By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner 1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
DocBook: The Definitive Guide | ||
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The %isoamsb; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:
ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN
The following character entities are defined in this entity set:
Entity | Unicode # | Glyph | ISO Description |
amalg | amalgamation or coproduct | ||
Barwed | 22BC | Nand | |
barwed | 22BC | Nand | |
Cap | 22D2 | Double intersection | |
Cup | 22D3 | Double union | |
cuvee | 22CE | Curly logical or | |
cuwed | 22CF | Curly logical and | |
diam | 22C4 | Diamond operator | |
divonx | 22C7 | Division times | |
intcal | 22BA | Intercalate | |
lthree | 22CB | Left semidirect product | |
ltimes | 22C9 | Left normal factor semidirect product | |
minusb | 229F | Squared minus | |
oast | 229B | Circled asterisk operator | |
ocir | 229A | Circled ring operator | |
odash | 229D | Circled dash | |
odot | 2299 | Circled dot operator | |
ominus | 2296 | Circled minus | |
oplus | 2295 | Circled plus | |
osol | 2298 | Circled division slash | |
otimes | 2297 | Circled times | |
plusb | 229E | Squared plus | |
plusdo | 2214 | Dot plus | |
rthree | 22CC | Right semidirect product | |
rtimes | 22CA | Right normal factor semidirect product | |
sdot | 22C5 | Dot operator | |
sdotb | 22A1 | Squared dot operator | |
setmn | 2216 | Set minus | |
sqcap | 2293 | Square cap | |
sqcup | 2294 | Square cup | |
ssetmn | sm reverse solidus | ||
sstarf | 22C6 | Star operator | |
timesb | 22A0 | Squared times | |
top | 22A4 | Down tack | |
uplus | 228E | Multiset union | |
wreath | 2240 | Wreath product | |
xcirc | 25EF | Large circle | |
xdtri | 25BD | White down-pointing triangle | |
xutri | 25B3 | White up-pointing triangle | |
coprod | 2210 | N-ary coproduct | |
prod | 220F | N-ary product | |
sum | 2211 | N-ary summation |
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Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations Character Entities (%isoamsa;) | Up | Added Math Symbols: Delimiters Character Entities (%isoamsc;) |
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