Chapter 10. Levels of Detail (LODs)CD Files Kila_Texture.mb Kila_Pose.mb Kila_LOD_Prep.mb Kila_LOD_Active.mb Grae_Texture.mb Grae_Pose.mb Grae_LOD_Prep.mb Grae_LOD_Active.mb KilaBody.tga KilaHair.tga KilaHead.tga GraeBody.tga GraeBody_Bump.tga GraeBody_Spec.tga GraeMisc.tga GraeMisc_Bump.tga GraeMisc_Spec.tga GraeWing.tga NOW THAT OUR characters are complete, including textures, and have been signed off by our managers, we can proceed to generate the level of detail (LOD) models needed to preserve processing power. As we have already discussed (mainly in Chapter 5, "Model Optimization"), saving processor power and memory is very important when creating computer games. Here in Chapter 10 we will demonstrate how to gradually reduce a character to its lowest resolution, efficiently optimizing the model to get the various levels of detail needed in the game. |