application interface in Visual Composition editor, 524–525

CompoundInterestWS class as viewed in, 299

downloading, 282

exporting servlet in, 308–311

standard doGet method in, 290, 291

standard doPost method in, 290, 291

testing mortgage calculator servlet in, 293

IBM XML Parser for Java, 283–284

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 34

Identifying Information screen (Certificate Server), 354

IDL (Interface Definition Language), 225

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 598

if element (XSLT), 171, 175–176

IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol), 12

IIS (Internet Information Services), 346–350

Certificate Trust List wizard, 362, 363–364

creating site for Web service in, 346–347

Internet Services Manager console, 347

setting security properties in, 361

starting Virtual Directory Creation wizard, 347–350


certificate security, 352–365

data transformations with XSLT, 187–189

DTDs in document, 92–93

SAX routines, 165–167

schemas, 129–136

XML data transformations with XSLT, 187–189

implementing hotel reservation system, 455–516

building hotel detail view, 491–497

building test client, 462–465

clsListener as processRequest, 457–459

components of base service functionality, 455–456

developing presentation model for isolated service consumers, 514–516

HRSWS component, 455, 456–460

HRSWS database, 455, 466–470

listener, 455, 461

processRequest validation logic, 456, 470–474

reservation form, 497–501

reservation request, 501–510

session model tables, 456

See also base service for hotel reservation system

implicit namespace references, 96

infrastructure, selecting for mortgage loan calculator Web service, 284

insertBefore method (DOM), 155

instruction-oriented Web services, 209–213

style of, 214–215

validation of, 219

integrated hotel availability interaction schema, 412

integrating Web services, 53, 54

integration layer

calling multiple Web services with, 56–58

creating for hotel reservation system consumer, 560–565

designing for mortgage calculator Web service consumer, 541

designing for weather Web service consumer, 521–524

integration model for Web services, 18–21

integration/interface layer of logical architecture, 51, 54–55

Interface Definition Language (IDL), 225

interface layer, 397–452

availability form schema map (HRSWS), 424

availability request schema for hotel reservations in, 403, 405–414

designing availability form for isolated interactions, 425–437

designing service variables for embedded and isolated Web services, 400

developing two views of hotel reservation system, 399–400

diagram of embedded interface schema hierarchy, 421, 422

diagram of isolated interface schema hierarchy, 443

embedded Web services in, 402

function of Web service, 54–55, 397–399

hierarchical schema map of HRSWS, 401–402

hotel detail response schema in, 414–415

hotel detail view schema in, 414–416

hotel reservation request schema map in, 404, 416–421

isolated Web service interactions, 422

listener design for hotel reservation system, 443–447

as presentation layer, 46

reservation form for isolated interactions, 438–443

responder for hotel reservation system, 448–451

schema maps for isolated service interactions, 423–425

interface model, 225–257

defining processes in, 226–241

designing efficient responses for workflow process, 237–241

dynamic payloads, 247–257

for hotel reservation system, 373–390

identifying process flow in hotel reservation system, 373–378

for mortgage calculator Web service, 282

overview, 225

payloads, 241–242

static payloads, 242–247

for static Web services call, 325

for Web services call, 227–228

workflow process, 228–233

See also payloads; workflows


defining Web service with, 444

designing for weather Web service, 325–332

designing mortgage calculator service response to consumer, 287

developing mortgage calculator application consumer, 542–544

DOM node, 141–142

doubling as data definition, 398

exposing applications through, 8

input interfaces for isolated Web services, 198

methods of XMLReader, 164–165

programmatic vs. user, 9

SAX contentHandler interface, 163, 164

types of request/response processes, 9–11

See also user interface

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 598

Internet Information Services. See IIS

Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), 12

Internet Protocol (IP), 33

Internet Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI), 322–323

Internet Services Manager console (IIS), 347

invoking Web services

in hotel reservation system consumer methods, 580, 587

with hotel reservation system consumer methods, 580, 587

for mortgage calculator Web service consumer, 545–546

for weather Web service consumer, 528, 529–530

for Web service consumers, 528

IP (Internet Protocol), 33

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Program Interface), 322–323

isolated Web services, 422–443

adding XSL stylesheet references in hotel reservation system, 516

combining with embedded Web services, 389–390

creating hotel reservation availability form for, 425–437

defining presentation service options for, 203–204

designing hotel reservation systems for embedded and, 399–400

diagram of interface schema hierarchy for, 443

exposure level of, 196–199

hotel reservation availability form for, 474–478

implementing presentation model for hotel reservation system, 514–516

masked vs., 197

modified process flow for hotel reservation system, 377

payloads for, 387–389

process flow without confirmation interaction, 442

reservation form for hotel reservation system, 438–443

sample response for availability form, 475–478

schema maps for hotel reservation system, 423–425

service variables for embedded and, 400

storyboard for user interface, 372–373

types of input interfaces for, 198

workflow for embedded and, 374

See also availability form

isSupported method (DOM), 155

Architecting Web Services
Architecting Web Services
ISBN: 1893115585
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 77 © 2008-2017.
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